Chapter 269: 【Fighting Muspelheim】

After several months of collection, the cargo hold of the mining ship has been filled with gray Ulu ore, large and small, and at first glance, it may only weigh dozens of tons.

Although it looks a lot, these are just raw ore, and they need to go through complicated smelting to become Ulu.

"How much uru metal can be smelted from these ores?"

Aitui said, "About one in a thousand."

Horse-faced Thor: "You mean that most of these ores will be turned into waste residue, and only one thousandth can be turned into Ulu metal?"

"Yes, that's right." Aitri nodded, "The gift from His Majesty Odin is definitely one of the rarest and most precious gifts in the universe."

The mining ship returned to Nidavi, unloaded the Ulu ore on the ship, and handed it over to a group of dwarves for sorting, casting, and tempering. The steps were quite complicated.

The process is naturally not short. After more than a month, most of the dozens of tons of ore were refined into waste residues, and in the end, only a few essences and a few silver metal ingots were left.

"This is Ulu?"

Luo Wei, Ma Mian Thor, and others, all surrounded Aitui, looking at the metal ingots he was holding in his hands.

As the top metal in the universe, Ulu looks unremarkable. Like most metals, it has a silver-gray color, and its texture is not heavy.

Despite being born in the core of stars, Ulu is actually very low density, lighter than most Asgard metals. These few pieces of Ulu ingots add up to only 34 pounds, which is the weight of the Miaomiao hammer.

However, if you compare carefully, the differences between Ulu and ordinary metals are still easy to spot. For example, when Rowe reached out and touched the Ulu ingot, he could clearly feel Ulu's strong affinity for magical energy.

Generally speaking, soul and life are extraordinary conductors of magical energy, but Ulu's magical affinity surpasses that of living creatures, which shows its miraculousness.

The building of the warhammer was about to begin, and Odin apparently received the news and came to Nidavi via the Rainbow Bridge.

"Put it in the forge, Aitri," said the Dwarf King Sindri.

Aitri walked to the furnace and placed a few Ulu ingots in it.

The dwarf king immediately pulled the machine, the huge steel gears pushed each other, and the entire steel city started.


The steel city built by the dwarves is actually a few giant rings around the neutron star. At this moment, several star rings slowly turned, and finally merged together neatly, making a loud noise.

With the merger of the star rings, the light and heat of the neutron star is more exuberant, and as far as the eye can see, it is full of dazzling light, and the surging heat flow makes everyone feel more or less hot.

Of course, this is far from the true energy of a neutron star. The star ring built by the dwarves is both a guide and a constraint on the energy of the neutron star.

If the star ring disappears, the energy of the neutron star will be released without restraint, and few people in the entire universe can endure it.

Under the infinite heat of the neutron star, all the dwarves stopped talking and moving, and stared at the star ring with excited expressions.

After the star rings were aligned, a fiery beam of light shot out from the neutron star, passed through the guiding devices of several star rings, and injected it into the furnace.

The vast heat of the neutron star poured in frantically, and a few Ulu ingots quickly melted.

In just two or three minutes, all the Ulu ingots turned into a red liquid, bright and moving, like amber nectar.

The Dwarf King prepares the warhammer mold and pours the melted Ulu into it.

From the perspective of the mold, the war hammer of the horse-faced Thor and the Miaomiao hammer are almost the same, a short-handled square hammer with a simple shape, but the details are slightly different.

The dwarf king then took a wooden handle and wrapped silver threads around it: "This wooden handle comes from the king of oak."

The Oak King was a well-known god, but he died, and the cause of his death is unknown.

The wooden handle was inserted into the groove of the mold, and then it took root and merged with the still-unsolidified Ulu.

As the hammer head and shank fuse, a significant energy wave escapes from the die.

The Dwarf King looked at Odin.

Odin immediately opened his fingers, and bright thunder gushed out from his fingertips, pouring into the warhammer along the handle of the hammer.

The dazzling thunder light gradually appeared, and then only a loud "bang" was heard, the mold shattered, and a warhammer bathed in thunder flew into Odin's hands.

Odin held the warhammer as if out of nothing, and a string of inscriptions emerged, "He who takes up and deserves this warhammer will gain the power of thunder."

"Bill, take it, this is your honor." Odin let go of his hand, and the warhammer flew towards the horse-faced Thor.

The horse-faced Thor caught the warhammer, knelt down on one knee, and said a little excitedly: "Thank you, Your Majesty Odin!"

"Haha, Bill, go to Muspelheim and let Surtur's servants taste the power of the Thunder Hammer." Odin said with a smile.

Before leaving, the dwarf king suddenly stopped Odin.

"What? Is the forging fee not enough?" Odin joked.

The dwarf king looked at him solemnly, and after a moment of silence he said, "Odin, are you really going to attack Surtur?"

"If he is determined not to submit to Asgard," said Odin.

"I don't think this is a good choice." The Dwarf King said, "After all, Surtur is not involved in the affairs of the Nine Realms, so we don't need to pay attention to him."

"But the future Asgard is not just the master of the Nine Realms." Odin patted the Dwarf King's leg like a pat on the shoulder. He turned and left without saying any more.

A few days later, Luo Wei and the horse-faced Thor took the rainbow bridge to Muspelheim, the only country in the Nine Realms that did not bow to Odin.

Hela was solely responsible for the attack on Muspelheim.

Therefore, after arriving at the destination, Luo Wei and Ma Mian Thor naturally went to see Hela and accepted the arrangement.

However, after seeing the Thunder Hammer in his hand that was almost the same as the Miao Miao Hammer, Hela's expression was a little unnatural After saying a few words, let him Ma Mian Thor left, leaving Rowe alone.

"Your Highness, what's the matter with you?" Rowe asked.

Hela took Miaolnir in her hand and said, "Rowe, why do you think my father set up a spell like that?"

Rowe shrugged: "The simplest explanation, His Majesty Odin, like most people, worships heroes and justice."

"It's really that simple?"

Rowe: "His Royal Highness, with all due respect, your reaction is often too sensitive about some things about His Majesty Odin. In my opinion, if there is no special evidence, the simplest and most common explanation is the most reliable one. ."

"Man is born to worship heroes, and this emotion is indelible by nature."

Hela didn't speak.

Luo Wei thought for a while, then immediately smiled and said, "Commander, this subordinate wants to hug your waist, and hereby asks for your approval."