Chapter 259: 【Cross-step beheading】

Venom ate several pieces of Ice Beast's meat one after another, and Luo Wei also recovered a lot of physical strength and holy light. Byrest was in the ice barrier, and he was also recovering quickly, and the injuries on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

While recovering, Rowe looked at the ice barrier in front of him, then he hesitated a little and walked to the thick ice.

Byrest was surrounded by a nearly half-meter-thick ice barrier, but his senses and consciousness were clearly still awake, staring at Rowe all the time.

Luo Wei put his hand on the ice barrier, and then the golden light flashed between his five fingers, and the light was shining.

Holy Light Infusion!

The rich holy light poured into the ice barrier, slowly rendering the blue ice into a golden color from the inside out, as if water penetrated the cloth.

Under the barrier of thick ice, the penetration efficiency of holy light is not high, and it can even be said to be the speed of insect crawling, but Luo Wei couldn't help but smile.

Byrest looked at the holy light slowly seeping into him, and immediately showed panic.

Holy Light Infusion consumes a lot, after all, this is the most direct mana consumption.

Therefore, while pouring holy light into the ice barrier, Rowe once again took out some pieces of ice extreme beast meat from the sacred space, so that the venom could be quickly swallowed and the recovery was accelerated to ensure the continuous supply of holy light.

After a while, the holy light finally penetrated through the half-meter thick ice barrier, penetrated into the interior, and touched Byrest.

Byrest came into direct contact with the holy light, and his skin was instantly burned in a large area. In the blink of an eye, he was covered in burns, dripping with blood, and his face was distorted.

"Ah—" There was a faint scream from the ice.

The ice barrier has been infused with a lot of holy light. If the infiltration continues, these holy lights will definitely be enough to kill him. Byrest obviously realizes this.


Cracks appeared on the ice barrier, and then spread rapidly, turning into a dense patch, like a slender spider web covering the ice surface.

Luo Wei jumped back, condensed a shield of holy light in his left hand, and stretched his right hand a little.

Holy Shock!


Accompanied by a loud noise, a round of golden circles suddenly burst open from the cracked ice barrier, and the shards of ice burst into a radiant brilliance.

When Jin Hui dissipated, Luo Wei took a closer look and saw that Byrest was covered in bruises and blood, and his injuries were more serious than those before he was wrapped in thick ice.

He barely had the strength to stand, leaning on the knife and panting.

Rowe rushed out in a timely manner, holding the sword of Rivendell, and the blade pointed directly at Byrest.


Byrest struggled to deal with it, swung the knife to block, but was shocked and backed up again and again, shaking his body.

Blind light!

The light of blindness lit up from the sword, followed by Luo Wei's sword of punishment, which Han Feng swung.


Byrest screamed, his left hand was chopped off by the sword. At the same time, the holy light on the sword of Rivendell erupted, almost turning his entire arm into ashes.

He stumbled to the ground, rolling and crawling trying to get up.

"Don't kill me!" Byrest said in horror.

"What a pity, Your Highness, you actually died without dignity." Rowe said, and the sword of Rivendell stabbed suddenly in his hand.

The tip of the sword lit up with holy light and exploded when it pierced into Byrest's head, ending his life.

With the last spasm, the headless corpse did not move any more, and the Holy Light pointer on the holy deed also dissipated.


Rowe couldn't help letting out a long breath.

With the help of many means and the restraint of the Holy Light, he finally killed the enemy and killed Byrest.

He rested for a while, then turned his eyes and stopped on the long knife in Byrest's hand.

He picked up the knife and looked at it for a while.

As the weapon of Prince Jotunheim, the quality of this knife is not bad, much better than the Sword of Rivendell.

If it wasn't for the overly strong icy power on it that made Rowe uncomfortable, he would definitely use this knife as a weapon.

Put it away first.

Rowe put the long knife into the Sanqi space, and then continued to **** on Byrest's corpse, taking off a necklace and a space bracer.

He was about to see what was in the space bracer when Brunnok suddenly shouted, "Commander!"

Luo Wei looked up and found that a group of figures faintly appeared in the distance. There were many figures and they were rapidly approaching here.

"The Frost Giant!"

"Come on!"

Everyone quickly retreated and left the ice valley.

Less than half a minute later, a frost giant from a distance came here. The leader was a woman. She looked middle-aged and tall, but she was Fabti, the wife of Lau Fei, the king of the frost giants.

Looking at the corpses lying on the ground, Fabti instantly showed panic and incredible sadness.


Fabti recognized Byrest's corpse at a glance, and she staggered forward, her face full of grief.

"Queen, the enemy should not have gone far," said the frost giant behind her.

Fabti took a deep breath: "You take the body back."

"Yes." The Frost Giant bowed his head and replied, and then he and some soldiers lifted the bodies of Byrest and other Frost Giants who died in battle and took them away.

Fabti chased the retreating direction of Rowe and the others, followed by the army of frost giants behind her, holding an ice-blue square box in her hand, which was Jotunheim's artifact, the Frost Winter Coffin.

Luo Wei and others ran all the way, but when they looked back, they found that the figure that had disappeared had reappeared in the back, and was quickly approaching them.

At this moment, an ice-blue beam of light lased.


A soldier was immediately blasted into ice slag, his body shattered, and he didn't even have time to scream.

Frozen Winter Coffin!

Rowe was shocked. He had seen this incomparably powerful beam of light before, and was deeply impressed, and immediately recognized that it was exactly what the Frozen Winter Coffin sent.

Lau Fei is missing, and the Bing Dong Coffin is in the hands of his wife, Fabuti. From this, it seems that the chasing soldiers in the rear are Fabti who brought the army to the Bing Dong Coffin.

Rowe hurriedly took out three bottles of Swiftness potions and handed them to Brunnock and the others. UU Reading

But just as he was about to hand it to the third person, another icy blue beam of light shot up, smashing the third person into scum.

"Flee separately!" Rowe shouted, and then the magic floating cloak agitated behind him and flew at full speed.

Flying is naturally much faster than running, but it is also more conspicuous. As soon as he flew, several ice-blue beams of light shot into the sky one after another, and one passed by, leaving Luo Wei in a cold sweat.

Luo Wei quickly took out the flame gloves and put them on his hands, and after the venom returned to the silver box, the flame power surged around him.

Two dazzling white fire pillars shot out from the flame gloves, and Luo Wei's speed suddenly soared, turning into a fiery Changhong, flying to the horizon.

At this moment, a thicker ice-blue beam of light lased towards Rowe precisely.

This icy blue beam of light first collided with the fire column of the flame glove.
