Chapter 278: 【Planet Devourer】

It took some effort to find the purple lotus in Walter Alheim, and it was almost too late, so the next morning after setting up Tyrande's youth, Rowe rushed to a port in the Sea of ​​Marmora.

Here is a boat that rushes to the thunder, and Hela has come to the boat, standing on the boat, leaning on the railing, looking at the sea of ​​Mamora that is rushing in the distance.

Arguably one of Asgard's most famous and magical sights, the Sea of ​​Marmora is endless, flowing day and night, forming a vast cloud of air in the surrounding starry sky.

Asgard is only the size of a city, but according to legend, the sea water that flows into the universe in the endless years of the Sea of ​​Mamora is as large as a large planet.

Every envoy and **** who visits Asgard for the first time will be amazed at the endless sea suspended in the stars. Even people living in Asgard often take pictures of its beauty.

"His Royal Highness." Rowe walked to Hela's side.

"Hug me." Hela gave an order.


As an excellent fighter, Luo Wei naturally took it as his duty to obey orders, and immediately stepped forward and put his arms around the waist of the commander.

Hela cuddled gently, and the two quietly watched the sea for a while, and the sun that had just risen on the sea.

"By the way, Your Highness, this is for you." Rowe took out a crystal bottle, which contained a cool light blue liquid, which was Tyrande's youth.

"What is this?" Hela asked while holding the crystal bottle.

"A rare potion that can make a person's face last forever."

"Really?" Hela was a little surprised. But obviously, she didn't really care about her appearance forever.

"Of course," Rowe said.

Hela accepted Tyrande's youth and smiled, "Thank you."

The two of them didn't look at the sea for a long time. With the strong rays of the sun, the Asgardians became busy, and soldiers with tasks rushed to their posts.

The horse-faced Thor was the first to arrive at the Thunder Boat, but his clumsy footsteps could be detected from afar, so when he saw Hela and Luo Wei, the two were already pure superiors and inferiors.

"His Royal Highness." Ma Mian Thor greeted.

Hela nodded: "Bill, Heimdall has used all-seeing eyes to select a group of planets for the Corbins. Today we will go to the field to check to determine the new Corbin star."

"Thank you, thank your Majesty Odin." The horse-faced Thor bent over.

Soon, the fellow soldiers also arrived at the Thunder Boat, and then the Thunder Boat set sail, leaving the Sea of ​​Marmora and heading for the vast starry sky.

After jumping in space, a blue-green planet appeared in front, and then the Thunder-Bending Boat landed and docked near a piece of water on the planet.


As soon as the Thunder-Bending Boat landed, a giant beast resembling a dinosaur roared.

However, in the face of a boat of Asa Gods and a cyborg horse-faced Thor, this beast naturally couldn't be bitten by anyone, and was eventually sprinkled with cumin by Rowe.

"There are no civilized races on this planet, only some such beasts, Bill, what do you think of this place?" Rowe asked while handing over a piece of barbecue.

"Not bad, but the air here is not suitable for my clan, the oxygen content is too high." Ma Mian Thor said.

Hela nodded: "Let's go to the next planet later."


When everyone was eating, a sound suddenly came.

Turning to look, it was a furry humanoid creature coming from not far away, carefully and curiously looking at the people of Asgard, and at the same time staring at the fragrant barbecue.

This human-shaped creature walked upright, and its eyes were very different from those of the beast. This creature should already be considered a savage.

"It seems that this planet is about to give birth to its own owner," said the horse-faced Thor.

"Do you want this?" He shook the roast in his hand.

The savage hesitated for a while, then ran over, made a gesture of gratitude, and then took the barbecue and feasted on it.

Rowe looked at the savage and had a whim. He raised his hand and the light surged, but it poured some holy light into the wooden stick on his shoulder.

The savage was still gorging on the barbecue, unaware that what he was carrying on his shoulders had become the most powerful weapon on this planet.

After everyone finished eating the barbecue, they returned to the boat, and the Thunder Boat set sail again and ascended into the sky.

Looking at the huge warship taking off, the savages on the ground looked shocked and looked up at the sky for a long time...

The Thunder Boat arrived at the second planet and landed for investigation.

"It's very similar to the Corbin star!" As soon as he landed, the horse-faced Thor said excitedly, "It should become the new home of the Corbin people!"

Hela said: "There are still a few planets, you can compare them before making a choice."

Ma Mian Thor thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, then I will trouble you."

In the next few days, everyone took the boat of thunder and inspected the remaining planets one by one. After comparison, the horse-faced Thor still chose the second planet as the new home of the Corbins, and directly named this planet "New Corbin".

The Thunderboat carried everyone back to the new Corbin star, and was going to initially establish a stronghold here to facilitate the subsequent construction of the Corbin people.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, not long after the boat landed on this planet, a figure like a meteor descended from the sky, directly piercing the boat with astonishing speed.


"Who!" Everyone's expressions changed drastically.

In the sky, a translucent silver bright figure was suspended, and the face could not be seen clearly, just like a crystal.

"I am the messenger of the Planet Devourer, Stardust," said the figure.

Luo Wei and the horse-faced Thor went to mine Ulu ore with Odin at the beginning However, because they were too far away from Odin, they did not see the stardust that offended Odin, so naturally they did not recognize it now.

But Rowe was surprised.

Although very little has been heard of the Planet Devourer in this life, in the previous life, no one knew the name of the Devourer of the Star, and I didn't expect to meet the Envoy of the Devourer here.

Stardust continued: "This planet is already food for the Planet Eaters, including the inhabitants of the planet, which is you... But you don't have to feel sad about it, it's part of the laws of the universe, and there's no great Planet Eater. devoured, the entire universe will be destroyed in disequilibrium."

Hela frowned: "We are Asgards, not residents of this planet."

"Asgardians?" Xingchen was startled, then fell silent.

His whole body is translucent, and at the same time, the brilliance flashes, and others can't see his face and demeanor.

After a while, Xingchen said, "I see, I will ask my master for instructions."