Chapter 258: 【Ice Barrier】

The frost giants who were caught by the blinding light fell into a state of blindness one after another, lost their combat effectiveness in an instant, and swayed left and right in a little panic.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Wei stretched out his fingers again, and several clearing hands shot out.

The frost giant, who was not hit by the blind light, was hit by the hand of reckoning, and immediately stopped the original offensive trend, turned around and turned to Rowe, showing a look of anger.

The Asgardian soldiers were limited in number and could not entangle them, and they immediately rushed towards Rowe with an angry roar.

For a time, the formation of the Frost Giant Soldiers was completely disrupted, most of them were blind, and a small part killed Rowe.

The Asgardian soldiers naturally seized this opportunity desperately, grabbed the blind frost giant and attacked, and quickly eliminated seven or eight enemies.

Coupled with the few who were restrained by Rowe, the number of soldiers fighting on both sides suddenly increased.

Byrest quickly recovered from his dazed state and besieged Rowe with several frost giants.

Luo Wei's pressure suddenly increased, and he quickly added a king's blessing to himself, and then saw a flash of golden light, and the mighty holy light armor covered his whole body.

Probably because of the venom, the shape of the King's Blessing Armor is also different from before, and it has become more solid.

However, the consumption is also greater than before. With the appearance of this holy light armor, Luo Wei only felt that the mana in his body was instantly reduced by a lot.

The King's Blessing has a limited time limit. If the battle cannot be resolved quickly, the situation may become very unfavorable.

Must fight fast!

Luo Weiwei swept the sword, and the golden light on the sword surged and swept out.

Blessed Sword!

The feature of the Blessed Sword is to attack the enemy as much as possible, and it is almost impossible for the enemy standing close to the caster to dodge this blow.

You can't have both, and this type of spell that pursues a striking face is naturally less effective in killing. However, under the blessing of the king's blessing, its power has been significantly improved.

I saw the brilliant light and shadow of the Sword of Blessing swept out along the spiral trajectory, and the two frost giant soldiers who were hit first were beheaded on the spot, and blood spattered.

The remaining three frost giant soldiers were also seriously injured by this blow.

Byrest hurriedly dodged, but was still hit on the shoulder by the sword of blessing, and then the Holy Light seemed to be stimulated, and a circle of apertures suddenly opened.


The burst of punishing power pierced through the ice armor on his body, leaving a scorched-like wound on his skin.

Byrest couldn't help crying out, and quickly mobilized his divine power to repair the ice armor.

Rowe chased after him at the right time, holding up the sword of Rivendell, and it was another sword of punishment.


The Sword of Sanction is Rowe's most lethal holy light spell at present. It is not only powerful, but also has a stun effect.

The enemy has no other way but to avoid, otherwise, even if he parries with a weapon, he will inevitably be stunned.

Byrest swung the knife to block, and was naturally stunned again, and his figure swayed.

Rowe was followed by another blinding light, which shot directly into Byrest's eyes and instantly blinded him.

Byrest, who fell into the double negative state of blindness and dizziness, his combat power dropped sharply, and he was immediately pressed and beaten by Rowe, parried in a panic, and retreated.

"Clang, clang!"

Barely parrying a few moves, Rowe slashed at his abdomen with a sword of holy light.

"Ah!" Byrest exclaimed, not only the ice armor was penetrated, but the physical armor was also penetrated. The disciplinary power of the Holy Light left a scorched wound on his abdomen, bloody.

Seeing this, the three Frost Giant soldiers became anxious, and regardless of their injuries, they stepped forward and desperately besieged Luo Wei.

Luo Wei didn't pay attention to them. He blocked the vital parts at most. He was hit several places in a blink of an eye, and several knives stabbed into his body.

However, under the healing effect of the Lightcast Symbiote and the Holy Light Beacon, these wounds healed in a blink of an eye, without even a trace.

Three Frost Giant soldiers surrounded him and slashed wildly, only to find that there was no response after slashing.

Rowe's offensive aimed directly at Byrest, like a violent storm, followed by a sword of punishment, which stunned Byrest once again.

After more than a dozen moves, Byrest was beaten with bruises and blood, and the ice armor was often broken again before he could recover.

The sword of justice!

Rowe stabbed his sword into the ground, and the sword of justice emerged from Byrest's feet.

"Boom!" When the Holy Light erupted, Byrest, who was already staggering, was directly blown away, and then fell to the ground.

Rowe rushed up with a stride, the sword of Rivendell held high, and went straight to Byrest's face with the momentum of splitting the mountain.

If this sword hits, Byrest will surely die.

Just at this critical moment, Byrest's body froze, and a layer of thick ice instantly condensed, more than ten centimeters thick.


Luo Wei slashed with a sword, but was unable to break through such a thick ice armor.

Ice barrier?

Byrest's move made him think of one of the signature skills of World of Warcraft mages, the ice barrier.

This layer of ice continued to thicken, and finally it was half a meter thick, wrapping Byrest into a big lump of ice, which was indestructible.

Rowe slashed a few more swords, but found that he could never break the ice. Byrest's body was so icy that his defense was too strong.

He changed his mind and turned around to kill the Frost Giant Soldier.

Before the expiration of the King's Blessing, the three wounded Frost Giant soldiers were not enemies of Luo Wei Yihe, and Luo Wei killed them with three swords.

At the same time, he looked at the remaining soldiers on both sides who were fighting. There were four soldiers left in Asgard and four soldiers left in the Frost Giant. The two sides were inextricably fighting and froze for a while.

However, with the addition of Rowe, the deadlock was instantly broken.

A golden Rowe, the sword of Rivendell swept across, and with the assistance of a few Asgardian warriors, the frost giant soldiers were killed in a blink of an eye.

So for a while there was only Byrest, a frost giant left in the field.

"Commander, what should I do?" Brunnok gasped and asked. His shield hit the thick ice around Byrest, and he could only barely lay down a little ice slag, completely unable to hurt Byrest inside.

Luo Wei was silent for a while, and then he took out a few pieces of ice polar beast meat from the holy deed.

Seeing this, the venom came out automatically, opened his mouth wide, swallowed a few pieces of meat, and quickly refused.

As it ate, a surge of energy rushed towards Rowe, greatly speeding up the recovery of his stamina and mana.

The battle just now was quite exhausting. Although many of Rowe's injuries were recovered in a blink of an eye, it is obviously impossible for this recovery to be consumed.

So far, the sacred mana in his body has run out, his physical strength is also exhausted, and he must recover some as soon as possible.

"More." Venom chewed on the flesh of the ice extreme beast.