Chapter 255: 【Who moved my pearl】

Luo Wei was stunned for a moment, and then saw the increasingly charming expressions of the two female snow demons, and immediately reacted.

Is the Snow Demon clan used to serving the Frost Giants, why do they have to do this as soon as they come up?

"Don't worry, I don't have to worry about my journey, I just go back to my life." Luo Wei shied away.

Patriarch Sommer repeatedly hoped that he could rest here for a night to experience the "ice and snow style", but Luo Wei refused several times.

Finally Sommer said, "In that case, let's give a gift to express our hearts."

Immediately, he brought an ice box, opened it and found four snow-white pearls in it, shining brightly: "This is a special snow pearl of our clan. It can be ground into powder and applied, which can nourish the skin and have an extraordinary effect. Or it can be made into jewelry. , is also a good choice.”

The four pearls were round and white. Luo Wei did not refuse this time, but accepted the gift: "Thank you."

Then he left the Snow Demon Tribe, turned back the same way, and headed for the camp.

After Rowe left, a snow demon asked Sommer, "Patriarch, do we really want to join forces with the Asgardians?"

"Otherwise, do you want us to continue to be the slaves of the Frost Giants?" Sommer snorted, and then said, "Destroy or drive away the Frost Giants, we are the masters of this planet."

The other party sighed: "I'm afraid that Asgard will also enslave us... For example, when they built the Golden Palace, they also drove slaves to do it. These big countries are all the same thing in the end."

"Big country? Do you think it's not a small country? We have bullied weaker races ourselves." Sommer said disapprovingly.

After a pause, he continued: "Anyway, the Asgardians are definitely not interested in Jotunheim. Destroying the Frost Giant will at least expand our living space here."

"The worst case scenario should be no worse than it is now."

The two chatted for a while without a word, and suddenly a snow monster flew in in a panic.

"What happened?" asked Patriarch Sommer.

"Bye... Byrest!" The snow demon panted and said in a panic, "Byrest Lawfeison is here!"

Sommer was shocked and hurriedly went out, and immediately saw a group of frost giants walking towards this side. In the middle was a tall young man with a long knife in his hand. His appearance was somewhat similar to that of the Frost King Lau Fei.

This tall frost giant youth is naturally Lau Fei's eldest son, Byrest.

"Lord Byrest!" All the snow monsters knelt on the ground one after another, not daring to raise their heads, and even more respectful.

Byrest walked up to Sommer, patted his head like a dog, and asked, "Have I got all the snow pearls I want?"

"This...this..." Sommer stammered, "Lord Byrest, didn't you say you'll get it in a month?"

"I'm talking about a month at most." Byrest waved the big knife in his hand, and all the snow monsters froze, "There are only two missing, haven't you got them together yet? How many are missing now?"

"Poor... four short." Sommer's voice trembled, "I lost a few accidentally yesterday."

"Lost?" Byrest stared, "This is the birthday present I prepared for my mother!"

Sommer was drenched in cold sweat and said quickly, "Don't worry, we will get it together as soon as possible."

"Who lost it?" Byrest said suddenly.

"This..." Sommer was speechless for a moment.

"Who lost my pearl?" Byrest asked again, leaning a little closer to Sommer while leaning the knife on the ground.

The sharp long knife pierced the ice surface, splashing a little ice slag.

Sommer had a bitter look on his face, so he could only say: "Lord Byrest, can you not punish him, he is also unintentional."

"Don't worry, I won't punish him," Byrest said. "Okay, now tell me who he is?"

Sommer hesitated for a while, and finally looked at a clan member and said to him: "Langyi, come and apologize to Lord Byrest, the Lord will not punish you."

Lang Yi was stunned for a moment, then walked to Byrest silently, knelt down and said, "Lord Byrest, I accidentally made—"

However, before he could finish speaking, Byrest dropped the knife in his hand.

Longyi's head fell to the ground, and Sommer was dumbfounded.

Then Sommer asked tremblingly, "You said you wouldn't punish him..."

"Is this a punishment?" Byrest flicked the blood on the knife while making a confused expression.

Sommer was speechless.

Byrest asked again: "Tell me, is this a punishment?"

Sommer looked in pain and was speechless, but Byrest grabbed his beard and asked, "Is this a punishment?"

"...No." Sommer cried out in pain and said quickly.

"What is it?" Byrest smiled.

"Yes... it's a gift." The old patriarch Sommer cried directly.

"You are indeed the patriarch of the Snow Demon, hahaha!" Byrest let go of Sommer's beard, and his smile became more cheerful, as if some strong desire had been satisfied.

After a while.

"I gave you a reward, what should you repay me?" Byrest asked.

The snow monsters did not dare to speak.

"By the way, Sommer, don't you still have a daughter?" Byrest seemed to remember something.

Sommer shuddered: "Lord Byrest, she... she's still a child!"

"I like children the most, send her over and let me teach her some interesting things," Byrest said.

Sommer knelt down and begged, "Please, spare my little daughter."

A fierce light suddenly flashed in Byrest's eyes, he grabbed Sommer's beard, and then pulled it off, blood gushing out: "Then tell me the truth!"

Sommer cried bitterly: "What truth?"

"How on earth did I lose my pearls?" Byrest threw away the broken beard, pinched his neck, and said fiercely, "Don't you think, I really believed the nonsense you just said? Your acting skills Could it be any more clumsy? Huh?"

Sommer was in a state of nervous breakdown by this time, unable to speak.

"Who moved my pearl?" Byrest shouted loudly, his voice and demeanor showing hysterical tyranny.

While speaking his hands were so cold that even the snow demon was shivering.

"Yes... Rowe," Sommer said.

"Rovi?" Byrest frowned, and seemed to think back for a while, and then seemed to think of something, "The Paladin of Asgard? That Rovi?"

Sommer was silent, trembling all the time.

"Bring Sommer's daughter here." Byrest ordered.

"No, Lord Byrest!" Sommer said quickly, "It's him, it's that Rowe."

"I appreciate your frankness." Byrest nodded, then leaned into Sommer's ear and said word by word, "But I still want to see your daughter."

Sommer's eyes were wide open, just about to say something.

Byrest didn't give him a chance, smiled and squeezed Sommer's neck.