Chapter 273: 【Tyrande's youth】

After beheading Zogar, Rowe didn't dare to stay for long, so he flew out of the fire of Surtur quickly.

Absorbing the fire of Surtur greatly benefited his flame power, but at the cost of consuming Divine Shield fragments.

Only one Divine Shield shard can be obtained occasionally. It is a life-saving thing at a critical moment. For decades, Rowe has never had five Divine Shield shards in his hand. It is naturally not cost-effective to consume Divine Shield to absorb flames.

Zogar's body fell from the sky, and the flames slowly dissipated in the sky.

"Roar—" Seeing this, the giant dragon roared in grief and indignation, and dragon flames poured out of his mouth.

Luo Wei turned and flew away, and dealt with the dragon with the horse-faced Thor.

The strength of the dragon knight is largely due to the tacit cooperation between the knight and the dragon. Now that the knight is dead, only one dragon is injured, and under the siege of Luo Wei, he can't take advantage of it.

After a while, the giant dragon was beaten with bruises all over his body. Even though he was angry, he didn't dare to fight again. He struggled with his dragon wings and tried to escape.


The horse-faced thunder **** swung the hammer of thunder, and the thick blue thunder fell from the sky and slammed into the dragon.

Immediately, Rowe also flew to kill, and the ice pole and the sword of Rivendell slashed.

Sword of Justice!


The swords fell, slashing on the dragon's wing bones, and a dazzling holy light burst out.

After being hit by a strong thunder and his wing bones being chopped off, the dragon's body could no longer maintain its balance. With a tragic cry, it stumbled and fell heavily, causing the nearby ground to tremble.

After falling to the ground, the dragon had no more strength to fight, only the wounds and heavy breathing all over his body.

Luo Wei cut off the dragon's head with a few swords, then dragged the dragon's head and flew over the camp.

A huge dragon head appeared in the sky and immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Lord Zogar is dead!" Musbel's soldiers were terrified and their morale plummeted.

"The Dragon Knight is dead!" Rowe shouted loudly, letting out the roar of the dragon slayer.

The morale of the Musbeers fell further, while the Asgardians were all in high spirits and the fighting spirit was great, and the situation below suddenly began to be one-sided.

Rowe grabbed the faucet with both hands, spun it in the air, and then threw the faucet into the crowd of Musbeier with all his might.


The huge dragon head was thrown from the sky, killing a group of Musbeiers immediately.

The formation of the Musbeiers collapsed in an instant, shouting and shoving each other.

"Bill, take someone to chase." Rowe fell back to the ground and said to the horse-faced Thor.

The horse-faced Thor nodded, and then led a group of soldiers to chase the deserters of Musbel, and cleaned up again, until the enemy came back in pieces.

Luo Wei was busy healing wounded soldiers and restoring order to the camp.

After he ran out of mana, he sat on the ground to rest for a while, then suddenly remembered Zogar's body not far away, and went over to check.

Zogar's head was chopped off by him with the ice pole, and the body was divided into two parts.

Rowe wanted to look for Zogar's head, but he couldn't find it for a long time.

Without finding the head, he returned to the corpse, and upon closer inspection, he found that Zogar's corpse still had armor on it.

This armor was transformed by the fire of Surter, and its power is not bad. Although it was damaged in the first battle, it was only thinner and could be used.

Of course, Rowe would definitely not dare to use this fire armor in Muspelheim.

After all, Muspelheim is Surtur's territory. Surter's fire armor is used here. Who knows if there will be any accidents, and he has not yet figured out how to control the fire armor. Legal use.

Putting the Surtur fire armor away, Rowe continued to rest for a while, and then opened the holy deed to check.

The result made him a little disappointed. The Dragon Knight was not judged to be a major villain in a critical world order, so there was no spell reward, only two items.

A Divine Shield Shard, and a Book of Experience.

The Book of Experience is not a boss or a rare monster, or even a high level, just a fourth-level night elf female archer.

After a day's rest, Rowe entered the training space the next morning and killed the night elf archer without much trouble.

Contrary to his expectations, even though it was just a low-level ordinary experience book, the things dropped were actually quite good.

Two things, one is [Disguise: Night Elf], which can make people turn into a night elf for a day.

The other is the potion formula [Alchemy formula: Tyrande's youth].

Tyrande's youth? Rowe looked closely.

【Tyrande's youth】

[Description: After taking it, you can keep your face forever. 】

Look forever!

Luo Wei himself is not very interested in this, but it is conceivable that the lethality of this thing to women is simply invincible, and God can kill God.

He then looked at the material.

Unsurprisingly, with such a powerful function, the materials used are not ordinary.

[Main ingredients: sand of time, golden thorn grass, purple lotus, golden pearl, dried banana]

Wait...something strange seems to have gotten in.

Dried bananas? What the **** is this?

Luo Wei was stunned for a while, and then he recalled a famous ancient legend about Tyrande. Could it be...

After a while, he dispelled his thoughts and studied the formula carefully.

Among the five materials, the first three are known to him. Among them, the golden thorn grass has nothing to say, and the alternative materials are relatively common.

The sand of time is naturally the sand he got from the cave of time, and there is still a lot left after making the talent mixture.

Purple lotus is a little more troublesome. A substitute for this thing is produced in the home of the dark elves, Walter Alheim, and it cannot be preserved for long without it.

Rowe tried to transplant, but failed several times However, in Walter Alheim, this thing is not too rare, and there are not many people there, and it is not difficult to find it if you look around.

It was the latter two, golden pearls and bananas, that made him a little confused.


Speaking of pearls, Luo Wei remembered the snow pearls given to him by the Snow Demon clan before. In addition to the snow pearls given to him by the Snow Demon, there were also a lot of them that were found on Byrest.

According to Snow Demon, snow pearls have the effect of nourishing the skin, and may be able to replace the role of gold pearls in this medicine.

Thinking of this, Luo Wei immediately took out a snow pearl and put it on the holy deed for identification.

[86% substitution for gold pearls]

The results came out, quite a good degree of substitution.

In this way, all four ingredients are settled, leaving the last one, the dried banana.