Chapter 256: 【Byrest】

"You dare to betray Jotunheim!" Byrest then looked at the surrounding snow demons and said coldly, "Betraying, this is the only end."

Then he let go, and Sommer's body fell to the ground.

The snow demons were silent, and Byrest walked up to an elder snow demon and asked, "Tell me what happened, what did you talk about with the Asgardians?"

"Yes..." The elder Xue Yao responded fearfully, and immediately told the story that the Xue Yao was preparing to form an alliance with Asgard.

After listening to what he said, Byrest frowned slightly and was silent for a while.

The frost giant next to him said: "His Royal Highness, Luo Wei should not have gone far. Shall we catch up?"

"No." Byrest raised his hand, "He is just a first-order divine power, and he has no threat to me, and he can't control the battle situation."

"Let the snow demon negotiate on time, we set up traps, it is best to catch Hela, that is the key to Jotunheim's invincibility."


Luo Wei returned to the camp and reported the truth to Hela about what he had discussed with the snow demon.

Hela asked: "Based on your contact with the snow demon, do you think they are reliable?"

"The will is relatively reliable. They have been enslaved by the Frost Giants for so many years, and they do have a strong desire to turn over and be the master." Luo Wei said slowly, "but it is only a reliable will. The Frost Giant is firmly in control, and it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no mistakes, so we still need to prepare with both hands."

A few days later.

Hela set off from the camp with more than 100 people and rushed to the agreed negotiation place.

The agreed negotiation place is located between the Asgard camp and the Snow Demon Tribe, which is closer to the former. There is an ice valley.

When he was about to reach his destination, Hoddle suddenly stopped: "His Royal Highness."

"What's wrong?"

"I think we should temporarily change the location of the talks," Hoddle said.

"Hoddle, did you find something?" Rowe asked.

"No, just in case." Hoddle shook his head. "Move the negotiation location here, it's not far away anyway. If the frost giants set up an ambush in advance, it will definitely disrupt their plans."

"I think it's a good idea," someone agreed.

Luo Wei: "Since that's the case, I'll run again to notify them to come."

The magic floating cloak stirred behind him, and was about to get up and fly when Hela suddenly stopped him: "Wait."

Rowe turned his head, and Hela said, "Let's go with a group of people."

Rowe nodded, then stretched out his hand: "Brunok, let your team come with me."

Bring a team of soldiers, a group of more than ten people, and go straight to the pre-agreed place for negotiation.

About half an hour later, when everyone arrived at their destination, they saw a group of slender figures waiting for them in the distance. It was the Snow Demon Clan.

"This is the Snow Demon clan, as it is said in the legend, everyone is beautiful..." Some soldiers couldn't help sighing when they saw the Snow Demon for the first time.

"Whether they are male or female, why can't I tell?" This is also the voice of everyone.

Snow demons, regardless of gender or age, have graceful eyebrows and slender waists, and no one can tell their gender from their looks alone.

As the two teams approached, Rowe was startled: "Why is Patriarch Sommer not here?"

Dozens of people came from the other side, and the team was quite grand, but the patriarch Sommer was not among them, and the leader was an elder snow demon who he had never seen before.

The elder Snow Demon said, "I'm Sommer's younger brother. The patriarch accidentally broke his wing while flying the day before yesterday. He is recovering from injuries, and it is inconvenient to come. But I can make any decision on his behalf."

Rowe frowned slightly and was silent for a few seconds.

"Okay." Then he nodded.

The elder Snow Demon asked, "Where's His Highness Hela?"

Luo Wei: "We decided to temporarily change the location of the negotiation. It's not far from there. Come with me. His Royal Highness Hela is waiting there."

As soon as these words came out, the snow demon elder suddenly panicked, and stammered: "Change... change the location? Why?"

"It's nothing, I just think the scenery here is not good." Seeing his reaction, Luo Wei couldn't help but be vigilant.

After a pause, he continued: "If you don't want to come here, forget about the alliance... You may have a lot of information about the Frost Giants, but frankly, this information is not for Asgard. Something that is absolutely necessary."

Elder Snow Demon quickly said: "In the past, of course we will go there."

He turned his head and beckoned: "Let's go."

All the snow monsters showed a bit of hesitation before they set off, which deepened Luo Wei's alert.

After walking a few steps, Luo Wei touched his waist and opened the silver box.

Venom crawled along the exit of the silver box to his hand: "Are you going to fight?"

"It should be, get ready." Rowe voiced it.

A dozen people from Asgard and a group of snow demons walked out of the ice valley, and they came to the edge of the ice valley after a while.

"Where is His Highness Hela waiting for us?" The elder Snow Demon asked again.

"It'll be there in a while." Rowe didn't elaborate, but became more alert.

He held the hilt of the Sword of Rivendell in one hand, and there was a faint surging of golden light in the other hand, which was the light-forged symbiote venom that was ready to transform him at any time.

"Be careful." Venom's voice suddenly came.

But Rowe didn't need it to remind him.

A second before Venom issued the reminder, the holy deed burst into brilliance, and a holy light pointer came out, until somewhere diagonally ahead.

There was an ice and snow ground there, and it seemed that there was nothing, or at most, some ice worms, but the ice worms obviously would not cause a reaction from the Holy Light pointer.

Luo Wei secretly made a gesture of preparation for battle behind his back, and the soldiers behind him shuddered.


One of the warriors overreacted and pulled out his weapon on the spot, which shocked the snow demon next to him, and many snow demons were stunned.

Seeing this, Rowe shot directly, took out the sword of Rivendell, and the long sword struck.

Sword of Judgment!

The holy light and flames interweave on the sword body The sword of judgment spurted out and went straight to the position pointed by the holy light pointer.


The Sword of Judgment penetrated the ice surface, causing a violent explosion immediately, a golden-red aperture bloomed, and the flames melted a large piece of ice and snow.

Along with the explosion of the Sword of Judgment, a muffled hum sounded faintly.

Immediately, the ice layer in front broke open, and several frost giants jumped out of it. The leader was tall, holding an ice-blue long knife, and his face was somewhat similar to Lau Fei.


As Laufey's eldest son and the next King of Frost Giants, Byrest is still quite recognizable, and Rowe quickly recognized him.

As an ambush soldier, he was actually attacked by the enemy. Byrest's face was covered with clouds. He looked at Rowe and said, "Are you Luo Wei?"