Chapter 275: 【Odin VS Surtur】

"Surtur, it seems that you still do not repent." Odin said, and then pointed the spear of eternity, "I will give you one last chance. If you still have such an attitude, then I can only judge you on behalf of justice. already."

The flames on Surtur grew stronger: "Odin, what you have done will bring destruction to Asgard!"


There was a thunder in the sky.

Then Odin's indifferent voice sounded, which accompanied the thunder, as if the power of the sky descended: "Submit, or perish."

Looking at the eternal spear pointed at him in the sky, Surtur clenched the sword of twilight in his hand, and his burning face became more and more hateful.

"The flame giant will never surrender!" Then he roared and jumped up from the volcano.

"Boom--" He jumped up like a huge mountain, directly changing the nearby terrain, tearing the ground for a while, and the magma flew up.

The Twilight Sword radiated fiery light, slashing Odin like the sun.

Odin's expression did not change, the spear of eternity turned, and the arc of the whole body was great, and the mighty thunder instantly condensed into a giant shield in front of him.


The flaming Twilight Sword slammed into the Thunder Shield, splashing with dazzling thunder and rumbling.

The Thunder Shield flickered violently for a while, and it was obvious that Surtur, as the second strongest in the Nine Realms and the great demon who roamed the universe, had the ability to compete with Odin.

The flames on the Twilight Sword became more and more fiery, sparking a dazzling light that made almost everyone close their eyes.

With the spear of eternity in Odin's hand, the giant thunder shield suddenly twisted, and immediately saw a flash of blue brilliance, and dozens of arcs shot out.


Surter's huge size was difficult to dodge, and dozens of arcs all hit, and a series of loud noises sounded.

Surter groaned, staggered a few steps, and splashed a lot of lava on his feet on the magma river.

There was a crack in his chest that was bombarded by the thunder, but only with a flash of fire, these cracks were restored as before, and there was no trace of it.

After Surter stabilized his figure, he put **** on his forehead, like a meditation.

Immediately, his body shrank rapidly, from a mountain-like giant image to a height of about five meters, not much bigger than Odin riding an eight-legged Pegasus.

Surter's body shrank sharply, and the flame on his body heated up sharply. When the shrinkage ended, he had become a fiery light group in people's eyes, and the brightness was even far greater than that of the sun.

Odin smiled: "You won't be able to maintain this state for long."

Surter didn't speak, and shot out at a speed that seemed to teleport, leaving a string of dazzling afterimages in the air.

Odin also moved at the same time, and saw two arcs suddenly burst out in his eyes, and then disappeared with the Eight-legged Pegasus.

"Boom boom-"

Immediately, the loud noises continued one after another, lasting for more than ten minutes, as if the dense thunder, buzzing in people's ears, almost shattered the burning sky of Muspelheim.

People can't see Odin's figure, nor can they see the fierce battle that is taking place, but they can see the blazing light of Surtur's incarnation.

This group of light moved rapidly in the sky, like a beam of light refracted by countless mirrors, with staggered trajectories.


Suddenly, with a loud noise, Surter's incarnation of the blazing light group drew a straight trajectory, smashed **** the ground, and then penetrated into the ground, not knowing how deep the rock and soil were.

At the same time, Odin also staggered to show his figure.

He was panting slightly, and there were some burn marks on his body. Obviously, he was not very relaxed in the fight just now.

On the ground penetrated by Surter, with the deep pit as the center, a large area of ​​several kilometers in a radius quickly showed a state of melting, turning into muddy magma in an instant, and the heat was billowing.

The magma surged, and Surtur emerged from it.

Part of his abdomen was missing, and one of the horns on his head was broken, apparently destroyed in the battle just now.

But soon, there was a burst of fire, and the part of Surtur's body that disappeared was restored to its original state, and it looked almost unchanged.

If I had to say it, the flames on his body also dimmed slightly during the recovery from the injury.

"Odin, flames can't kill, I have been burning for endless years," Surtur said.

"Really?" Odin snorted coldly, and then the spear of eternity swung, and his body began to emit colorful light, just like the color of the Rainbow Bridge.

The light of the Rainbow Bridge gathered more and more on Odin, eventually turning him into a rainbow-like figure.

"You know nothing about the power of Asgard!"

Before he finished speaking, Odin's figure disappeared again, and then appeared in front of Surtur in an instant, with the spear of eternity shining brightly.

Surtur was shocked, and quickly dodged, flying out like a meteor, and would avoid the destruction edge of the Eternal Spear.


As soon as the spear of eternity hit the magma, there was only a loud noise, and the magma for several kilometers was turned into nothingness in the rainbow-like brilliance.

The same thing happened on the ground farther away, and it vanished into ashes.

Under this blow, half of the Burning Domain was almost destroyed. If the Asgards and Musbeiers had not moved away in advance, I am afraid that many unlucky ones would also be affected and die.

Surtur was shocked, angry and scared, but Odin didn't give him time to react.

Odin arrived in an instant, and the spear of eternity stabbed Surtur with a mighty rainbow of light.


This time Surtur couldn't escape completely, and was affected by the spear of eternity, and one leg was directly destroyed. This leg first turned into broken flames, and then turned into nothingness in the rainbow.

After destroying one of Surtur's legs, the rainbow shot out, disappeared into the sky, and plunged into the vast starry sky.

This incomparably powerful rainbow galloped across the universe At this moment, a thin old man passed by the starry sky near Muspelheim.

This old man has golden skin and a blue gemstone inlaid on his forehead, which can be described as a peculiar image. He stepped on the void and walked forward, frowning slightly while lowering his head, as if thinking about something.

"Huh?" The golden old man seemed to notice something and turned his head to look.

At the end of his line of sight, some colorful lights suddenly appeared, and these rainbow lights were rapidly magnifying.

"Not good!" The golden old man was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed greatly, he hurriedly dodged, and at the same time, his whole body was full of golden light, and his skin seemed to be transformed into golden cast.

However, it was still a step behind.


In the screams of the golden old man, a mighty rainbow drowned his figure.