Chapter 268: 【Ulu Ore】

Odin obviously had some scruples about the Planet Devourer, so he said, "Then let your master come and eat it. After he eats his planet, I will detonate the star."


Unexpectedly, Xingchen said: "The master's eating time is determined by himself, which is also part of the laws of nature."


"Am I going to wait like this until the Planet Devourer has the appetite to eat?" Odin asked back.


"Yes, or you change a star, it's no big deal." Xingchen said lightly.


Odin heard the words and said angrily: "It's not a big deal for me to change a star, but it's a big deal for Planet Eater to change a planet? Hmph, I'm going to fix this star!"


Saying that, he fired the spear of eternity, and the beam of light from the Rainbow Bridge shot out.


"You are breaking the laws of nature!" Xingchen rushed towards Odin, trying to stop it, and yelled at the same time.


Odin raised his hand, and a ball of thunder suddenly gushed out, knocking the star dust out: "Don't get in the way here. If you have any comments, let your master come over and say it in person!"


Xingchen staggered to his body, and his body flashed with silver light, and finally said, "Odin, even if you are the god-king of Asgard, if you interfere with the natural operation, you will definitely pay the price."


After speaking, he turned and left, turning into a silver rainbow, and disappeared.


somewhere in the deep space of the universe.


A towering giant dressed in purple-red heavy armor with an image similar to the gods stood in the interstellar space. He turned his head and looked at it, and saw a silver long rainbow flying here.


"Master." The silver Changhong dissipated, revealing a translucent figure with a bright silver glow. It was the stardust that had just clashed with Odin.


"You're back, Stardust." The giant who looks like a **** group is naturally a planet devourer.


Xingchen said angrily: "Master, someone has seized your planet, and he is destroying the star that the planet is attached to."


Planet Devourer asked: "Who is so bold? Tell me, the invincible Planet Devourer will make him understand the inviolability of the laws of nature."




"Odin?" Planet Devourer was startled, "You mean, the Odin from Asgard?"


Stardust: "It's him, the arrogant Asgard Wulf!"


Planet Devourer was silent for a moment: "Okay, I know, let's talk about it when I'm full... I'm a little weak now."




The beam of light from the Rainbow Bridge blasted from the Eternal Lance, through the vast nebula, and bombarded the core of the star.


With the arrival of the power of Asgard, the dying star seemed to have encountered the explosives of Mars, and began to disintegrate in an all-round way.


After hundreds of millions of long years, this dying star finally released its last energy in earth-shattering brilliance.


The explosion of the star caused the surrounding starry sky to be swept away by the vast flow of light, heat and matter. All the planets, satellites, and various small celestial bodies were wiped out one after another, turning into dust wandering in the interstellar space.


Like last time, Odin left with the dwarf mining ship after detonating the star, waiting for the end of the star explosion.


A few days later, the mining ship returned, and the starry sky was full of stellar debris.


In the cabin, a golden compass with a complex structure was placed in front of Ai Cui. The twelve needles on it were spinning and shaking, switching repeatedly in various directions, as if they were looking for something.


While staring at this complicated compass, Aitri adjusted the direction and speed of the mining ship, and found a piece of Ulu ore in a short time.


The steel robotic arm of the mining ship clamps the ore and brings it into the cabin.


Aitui brought the ore and started the inspection.


"How is the ore this time?" Odin asked.


Ai Cui nodded and smiled: "We are lucky, the quality of the Ulu ore this time is excellent, we should be able to extract high-quality Ulu, maybe even the best Ulu."


"Superior Ulu?" Odin's eyes also lit up.


"Yes, but it should be very few, definitely no more than one-tenth." Aitui said.


Hearing this, Odin waved his hand with an unhappy look on his face.


According to the rules of the dwarves, one-tenth of the highest quality Ulu metal should be paid to the dwarves as a crafting fee. In other words, even if a few top-quality Ulu could be extracted this time, it would definitely belong to the dwarves.


"Prince Aitri, the dwarves should have accumulated a lot of top-quality uru, what are you going to use them for?" Rowe asked.


"Do nothing," Aitry said.


"do nothing?"


"Yes, until the end is near." Aitri continued, "There is an ancient prophecy among the dwarves that enough of the strongest metal will save us from the fate of annihilation. So we have been using this method, as much as possible. Collect the best Ulu as much as possible."


Odin said: "Asgard will protect the dwarves, and you will not perish unless Asgard is destroyed."


Mining ships shuttled and wandered among the wreckage of the stars, constantly collecting Ulu ore.


This process is actually quite long and tedious. After all, the stellar wreckage is huge and has a lot of material. Even at the speed of a dwarf mining ship, it will take a period of time to search for enough Ulu ore.


This is thanks to the compass in Aitri's hand. The compass can display the distribution of Ulu, which is convenient for searching, otherwise it is a match for finding a needle in a haystack.


Odin was dealing with all kinds of opportunities, and after staying for another day, he went back to Asgard, leaving behind Rowe, Thor, and others.


The process of collecting the ore took several months.


For a few months, Luo Wei and Ma Mian Thor naturally communicated. After this period of contact, Luo Wei found that the character of the horse-faced Thor is indeed extraordinary.


From various daily details, it is not difficult to see that Ma Mian Thor is a person who can almost never lie, breach of contract, or get angry, and has an idealistic sense of justice.


His power is also very powerful is roughly equivalent to the second-order divine power of the Protoss, mainly due to the body modification he carried out on the Corbin star, and some of his body tissues such as bones were replaced by scientists with powerful of mechanical components.


After receiving the transformation, the horse-faced Thor became the guardian of the Corbins and defended the clan.


In a word, this is a Corbyn version of Captain America with a certain Wolverine character.


"Bill, you said you were Corbyn's second guardian?" Rowe asked.


"Yes, but the last person who underwent transformation had some problems, both physically and mentally." Ma Mian Thor nodded.


"Is the transformation process painful?"


Ma Mian Thor: "Of course, that was my most painful memory. I can't believe I survived."


At this point Aitri said, "Oh, well, I think we've collected enough ore to make a warhammer."

