Chapter 286: 【Not interested in money】

"Of course not." Rowe said, stepping forward, he released a flash of holy light to the already disembodied Su Ma.

I saw a flash of holy light, and the injury healed quickly. The seriously injured Su Ma quickly recovered as before, stood up again, and shook his head.

With Luo Weilu's hand, Carlo's expression suddenly changed: "How did you do it?"

"My name is Anduin, and I'm a priest of the Holy Light." Rowe smiled slightly.

He didn't say that he was a paladin. After all, this title was a fighting profession, and it was easy for the opponent to subconsciously generate vigilance.

"Pastor of the Holy Light"

"Like just now, I can treat a lot of serious injuries," Rowe said.

Carlo was interested: "So, what are you going to do to make my horse run faster?"

Luo Wei looked around: "There are many people here..."

Carlo interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "There are so many people, do you think cheating is a great secret? All the horses here take stimulants."

Rowe was startled.

Carlo continued: "Of course, although all horses will take stimulants, the horse farm will also be checked, and only the stimulants that cannot be found can be used. The method you said, should not be known to some people, A low-level stimulant that can be found at a glance.”

Rowe: "Mr. Carroll, you can rest assured. No one can find my stuff."

He is still very confident in Venom's ability. Although when he fights, he always transforms into an Ultraman-like appearance with Venom, which is very conspicuous, but Venom can completely hide in the host's body and not be discovered by the outside world.

In this incomplete symbiotic form, the increase in strength is not complete, but it is more than enough to cope with horse racing.

Carlo thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, let me see. Come with me."

Lowe left the racetrack with him and boarded a spaceship.

As soon as they got on the spaceship, two beautiful women with scantily clad clothes were thrown into Carlo's arms, and Yingying Yanyan snorted.

Carlo hugged from side to side, and said, "Let's go back."

The spaceship started immediately, carried a group of people away, and came to a manor not long after. It is said to be a manor, but in Rowe's view, it is still a strong circus style.

The biggest resource of Saka star is the garbage from all over the universe, and this colorful style can be seen everywhere.

"Show your means, Anduin." Carlo lay down on a chair and hugged the two beauties comfortably, while signaling for the guards to bring Mima.

Rowe smiled, flipped his hand and took out a vial, which contained a viscous golden liquid, which was the venom of the light-cast symbiote.

Of course, apart from him, no one in the entire universe knows about the existence of the "Light Casting Symbiote". Anyone who sees the golden liquid in this bottle will probably think that it is some kind of potion.

"What's this?" Carlo said.

"Potion of Holy Light, such a bottle is worth tens of thousands." Luo Wei said, while pretending to feed the venom to the millet.

The venom got into the horse's body.

"Neigh—" The horse neighed, the sound was loud and different from before, and at the same time the four hooves kicked with great strength.

Luo Wei patted the horse's head, and Su Ma immediately turned around and galloped across the open space. The speed was significantly improved compared to before, and anyone could see it at a glance.

"So fast!" Caro's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help sitting up from the reclining chair. "Check it to see if it can find any stimulants."

A servant stepped forward, took out a device shaped like a needle in his hand, raised his hand and stabbed the needle into the millet's body.

After a few seconds, the needle device displayed a line of Sarkar text: Check passed.

Seeing this result, Carlo was overjoyed: "This is simply a miracle, with this, the outcome of the game is not up to me!"

He let Su Ma run a few more laps, and Su Ma always maintained an amazing speed.

"Unbelievable..." Carlo sighed in admiration, and then patted Rowe on the shoulder affectionately, "My good friend Anduin, how many 2,000 bottles of this potion do you have and sell to me, I want them all. "

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Su Ma suddenly fell to the ground, convulsed violently, and foamed at the mouth, as if he might die at any time.

"What's the matter?" Carlo hurried forward.

"No...I don't know." The attendant was sweating profusely.

Luo Wei came over at this time: "Leave it to me."

He put his hand under Su Ma's body, and the venom came out quietly, seeping into his fingers, and no one else could see anything.

Withdrawing the venom, Luo Wei put a gift of faith, Su Ma's condition improved quickly, and he stood up from the ground again.

"This is a side effect of the Holy Light Elixir," Rowe said to Carlo.

"Side" Carlo frowned, despite the fact that he didn't have eyebrows.

Luo Wei nodded and continued solemnly: "Yes, although the Holy Light Potion can greatly increase the power of living beings and cannot be detected by conventional means, it will cause serious injury or even death of the user after a period of time."

"So serious!" Carlo was taken aback.

Luo Wei: "Of course, as a priest of the Holy Light, as long as I am there, there will be no serious injury or death."

Carlo's brows did not stretch.

Rowe pondered: "Actually, Mr. Carlo, I found you because I hope you can fund my research and improve the Holy Light Potion."

"What help money do you need?" Caro asked.

Luo Wei shook his head: "I'm not interested in money, I just need to have some medicinal materials."

Carlo frowned and smiled: "Anduin, what I admire most is people like you."

Immediately, he seemed to think of something, and leaned in and said, "By the way, this Holy Light Elixir can't be used on a gladiator."

"...You know, horse racing is just a trivial matter, and championship fighting is the great event of Saka star. If the Holy Light Elixir can also work on gladiators Not only me, but also my cousin Gao Tianzun would be very interested."

Luo Wei said: "Not yet, but that is my goal. Mr. Carroll, with your help, I believe that it will not be long before I can improve the Holy Light Elixir for gladiators."

In the following period of time, Rowe used Venom to help Carlo win or make profits again and again in Marseille, while he took nothing and maintained the character of "no interest in money".

From this, Carlo's affection for him increased greatly, as if he was a confidant, and within a month, the two became familiar with each other.

Although Luo Wei didn't pay a penny, he actually gained a lot. Carlo thinks that he is improving the medicine, and often collects medicinal materials for him, so that he collects a lot of rare medicines specializing in Sakaxing.

On this day, Rowe and Carlo left the racetrack, and the ideal result of the race made the latter board the spaceship with a happy face.

"By the way, Anduin." Carlo seemed to think of something, "It's coming to Gao Tianzun's birthday soon, you and I go to the party, believe me, it is definitely the best party in Sakaxing."