Chapter 272: 【Ice Extreme Blade】

As the domain of the flame giants, Muspelheim is already extremely hot, and there is a fire dragon spewing fire everywhere in front of him. Such an environment is undoubtedly very unfriendly to the symbiote who is afraid of fire.

Luo Wei didn't speak, he stretched out his hand and took out an ice-blue long knife from the Sanctuary space, and the strong cold air spread out at once.

This long knife is naturally the Ice Extreme Blade that he captured from Byrest before.

"Attach it to my left hand." Rowe said to Venom while holding the Ice Extreme Blade in his left hand.

With the strong cold power of the Ice Extreme Blade, it must not be a problem to cover one arm.

Only then did the venom leave the box, and after a while of squirming, it penetrated into Luo Wei's left arm, making Luo Wei's left arm look golden and thick, showing an exaggerated muscle outline, like a unicorn arm.

Immediately, Rowe held the Ice Extreme Blade in one hand and the Sword of Rivendell in the other, with flowers on the left and right, and two Paladins.

Holding two blades in his hand, he deceived himself again, and the holy light on the sword slashed towards Zogar, the dragon knight.

Sword of Justice!

The quality of the ice extreme blade is higher than the sword of Rivendell, and it has the cold power of the ice extreme beast king and the power of the light casting symbiote.

Therefore, the power of Luo Wei's dual-wielding blow was several times greater than before.

"Boom!" Only a loud noise was heard, and the two groups of disciplinary brilliance bloomed at the same time.

Zogar obviously did not expect the powerful power of this blow, and when he exclaimed, the two dragon flame swords were immediately destroyed and turned into pieces of shattered flames.

At the same time, the huge force also caused his body to lose its balance, and with a sharp twist, he almost fell off the dragon.

"Roar—" The giant dragon quickly raised its height, staggered from Luo Wei, who was about to attack again, and then spewed out a large mouth of dragon flame, sweeping out.

As soon as the dragon flame came out, the venom attached to Rowe's left arm suddenly shivered, and even Luo Wei's hand shook violently, almost shaking the ice pole off.

"Don't shake!" Rowe's expression changed.

Fortunately, the horse-faced Thor shot in time, the hammer of thunder slammed up, and the blue electric arc shot out like a hurricane, smashing the incoming dragon flame, and the thunder and fire splashed.


A thick thunder roared out, passed through the dragon flames, and hit the giant dragon's head ruthlessly.

"Roar!" The giant dragon screamed in pain, and smoke burst from the place where it was hit.

"I'm entangled in the dragon, you kill Zogar as soon as possible!" said the horse-faced Thor.

Rowe didn't talk nonsense, flames spurted from his feet, the magic floating cloak stirred behind him, and rushed to Zogar again, dancing with swords.

Zogar had just recovered a bit from the stun effect of the Sword of Justice at this time, and had not yet regained his seat on the dragon, he was shocked when he saw this.

He hurriedly beckoned to attract a group of dragon flames, but in a hurry, how could these dragon flames be able to match the dual-wielding disciplinary knights.


The dragon flame was instantly defeated, and the ice blade and the sword of Rivendell went straight to Zogar.

Zogar had no choice but to roll over to dodge, and at a critical moment, he dodged from one side of the dragon's back to the other.

So Luo Wei's pair of sharp blades hit the dragon, and the punishment shined brightly.


A tragic wound immediately appeared on the dragon's back, and the cracked and scorched flesh was about the size of a human being. That is to say, the dragon was huge and had tenacious vitality. If it were any other creature, it would be dead.

Rao is the body of a giant dragon, and he can't help but howl, his body is crooked.

Taking this opportunity, the horse-faced thunder **** slammed the giant dragon several times in succession. When the thunder burst, the giant dragon struggled to regain its stability.

Rowe continued to chase, and he pressed Zogar with both blades.

The giant dragon was entangled with the horse-faced Thor at this time, and could not help much, Zogar had to take out the two short swords he carried and tried to deal with Rowe for a while.

However, without Long Yan, and with only a pair of mediocre short blades, he would naturally not be Luo Wei's opponent, and he was beaten in a bad way in a few moves.


Luo Wei pressed his arms, and the sword in his hand collided with the enemy's short sword for a while, and was finally resisted by the sword grid.

Zogar gritted his teeth, struggling to support him.

At this time, Rowe turned his left hand, and the ice pole twisted a slight angle, slightly touching Zogar's hand, and the holy light was released.

"Ah!" Zogar suddenly screamed.

Needless to say, the disciplinary power of the Holy Light, the strong cold power of the Ice Extreme Blade is equally lethal to the Musbeiers.

Zogar couldn't hold it anymore and fell directly from the dragon.

Rowe flew down, and the edge of the knife and the sword chased the falling Zogar, and it was about to be hit.

The Zogar man was in the air, and when he saw this, he could not help gnashing his teeth for a while, and then he seemed to have made up his mind and reached out and patted his chest.


The heavy armor on his body suddenly glowed brightly, and then he heard a whistling of flames, and the thick armor turned into a raging flame in a flash.

The heavy armor that Zogar always wears on his body is actually made of flames, but it is not dragon flames.

Although it looks nothing special, it is obvious that the power of this flame is more terrifying than the dragon flame, and the heat is monstrous.

Therefore, as soon as the flames came out, the venom was so frightened that he immediately shrank back without hesitation.

Then the overwhelming flames enveloped Rowe layer by layer. As far as he could see, it was full of raging fire, and its temperature was as terrifying as the inside of the sun.

In just a split second, Luo Wei, who was a flame god, showed a tendency to burn his skin.

"This is the flame that Lord Surtur gave me. I died under the burning of the flame giant. Asgardian, this is your great honor!" Zogar said, while the armor on his body was still flowing. Fire is released.

Wipe, Surter's fire, no wonder it's so terrifying.

The fire of Surtur invaded frantically, and Rowe didn't have time to think about it. Before Zogar finished speaking, he hurriedly summoned the holy deed.

Holy Shield!

When the Holy Shield opened, even Surtur's flame could not hurt Rowe in the slightest At this moment, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Rowe's mind, but he recalled that he faced **** fire scene.

Divine Shield can isolate all negative effects, but it will not isolate positive ones.

Back then at Warnerheim, Zatanos called him two rounds of hellfire, but after the Holy Shield was turned on, after filtering out the damage, the hellfire was absorbed by him instead.

Thinking of this, Luo Wei immediately ignited a flame.

The fire of Surtur, which was burning outside, immediately merged with the flame on his body, and was absorbed a lot by him at once.

"What!" Zogar was shocked.

A Divine Shield fragment is only one second, and Rowe is naturally unwilling to waste half a second. The flames under his feet swelled violently and flew out, and the ice pole stabbed Zogar.

Zogar was stunned by his act of absorbing Surtur's fire, lost his mind for a moment, and then beheaded by the Ice Extreme Blade.