Chapter 287: 【Melting Scepter】

Gao Tianzun's birthday party?

I finally have the opportunity to approach Gao Tianzun, I hope to get the controller as soon as possible... Luo Wei thought about it.

A few days passed by, and it was Gao Tianzun's birthday in a blink of an eye. Luo Wei followed Carlo to the residence of Gao Tianzun.

"Mr. Carlo, how old is Gao Tianzun's birthday?" Sitting on the spaceship, Luo Wei asked.

"It's not important, the important thing is the party, it's fun, do you understand? Gao Tianzun has a long lifespan. If measured by external standards, he is already tens of millions of years old. Even according to the time of Saka star, Gao Tianzun has His age is also a hard-to-remember number, he can't even remember himself," Caro said.

Luo Wei nodded: "According to what you said, the time of Saka star seems to be much slower than the outside world?"

Caro said: "On average, this is true, but the time flow of Saka star relative to the outside world is fast and slow, and violent fluctuations occur from time to time."

Rowe: "What's the recent flow of time?"

Caro: "No one knows the exact data, but in recent months, the time has changed dramatically. It was very fast in the past period and very slow recently."

"How is the time comparison between the inside and outside of Saka Star measured, can anyone enter and leave Saka Star at will?" Rowe asked.

"Of course not. The easiest way to measure it is to look at that thing." Carlo gestured.

Rowe looked through the porthole and followed his fingers, but it was the largest wormhole in the sky.

The wormholes surrounding Sacca are densely packed, but most of them are small, and this one is bizarrely large, obscuring the sky, and always emitting a halo of flames.

At this moment, this giant wormhole is densely spewing garbage, and all kinds of colorful, large and small things are pouring out crazily, as if it is raining heavily.

For this giant wormhole, Luo Wei had an impression in his previous life-Thor, Banner and others finally escaped from the Saka star through this wormhole.

"Devil, the biggest wormhole in Saka Star," Carlo said, and then added, "I'm not kidding, this is the official name, "Devil", which was given by Gao Tianzun himself. "

Luo Wei was a little speechless, this Gao Tianzun's taste is really vulgar.

Carlo continued: "When the devil dumps a lot of garbage, it means that the time of Saka star is slower than the outside world, Saka star spends a day, the outside world may spend a year, and a year's garbage is dumped in one day, naturally large."

"For example, now, judging from the speed of garbage dumping, the time we just talked, the outside world may have passed for several days."

Hearing this, Luo Wei couldn't help but feel a little pain.

If the time flow of Saka star has always been at this level, shouldn't Thanos snap his fingers when he returns to Asgard?

The spaceship quickly arrived at the destination, and Rowe followed Carlo to the building where Gao Tianzun lived.

"You are here, my good brother." Gao Tianzun said to Carlo with a smile, accompanied by a fat middle-aged aunt and some guards.

"Happy birthday, cousin." Carlo took out a golden gift box and said with a smile. The two of them were brothers and sisters for a while, and they seemed to be more in love than gold.

"Who is this?" Gao Tianzun pointed at Luo Wei.

Carlo introduced: "My friend, Anduin, a priest of the Holy Light, is very powerful."

"Hello, Anduin. You are Carlo's friend, and of course mine." Gao Tianzun smiled and shook hands with Luo Wei.

Rowe also smiled and said hello to him.

Everyone entered the room, and there were already many guests in the room, singing and dancing constantly, a lively atmosphere.

After a while, Gao Tianzun personally came on stage and began to play discs and play music, pushing the atmosphere of the scene to one.

It has to be said that Gao Tianzun's music level is still a little off. After listening to his electronic music, Luo Wei couldn't help but follow the rhythm.

However, at the height of the atmosphere, a loudspeaker suddenly made a harsh sound, causing most of the people present to cover their ears.

"what happened?"

"The sound is broken!"

Gao Tianzun was moody. When he was playing a disc, he suddenly had such an accident, and his face sank instantly.

He looked at one of the attendants: "If I remember correctly, you installed this speaker, right? It's only been two months."

The attendant's face turned pale, and he quickly knelt on the ground: "Please! This...this is just an accident!"

"It's a pity, I thought this would be a perfect birthday party." Gao Tianzun shook his head slowly, then smiled and looked at the fat aunt beside him, "Topaz, do me a favor."

Although Topaz is a woman, she is unusually fat and mighty, with a fierce look on her face. As soon as she stepped forward, the originally lively atmosphere suddenly disappeared.

She is holding a scepter with a golden ball on top of it, which doesn't seem to be anything special.

But seeing her coming with this scepter, the attendant burst into tears, and kowtowed while stepping back: "Don't..."

"Don't worry, the scepter will be melted quickly."

Topaz said, then took the melting scepter and tapped it on the squire.


The attendant screamed frantically, and blue fireworks burst out from his body at the same time. After a few shrill screams, he turned from a complete person into a pool of blue sewage.

"Guard, wash the floor." Gao Tianzun waved his hand lightly, and then resumed his full smile, "Everyone continue, today is my birthday, everyone must have fun, haha."

After the blue sewage was removed, the atmosphere at the scene gradually recovered and became more enthusiastic.

Many people seemed to be looking forward to something with eager expressions, especially male guests.

"Ah, the most exciting part is here. I believe you have been holding back for a long time." Gao Tianzun clapped his hands and said with a smile.

Before he finished speaking, several teams of maids came in from outside They were all beautiful, some were bold and bold, some were shy and restrained, and had different styles.

Most of the male guests had their eyes lighted.

Carlo patted Rowe on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I'll just say this is the best party, how about it, it's wonderful, Anduin."

Rowe sweats.

At this time, many people have already started to act, so the scene is gradually chaotic and indescribable.

"Come on, pick one you think is beautiful," Carlo said.

"This... I'm face-blind." Luo Wei naturally didn't want to participate in such lewd activities.

"Blind face?" Carlo was a little surprised, but soon, he was busy cultivating his own land and didn't have time to pay attention to Rowe.

Everyone is working hard.

Gao Tianzun noticed Luo Wei and asked with a smile, "Why, aren't we together?"