Chapter 270: 【Holy Light Offering】

Surtur was reluctant to submit to Odin, but he did not want to confront him head-on.

In addition, the fighting power of the Muspel people is not as good as that of the Protoss, so in the early days of the battle, the Muspelheim side has always maintained a defensive position.

Asgard attacked all the way, inflicting huge losses to Muspelheim again and again.

The clay figurine also has three points of anger, not to mention the fire man.

In the face of Asgard's continuous attacks, the flame giant finally became angry and began to organize a large-scale counterattack.

Of course, Surtur did not dare to do it himself. Once he did it, Odin would also do it. He would not do it unless it was a last resort.

On this day, Asgard was in an important camp in Muspelheim, and Rowe, as the commander, was patrolling the camp.


Suddenly there was an earth-shattering roar in the fiery sky, and all the soldiers in the camp followed the direction of the sound, raised their heads and turned their ears.

"Dragon!" people exclaimed.

I saw in the sky not far away, a crimson dragon was flying towards here with its wings flapping.


The huge size of the dragon makes it seem that its speed is not very fast, but it is not.

As the dragon approached rapidly, a raging hot wind blew head-on, as if it was a fiery meteorite.

"There's someone up there!"

People could see clearly that a Musbel warrior was riding on the back of this giant dragon. As a descendant of Surter, the Musbeiers look very similar to Surter, but they are far different in size and strength.

This Musibel warrior has two horns on his head, has a skin like flames, and is wearing red heavy armor, his whole person is like a flaming flame.

"Dragon Knight of Muspelheim, Zogar"

In general, dragons are considered untamable creatures, and nearly all attempts at domestication have ended in failure. But there are exceptions to everything, and Zogar the Dragon Knight is an exception.

Zogar was an abandoned orphan, and in a cosmic Gotham city like Muspelheim, there should be no way for an orphan to survive.

As a result, what everyone did not expect was that he was adopted by a giant dragon and grew up smoothly.

The dragon Zogar rides is the brother he grew up with.

Just when everyone's attention was attracted by the dragon knight Zogar, on the other side of the Asgard camp, a large number of Musibel warriors suddenly appeared and charged with swordsmen.


The Asgardian soldiers on the periphery were caught off guard, and were immediately overrun by a line of defense, causing quite a few casualties.

Seeing this, Rowe jumped up, and when the flames spewed from his feet, he flew to the attacking Musbeiers in a blink of an eye.

Holy Light Dedication!

The sword of Rivendell shone brightly, and Rowe stabbed the sword into the ground, and the holy light poured out from the blade and poured into the ground.

The lines of holy light appeared on the ground, and instantly extended out of a circle with a radius of nearly two meters.

"Ah!!" The Musbeiers within this range fell to the ground screaming with holy light shining under their feet.

In fact, if they can maintain a standing posture, as long as there is no sin that inspires the punishment of the Holy Light, they will not have to worry about their lives.

Now that it is on the ground, the ground is full of holy light, and if you stick to it, the killing area instantly expands dozens of times, like a human falling into magma.

So the screams became more and more tragic, and in an instant, the Musbeiers within the scope of the Holy Light dedication were all over the place.

Rowe's movements did not stop, his hands clenched the sword of Rivendell still stuck on the ground, and flew quickly against the ground.

The Sword of Rivendell immediately drew a long and narrow gully on the ground, and at the same time, the holy light source was continuously injected into the ground, spreading along the gully, forming a line of defense composed of holy light.

The Musbeiers who were charging broke into the range of the Holy Light line of defense, screaming one after another.

The charge came to an abrupt end.

Taking this opportunity, Asgard quickly stabilized its position.

"Stand on the edge of the Holy Light's range." Rowe ordered.

Hearing the words, the soldiers stood on the edge of the Holy Light line of defense and fought against the Musbeers.

The strength of the Muspells is inherently inferior to the Protoss, but they have a huge advantage in numbers. Roughly speaking, the number of Muspells attacked this time is at least ten times that of the Asgardians.

Therefore, when confronted, the warriors of Asgard are not easy, and people are injured or even killed from time to time.

Fortunately, the Holy Light line of defense built by Rowe played a huge role in the battle.

The soldiers stood on the edge of the Holy Light line of defense to fight against the Musbeers. Once they were defeated, they immediately retreated and entered the range covered by the Holy Light.

The Musbeiers either failed to attack, or accidentally followed in, and were immediately killed by the holy light under their feet.

If the soldiers who retreated into the Holy Light line of defense were injured, Luo Wei immediately released healing spells on them, and returned to the battle after they were cured.

For a time, despite being attacked by the Musbeers ten times as many as their own, Asgard did not show any signs of collapse, but instead became more stable.

On the other side, the dragon knight Zogar also attacked with a giant dragon.


When the dragon roared, the blazing dragon flames surged out.

However, after these dragon flames spewed out, they did not immediately kill the Asgardians, but hovered around the dragon.

Zogar on the dragon's back waved his hands, and these flames surged immediately, turning into the shapes of sharp swords, hundreds of them.

Then he pointed his sword, and hundreds of flaming swords shot out, leaving a fiery trail in the sky, like a meteor shower.

"boom boom"

Only listening to a series of loud noises, accompanied by layers of fire waves, dozens of Asgard warriors were killed or injured, and the camp was in a mess.

"Roar!" The giant dragon roared again, and dragon flames spewed.

Just like last time, the spouted dragon flames did not cause immediate damage, but changed shape under Zogar's pulling control.


Just then, there was a loud bang in the sky.

A thunder fell from the sky, but it was the horse-faced Thor who wielded the hammer of thunder and summoned a bolt of lightning, which slammed into the dragon.

"Roar!" The giant dragon roared in horror, its body was slanted, and it almost fell from the air.

Immediately, it quickly spewed out dragon flames, and a large number of fiery dragon flames were suspended around.

Zogar pulled his hands, and the dragon flames condensed, turning into a huge flame shield above in a blink of an eye.


Another thunderbolt smashed down, but was taken over by this flame shield. Longyan was struck by the thunderbolt and shook for a while, but it did not disperse.

Seeing this, the horse-faced thunder **** could not help but change his expression slightly, and clenched the hammer of thunder in his hand.

"Roar!" The giant dragon opened his mouth, and the dragon flames surged.

This time, the dragon flame began to change shape at the same time as it spewed out, turning into a giant sword several meters long, pointing directly at the horse-faced Thor.