Chapter 279: 【Wormhole】3 more

Somewhere in the deep space of the universe, a towering giant is sitting in the void.

The starlight flashed, and Xingchen appeared in front of him: "Master, it's time for you to eat."

"Indeed, I can feel my hunger." The Planet Eater nodded.

"However, there is a group of Asgardians occupying the planet you selected, trying to prevent you from eating." Xingchen added.

"What, it's Asgard again!" The Planet Devourer's voice was a little angry.

Stardust said: "Yes, this is the second time that Asgard has interfered with the operation of the laws of nature. I even suspect that they are deliberately offending the great Planet Eater! It is unforgivable!"

Planet Eater: "Hmph, these ignorant Asgardians."

Stardust continued, "Master, Asgard must pay for this."

Planet Devourer thought for a while: "Is Odin there?"

"No, just a group of ordinary soldiers. To you, they are no different from ants." Xingchen said.

"In this case, let them experience the invincible power of the Planet Devourer." The huge size of the Planet Devourer got up from the void.

New Corbyn star.

As soon as Xingchen left, the horse-faced Thor asked, "Who is the "Planet Devourer" and why does he devour the planet? Is he the same demon as Surtur?"

"No." Hela shook her head, "I don't know much about the Planet Devourer, I just heard Father King mention it occasionally."

"As Stardust said, the Planet Eater can indeed be seen as a law of operation of the universe. His hunger and feeding are both reflections of natural laws and part of the self-regulation of the universe."

Horse-faced Thor was stunned, and stammered: "That is to say, if he is going to devour a planet, no one can stop him."

Hela: "Not necessarily. But the power and status of the Planet Devourer, even my father, must be treated with extreme caution, and it is impossible to seal or execute him. So Bill, you must be prepared to change a planet. Prepare."

Ma Mian Thor sighed: "Okay."

After a while, the sky suddenly darkened, and a layer of endless dark clouds covered the sky of the new Corbin star without warning, and the wind was surging.

At the same time, a vast coercion swept over, shocking everyone physically and mentally, and realized that some incredible existence seemed to have come here.

Heaven and earth change.

"What's going on!" the crowd exclaimed.

Horse-faced Thor stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky: "What is that!"

I saw that in the depths of the boundless dark clouds, a majestic figure was looming. He seemed to be integrated with the dark clouds, and the outline was blurred, but it could still be seen in general.

Its image is very similar to that of the gods, wearing purple-red heavy armor, it looks almost like a robot, but it is taller.

The deity is only the size of a mountain, and this giant integrated with the dark clouds looks like the size of a planet, covering the sky and the sun.

"Planet Devourer!"

Rowe recognized that this disguise was the Planet Devourer.

"Didn't that shiny guy say to ask the Planet Devourer for instructions? What's going on?" said the horse-faced Thor, "Could it be that the Planet Devourer is going to eat us directly?"

"I'm afraid so..." someone said.


Before the words fell, the earth began to vibrate violently, as if a tenth-magnitude earthquake broke out, cracking and disintegrating everywhere.

Seeing this scene, everyone had no time to think about it, and quickly prepared to escape.

The Thunder Boat has been destroyed by Stardust. Fortunately, there are four people who can fly. In addition to Hela, Luo Wei, and Ma Mian Thor, there is also a team leader who has the ability to fly, but there are not many people, so the four people dragged Teammates, fly to the sky at full speed.

Luo Wei put on flame gloves in both hands, dragged a few people and shot out, turned into a long rainbow of flames, and quickly rushed to the starry sky.

The process of swallowing a planet is obviously not fast. Under the full speed of the four people, they finally left the new Corbin star.

Standing in the starry sky, looking at the new Corbin star, which was wrapped in dark clouds and was disintegrating, everyone looked gloomy.

"This is supposed to be the new home of the Corbins..." Ma Mian Lei Shen clenched his fists and his body trembled slightly.

At this moment, the vast dark cloud that was devouring the planet suddenly surged, separated a few strands, and flew towards them, as if not intending to let them go.

Everyone was startled and quickly continued to run away.

However, the speed of this dark cloud was astonishing, and the four of them dragging their teammates could not run at all, and they were caught up in a short while.

A few soldiers were touched by the dark clouds, and before they had time to scream, they were completely drowned by the vast dark clouds and disappeared without a trace.

In the blink of an eye, only Hela and other four flying ones were left running for their lives, and all the remaining soldiers were drowned in the dark clouds of Planet Devourer's incarnation.


Another person was swallowed by the dark clouds, and now only Hela, Luo Wei, and Ma Mian Thor remain.

Rowe's flaming gloves raged wildly, while Hela and the horse-faced Thor tried their best to urge the warhammer in their hands. In the vast universe, the three chased the stars and the moon, trying to get rid of the dark clouds behind them.

However, the dark clouds were chasing after them, and the speed was no less than them.

"There's a wormhole there!" the horse-faced Thor said suddenly, and at the same time stretched out his finger, "We can pass there!"

Luo Wei and Hela looked, and saw an inconspicuous round hole appearing in the vast starry sky, with ripples rippling in the space, the middle was pitch black, and they didn't know where to go.

However, they have time to think about what is on the other side of the wormhole. It is a blessing to meet them. After all, there are few existences more terrifying than the Planet Devourer in the universe. Much better.


Without hesitation, the three of them headed towards the wormhole at full speed.

The dark clouds seemed to have noticed it too and accelerated.

Luo Wei used flame gloves to propel his flight, UU reading www. Therefore, was facing the dark cloud. Seeing that the dark cloud was about to catch up, and the distance was less than ten meters, he quickly took out a bunch of arrows from the holy deed.

These arrows are infused with holy light, and the golden light shimmers in their hands.

He threw it hard, threw the arrow all over his head, and then pointed to it.

Holy Shock!

"Boom boom boom-"

The arrows exploded one after another, opening rounds of golden halos in the starry sky, successfully blocking the pursuit of the dark clouds.

Taking this opportunity, he turned his head and glanced, and saw that Hela and the horse-faced Thor had already flown into the wormhole.

His firepower increased, his hands were full of flames, his speed increased sharply, and he flew into the wormhole immediately.

Entering the wormhole, a sense of tearing came from all directions, and at the same time it was upside down, the orientation was indistinguishable, and there was spatial turbulence everywhere. Luo Wei felt like a lump of dough, being rubbed and shaken repeatedly in his hands...