Chapter 274: 【Flame Giant】

Luo Wei took out several common medicinal materials from the Sanctuary space and put them in the Sanctuary for identification, but none of them could replace the dried bananas.

This is Muspelheim, and there is a war, and he is not good at finding medicinal materials, so he has to put this matter on hold for the time being.

Muspelheim is constantly at war.

Under the iron hoof of Asgard, a large number of Surtur's subordinates were killed in battle, castles and fortresses were reduced to ruins one after another, and their power was shrinking day by day.

It is the day, the burning realm, the capital of Muspelheim's kingdom of flames.

The Burning Territory is staggered by three magma rivers, straddling the boundless heat wave.

In the center of the capital, where the three magma rivers meet, among the lava, stands a red pinnacle several thousand meters high.

This red pinnacle is a volcano, and it is also the palace of the flame giant Surtur, which is called the burning throne by the tribes of the Nine Realms.

On the edge of the Burning Realm, Asgardian troops descend upon the city.

In addition to Hela, the three well-known Asgard gods, Tyr, the **** of war, Balder, the **** of light, and Karnira, the duchess of Norn, are also here, with thousands of protoss warriors standing behind them.

Hela stood at the forefront of the Asgardian gods, and when her hands were beckoning, the surrounding wind was surging, and a giant sword more than ten meters long slowly condensed.

The giant sword is not an illusion of energy, but a real substance. It is her divine power, remaking, that constructs the surrounding matter into her own weapon.

Looking at the slowly taking shape of the giant sword, Luo Wei couldn't help but think that he could use air to create a magical weapon by taking materials anytime, anywhere.

He also remembered the ability of the dragon knight Zogar before, which can condense the flame to the near essence, and he wondered if his flame power would have a similar function in the future...

After the giant sword was formed, it turned and pointed directly at the gate of the Burning Realm.

Hela's sword pointed, and the giant sword shot out.


The city gate of the Burning Domain was immediately split open, and the door collapsed.

"For Asgard!"

"Odin is up!"

In a burst of cries, Asgard's army poured into the Burning Realm, and the Muspier soldiers who were guarding near the city gate were washed away in an instant.

Rowe was the same as when he fought against the dragon knight Zogar, holding the sword of Rivendell in his right hand, and the ice pole in his left hand with venom.

Venom is afraid of fire, but under the shroud of the cold force of the extreme ice blade, it can also fight here. With the help of venom, Luo Wei doesn't have to deliberately resist the cold of the ice pole.

Accompanied by the dazzling holy light, Luo Wei rushed into the enemy group, and when the swords danced wildly, the Musbell people fell to the ground.

Holy Light Dedication!

Rowe stabbed the sword of Rivendell and the ice pole into the ground, and then flew quickly along the ground, drawing a huge circle, and the lines of holy light produced by the dedication of the holy light were about to surround hundreds of Musbeiers.

At first, these Musbeiers didn't know what the holy light pattern on the ground was, so they had to step out of the encirclement.


As a result, as soon as they stepped into the lines of holy light dedication, when the holy light flickered, they all screamed.

Some of them quickly retreated, some fell to the ground and could not get up again, and some were guilty, triggering the disciplinary power of the Holy Light, and their lower body was blown off as soon as they took a step.

At this time, the Musbeiers realized the power of the Holy Light's dedication and dared not make any more mistakes.

Rowe did not block them, but left a gap in the encirclement, and then guarded the gap.

Forcibly crossing the Holy Light dedication was fruitless, and the surrounded Musbeiers had to rush to this gap.

It's just that the gap is not big. At most, five or six Musbeiers can only pass through at a time. Five or six Musbeers are not Rowe's opponents at all, and they are easily beheaded.

Just like that, Luo Wei stood still, slashed flat with his blade, and with a single swing, a Musbeier was killed.

Enemies kept rushing up, but it seemed like the pieces of meat that were fed into the meat grinder never came back and forth, as if one husband was in charge of one man and ten thousand men were left alone.

In this way, there is not much consumption. The revenge feedback effect of the Sword of Rivendell has a very high trigger rate on the Musbeers. Therefore, after two minutes passed, hundreds of Musbeers were wiped out, but Rowe hardly had any. consume.

Musbels are just relatives of demons that can produce this effect.

If there was revenge feedback when he fought the demon at Warnerheim, I don't know what the scene would be... Thinking of this, Luo Wei even had the urge to go to **** and smash the demon field.

During the successive crusades in Asgard, Muspelheim's strength was severely depleted, and he did not have enough powerhouses, so he was already struggling to deal with Hela, Tyr and other four.

Therefore, from the beginning to the end, Luo Wei did not encounter an opponent who could stop him for a long time, and the journey was quite smooth, and at least three or four hundred Musbeiers were killed by their hands.

In terms of the number of kills alone, he is at least the top two in this battle.

The reason why it is said to be the first two is that there is no other reason, but it is because of Balder, the **** of light.

As the owner of the divine power of light, Balder has the ability to manipulate light, and his gestures are brighter than Rowe. He wields two long swords, dazzling light, and the killing range is amazing.

Wherever he kills, the enemy will be swept away.

As the battle continued, the disadvantage of the Musbeiers became more and more obvious, and more than half of the tens of thousands of soldiers were lost.

"Enough, Asgardian!"

At this moment, a roar came from the volcano at the core of the Burning Domain, the sound was like thunder, and the world changed color for a while.


Immediately, a huge figure wrapped in flames jumped out of the volcano. With two horns on his head, he was hundreds of meters high, and he held a giant sword that opened the mountain, which was terrifying.

The flame giant Surtur!

Surtur had an angry look on his face waving the Twilight Sword in his hand, slashing the nearby God of War Tyr.


The **** of war Tyr was slashed into the magma river with a sword, and it took a while to climb out of it, quite embarrassed.

"Odin Poulsen, you're deceiving people too much!" Surtur did not look at Tyr again, but turned his eyes to the sky ahead, the flames raging on his body, as if it was his anger.

As soon as Surtur finished speaking, a golden light flashed in the sky, revealing a mighty middle-aged man in golden armor. He rode the eight-legged celestial horse Sleipnis under his crotch, the gods of Asgard. King, Odin.

Odin calmly looked at Surter and said, "Surter, you murdered innocents indiscriminately and slaughtered Corbin, do you know your sins?"

"Humph!" Surtur snorted coldly, "Don't pretend, Odin, how can you be any better when it comes to killing innocents indiscriminately. Corbyn is just a weak planet beyond the Nine Realms, how can you be? You will take it seriously, you just want me to submit to you to satisfy your vanity."