Chapter 257: 【Fighting】

"It's an honor, His Royal Highness Byrest has heard my name." Luo Wei said lightly.

At the same time, more ice layers in the vicinity broke open, and hundreds of frost giants showed their stature and murderous aura.

"His Royal Highness." Among these frost giants, Grimir looked serious and looked at Byrest.

"General Grimir, hurry over and you must capture Hela alive." Byrest said, "Just leave this Rowe to me, and I will solve the battle soon."

Grimir didn't say much, then took a large group and ran quickly in the direction of Hela, leaving only two teams of frost giants including Byrest.

All the warriors of Asgard felt chills in their hearts.

There are twice as many enemies as one's own, and there is also a second-order divine power. This strength gap seems to be a little disparity.

Also, there is no sun mirror here, and the Frost Giants also take advantage of the environment.

Luo Wei didn't have to think about it to know that most of the soldiers behind him had already fallen to freezing point, so they almost ran for their lives.

Fortunately, Byrest is guilty of sin and restrained by the Holy Light, otherwise he might not have the will to fight now.

Byrest has just awakened for the second time. He belongs to a relatively weak second-order divine power. With the blessing of the Holy Light and the Lightcasting Symbiote, Luo Wei feels that he still has a good chance of winning.

Aura of kindness!

The holy light on Rowe shone and enveloped the surroundings. All Asgard warriors felt a warm and healing energy rushing towards them.

Feeling the power of the Holy Light, the warriors of Asgard suddenly recovered their fighting spirit, and no one looked around in horror to find a way out.

There are many forms of holy light, and their characteristics are also different, but they have one common feature, which is the punishment of evil. The aura of benevolence also has the power to punish, although it is not strong.

Being caught by the aura of benevolence, Byrest frowned suddenly. He looked down and found that he was faintly smoking, as if the frost giant was close to the flames.

"This is..." Byrest looked at the holy light on Rowe and clearly felt the hostility of this power to him.

He looked at the other frost giants again, and saw that the others were not as negatively affected as he was.

This power is actually targeting him!

After Byrest noticed this, his expression suddenly became stern.

"Do you know why Holy Light is targeting you?" Rowe said.

Byrest: "Holy Light?"

Rowe continued: "The power of the Holy Light is aimed at evil. Any intelligent life that does evil will be punished by the Holy Light."

"Hmph, sanctions? Is it only this level?" Byrest disagreed.

"Of course not," Rowe said.

Before he finished speaking, the venom quickly spread and penetrated along his hand, turning him into the shape of a light-cast symbiote warrior in a blink of an eye, with a golden body, nearly three meters high, and extremely exaggerated muscle lines.

Holy Light Beacon!

After the transformation was completed, Luo Wei added the holy light beacon to himself, and the holy light on his body was even more prosperous, just like a human-shaped light bulb, which was extremely dazzling.

Immediately, he clenched the sword of Rivendell in both hands, and rushed forward with a stride.


The sword of Rivendell slashed fiercely, and Byrest blocked with the long knife in his hand.

With a sword from the front, both sides staggered back, Rowe took two steps back, and Byrest took a step back.

Although Byrest had the upper hand in strength, his arm was steaming white, and the ice armor covering his skin melted a little, but it was scorched by the holy light from the sword of Rivendell.

Although the melted part of the ice armor quickly recovered, this blow immediately swept away the slight contempt of Byrest, and stared at Rowe with a cold expression.


The soldiers on both sides also faced each other at this time, killing one place, bursting with swords, lights and swords.

After all, the soldiers on the Asgard side had a numerical disadvantage. On average, everyone had to fight against one another. As soon as they fought, they fell into a disadvantage.

Luo Wei glanced out of the corner of his eye and stretched his fingers.

Hands of Reckoning!

The three hands of reckoning went out, and the hit Frost Giant lost his mind for a moment, and was about to turn around and face Rowe.

The Asgardian warriors who were fighting against him seized the opportunity, stepped forward to attack, and immediately beheaded one of the frost giants.

The other two, with the help of their companions, dodged at a critical moment, but they were also injured.

Rowe was about to hit a fourth shot, and Byrest hurriedly charged with a knife.

"Clang clang!"

The two faced each other many times in an instant.

Soon, Byrest deeply felt the taste of Holy Light punishment.

Frost giants are covered with a layer of ice armor to resist damage. The stronger the frost giant, the stronger the ice armor's defense.

For example, when Luo Wei first met Lau Fei, his attack couldn't even hurt Lau Fei's hair.

Byrest is a second-order divine power. It stands to reason that the ice armor on his body is difficult to penetrate with Rowe's current strength. Even if he can penetrate the ice armor, it is difficult to cause decent damage to the body.

But under the blessing of Holy Light and Lightcasting Symbiote, this is not the case.

Byrest is known for his tyranny. In the years since Laufey's disappearance, he has intensified his efforts, accumulating deep sins, and is not tolerated by the Holy Light. Any attack with Holy Light will magnify his damage.

Therefore, in the battle, as long as Rowe's sword of Rivendell hits Byrest, it will definitely break the defense. Byrest's advantage in defense simply cannot be brought into play.

There is still a bit of an offensive advantage, but the venom endows Rowe with a strong resilience and the continuous treatment of the Holy Light Beacon. Even if he is injured, he will quickly recover as before.

Therefore, the battle between the second-order divine power and the first-order divine force was beaten into a deadlock.

Bailes became more and more frightened.

Rowe's side was at a stalemate for a while, but the situation of the Asgardian soldiers was deteriorating rapidly.

The healing effect of the aura of benevolence is not strong is not enough to offset the disadvantage of the number of people. After a while, four Asgardian warriors were killed.

The Frost Giants also lost four, but three of them had just been hit by the Hand of Reckoning.

Seeing that the soldiers were rapidly developing towards the destruction of the group, Luo Wei quickly moved to the middle of the soldiers' formation and slammed into the gap.

Sword of Justice!


Byrest swung the knife to block, and then his body swayed, as if he stepped on the air, obviously he was in the way of the Sword of Sanction, and he was a little dizzy.

Luo Wei took this opportunity to dance the sword with one hand in his right hand, and at the same time one in his left hand, facing a direction diagonally in front of him, where there were more than a dozen frost giants.

Blind light!

A dazzling light bloomed from his five fingers, and the venom symbiotic with him as a light-cast symbiote made the brightness of the blind light even further.