Chapter 288: 【Drinking】

"No need." Rowe waved his hand, "As a priest, you still have to abide by some precepts."

"Anduin, you were exiled to Saka Star, right, where did you come from?" Gao Tianzun asked, at the same time moving constantly, appearing to be familiar with it.

Rowe: "The Cathedral of Light in Azeroth."

"Azeroth? Never heard of it." Gao Tianzun smiled, then took a glass of wine and drank it, "But since you were exiled by them, why should you follow their precepts."

"In fact, I am the founder of the Cathedral of the Holy Light, and my follower Benedictus betrayed me, which led to my exile." Rowe sighed.

"Ah, so it is." Gao Tianzun nodded, "But this is my birthday party. Wouldn't it disturb everyone's interest if you just sit like this?"

Rowe was silent for a while.

He suddenly wanted to know what Loki experienced in the process of getting to know Gao Tianzun...

At this time, Gao Tianzun brought a wine bottle, poured two glasses, and handed one to Rowe: "This is the strongest wine in Saka Star, "Blood of the Red King", drink it, Anduin, or I will unhappy. "

"Okay." Rowe agreed, took the bottle of wine, and took a sip first.

The taste is okay. For him, the Asa God, this is not a strong drink, so he raised his head and drank it, not a drop was left.

Gao Tianzun was drinking, he couldn't help but stunned for a while, and then became very interested: "Why are you like drinking water? It seems that I haven't seen someone with such a heavy drinker for many years, haha. Continue."

He then poured wine, the two of you have one cup and one cup, and in a short while, they drank four bottles of the blood of the Red King.

The physique of the Protoss gave Rowe a high tolerance for alcohol. The so-called spirits tasted worse than drinking beer in his previous life, and he almost felt nothing after two bottles.

Gao Tianzun's drinking capacity was obviously much worse. After drinking two bottles, his face was red and his ears were flushed.

Usually he is moody and nervous, but this drunk is a little crazy, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying.

"Hiccup." Gao Tianzun burped again, and then said to the crowd, "Anduin has already drank two bottles of the Red King's blood. Does anyone want to compete with him?"

"It's just two bottles, I'll come!" A strong man stopped plowing in dissatisfaction, came over to fight with Luo Wei, and also drank three bottles of wine.

"Hiccup." The strong man burped his wine, and after drinking three bottles of wine, a little blush crept up his neck.

"It's your turn, Anduin." Gao Tianzun slumped on the sofa and excitedly asked for a large case of wine.

Rowe took out two bottles of wine from the box and drank it calmly.

The strong man also drank two more bottles, but he was already clearly drunk.

"Okay, you are not Anduin's opponent." Gao Tianzun patted him on the back and motioned him to play aside.

"Topaz." Gao Tianzun called Topaz.

"What?" Topaz frowned, not being very respectful to her boss.

Gao Tianzun waved his hand and said with a chuckle, "This is my birthday party, relax. I'm wondering now, who is the bigger drinker, you and Anduin."

"I'm your bodyguard, and I don't mind having a couple of drinks if you don't want to be safe," Topaz said.

"What accident can happen." Gao Tianzun waved his hand, "Come on, Topaz."

Topaz hesitated for a while, then walked over, picked up two bottles of wine and drank it, his face remained unchanged.

After drinking, she will leave.

Luo Wei seemed to suddenly think of something, his expression changed, and he suddenly stopped her: "We haven't decided the winner yet."

Topaz frowned.

Gao Tianzun also urged: "Yes, Topaz, Anduin drank four bottles, and you only drank two bottles."

Topaz had to drink two more bottles.

Rowe also drank two more bottles of wine at this time, and poured the bottle at Topaz somewhat defiantly, showing that there was not a drop left.

"Hahaha." Gao Tianzun clapped his hands and laughed when he saw this, "A drinking contest, come and come, let's bet and guess who is the final winner!"

Topaz also seemed to have some temper, and with a snort, he continued to drink, finishing more than ten bottles in a row.

Not to be outdone, Luo Wei also drank a lot. The two of them drank a whole box of Red King's blood not long after, and each drank a dozen bottles.

Obviously, for the vast majority of people, a dozen bottles of Red King's blood is a terrible amount of alcohol, so the focus of the party suddenly shifted to this wine fight. Many people were betting and discussing the final outcome. .

"Hiccup." Rowe burped.

After drinking more than a dozen bottles of the Red King's blood in a row, he couldn't bear it, and he felt dizzy and drunk.

Topaz was about the same, flushed and sweaty. She panted and said, "Go on!"

Gao Tianzun waved his hand: "Move two more cases of wine."

The attendant took orders and went to carry two more boxes of the blood of the Red King.

Rowe and Topaz continued to fight.

At this time, people were already busy with their previous physical activities, and everyone's attention was focused on this wine fight.

Rowe drank half of a bottle of wine and stopped to rest.

"Come on, Anduin, kill her!" Caro said aside.

Luo Wei looked at him: "Why don't you try it too?"

"Haha, Carlo is also here." Gao Tianzun laughed.

Carlo quickly waved his hand: "No, I can't drink that much."

Rowe handed him half a bottle of wine: "Can't you drink half a bottle? Come and try, Mr. Carroll, you didn't drink a glass of wine from start to finish."

"Drink, drink, drink!" The booing at the wine table may be the vice of all intelligent races, and everyone immediately began to boo, pouring wine for Carlo.

Carlo started Everyone also started to drink each other. After a while, the whole room smelled of alcohol, which made people feel a little drunk.

"No, don't drink anymore." Luo Wei waved his hands again and again, indicating that he would admit defeat.

"Haha, I won." Topaz showed a winner's smile, but he was in a similar state. He fell to the ground just as he was about to get up, and then leaned on the sofa and was too lazy.

Gao Tianzun was paralyzed on the sofa, his eyes blurred, just like most people in the room: "Anduin, I thought you would become a champion like Ares."

Rowe suffocated and asked casually: "Aris is so strong, aren't you worried about his betrayal? My follower Benedictus is less than one-tenth of Ares's strength. , or led to my exile."

"Of course Ares is very strong, but he can't get rid of the control of surrendering to the magnetic sheet." Gao Tianzun adjusted his posture, but still lay on the sofa like mud.

Rowe: "Submit to the magnetic disc? I've heard of this thing, but I haven't seen it yet."