Chapter 285: 【Carlo】

The audience burst into unprecedented screams and applause, pushing the atmosphere of the arena to a climax.

Immediately, the gate of the arena opened, and a man in armor and a giant axe walked out.

He was unshaven and had a scar on his face.

Looking at his image, it is one of the champion statues.

"Brutal Axe!"

"Ares! Ares!"

Luo Wei looked at this man and couldn't help thinking for a while.

Ares? I don't know if this person is the same person as Ares, the **** of war among the gods of Olympus?

At this moment, Ares walked to a position closer to Rowe, and the holy light suddenly surged, and the pointer of the holy light came out, pointing directly at Ares.

No wonder the murderous aura is so strong. This Ares is definitely a murderous person. I don't know how much blood is on his hands, and the blood of innocents is indispensable.

"Next is Ares' opponent, the powerful giant stone warrior!" Gao Tianzun said again.

The entrance of the contestant on the other side also opened, and a burly stone man with a height of four or five meters walked out of it.

The Boulder Warrior swung a sledgehammer and roared, and the audience cheered him.

"Game start!"

The projection of Gao Tianzun ended, and the game officially started. The giant stone warriors started to be the strongest, holding the warhammer and striding towards Ares.


His huge size made the ground tremble, and the audience in the front row could feel the vibration, and there was another scream at the moment.

Facing the menacing boulder warrior, Ares stood still, just took the battle axe off his back, held it in his hand, and then looked coldly at the boulder warrior rushing over.

The boulder warrior roared, and the sledgehammer in his hand smashed towards Ares with a great force.

Ares responded very quickly, and he didn't see how he moved, and he avoided the hammer in an instant, almost like a teleportation.

While avoiding the warhammer, Ares swung the axe in his backhand.


With just a loud bang, Ares' battle axe cut off the boulder warrior in half, and the rubble splashed.

End with an axe.

The corpses of the megalithic warriors, or a pile of stones, were scattered heavily on the ground. Ares withdrew the battle axe at the right time, put his back behind him, and left the field without looking back.

"Ax of brutality, invincible Ares!"

"Ares! Ares!" the audience screamed more and more, chanting the same name.

Seeing Ares solve the battle with an axe, Rowe was also shocked.

It's not how powerful it is to kill the giant stone warrior with one blow. Although in the eyes of ordinary people, the terrifying giant stone warrior looks very powerful, but in Luo Wei's eyes, this giant stone warrior has a superficial appearance and looks scary, but the real level is actually very Cai. In all likelihood, its popularity was created by Gao Tianzun through improper means.

Killing the Boulder Warrior in one move doesn't mean anything. But Ares flashed two moves, showing amazing speed and near-perfect skills, enough to rank among the top few even in Asgard.

The race is over.

The audience left unsatisfied and heated discussions all the way.

On the way Rowe left, he was thinking about the countermeasures to rescue the horse-faced Thor.

If you want to save the horse-faced Thor, in fact, you only need to take off the surrender disk on his neck. With his strength, as long as he did not submit to the shackles of the magnetic sheet, it would be difficult for Gao Tianzun to trap him.

There are two ways to lift the surrender magnetic sheet, one is to get the remote control device from Gao Tianzun's hand, and the other is to cover the horse-faced thunder **** with the holy shield technique, and then directly smash the surrender magnetic sheet.

Luo Wei had very few Holy Shield fragments in his hand, and he didn't use it enough. Naturally, he didn't want to share it with others, so he first considered the former and obtained the controller from Gao Tianzun.

Luo Wei had no idea how to approach Gao Tianzun, but he thought of another person.

Carlo, Gao Tianzun's cousin.

When questioning Wagg before, Rowe learned a lot about Carlo.

In Saka star, the name Carlo will always have some more modified content, such as "greedy Carlo", "stingy Carlo", "gambler Carlo".

Just like these embellishments, Carlo is a well-known Saka's gambler and money junkie, who often hangs out in Saka's various gambling establishments.

"To find Carlo, you just have to walk around several famous casinos in the city of Saka." These are Wagg's original words.

The next day, Rowe left the hotel where he lived and began to look for the famous casino in Saka.

Sure enough, he soon found out about Carlo, knowing that the man was gambling on horses at a racetrack, and went to the racetrack.

More than a dozen horses carrying their riders galloped around the racecourse, and the audience all shouted. The atmosphere was quite similar to that of the arena, but it was actually more intense.

After all, most of the audience in the arena is just watching, and almost everyone in the audience at the racetrack is betting on horses, and their interests are naturally more excited.

Rowe soon found Carlo, and in the front row of the auditorium, surrounded by several guards, a thin, bald man got up from his seat and shouted with his neck pulled.

"Dahl, if you can't even get the top three today, I'll sew you into the belly of the horse!"

He shouted that, and the fourth-ranked rider in the racecourse couldn't help but look nervous, and he twitched the reins, trying to make the horse under his crotch run faster.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Carlo kept shouting.

Looking at the horses galloping in the field, Luo Wei thought about it and asked Venom: "You should be able to live with horses, right?"

"Most creatures can." Venom said, "But it depends on how well I fit with them. If the fit is too low, at least one of the symbiote and the host will die."

"Look at that horse?" Rowe pointed out.

"The fit should be okay, at least to maintain a symbiosis for one game - if I guessed correctly, you want me to help this horse win?" Venom asked.


Just as Rowe and Venom were talking, the race came to an end, and the horse that Carlo was shouting for did not make it to the top three, but fell behind again, and finally settled in fifth place.

This made Carlo furious After the game, he grabbed a knife from the guard next to him, ran over angrily, waved the knife, and dismembered the horse.


The horse whimpered and fell to the ground.

"Sew him in for me!" Then Carlo pointed at the rider and said.

"Don't, Lord Carlo, don't!" The rider said in horror, but he was still supported by several guards and stuffed into the horse's stomach.

"Wait a minute." Rowe came over at this time.

"Who are you?" Carlo frowned.

Rowe pointed to the horse that fell to the ground and said, "Mr. Carroll, I have a way to make it get better results."

"You mean let it run along its guts?" Carlo snorted.