Chapter 294: 【1300 years】

The vast universe.

A golden corpse floated in the void, and the corpse was in a state of disrepair, as if it had experienced great torture before dying.

The corpse is thin, and it can be seen that it looks like an old man. There is a blue gemstone inlaid on the top of his head, which glows slightly in the dark deep sky, like a star.

A spaceship passed by, and it was fleeting.

But after a while, the spaceship flew back slowly and stopped near the corpse.

"It's a corpse."

Inside the spaceship, a humanoid said, with a bit of awe in his tone.

The person he faced was a humanoid creature with ice-blue skin, who seemed to be middle-aged, his skin was calm and cold, and his body was surging with cold air, and everyone in the boat was in awe of him.

"Let me go out and see." The man stood up.

"Yes, Your Majesty Laufey."

The person headed by the spaceship turned out to be Laufey, the king of Jotunheim who had been missing for a long time in the Nine Realms!

The spaceship opened a hatch, and Laufi stepped straight out into the vacuum of space, heading straight for the golden wreckage floating not far away.

"This is... the Universe Elder Runner!" He flew over to look at it for a while, then was surprised.

The golden corpse floating here is the runner of the cosmos elder. Others may not recognize it, but as a well-known elder in the Nine Realms, Lau Fei, who talks and laughs with Odin and Surtur, naturally knows him.

"How come, the runner died tragically in the void, what happened?" Lau Fei frowned and muttered to herself.

But soon, he gave up thinking about this doomed question, and his eyes narrowed, staring at the azure sapphire on the forehead of the runner's corpse.

Looking at this gem, Lau Fei showed a surprised smile: "Space gem!"

He reached out and grabbed the gem, plucking it from the corpse's forehead, like Thanos did to Vision.

After the space gem left the runner's body, it suddenly burst into light, emitting amazing energy fluctuations, as if to trigger some terrible consequences, even Lau Fei couldn't help but change slightly.

Immediately, his hand also radiated a lot of light, and the ice-blue cold force swirled around the space gem for a while.

In the end, the cold force released by Laufey formed a crystal clear blue cube, like ice, wrapping the space gem.

After being wrapped by the cube, the movement of the space gem gradually subsided.

"The space gem, take me back to the Nine Realms, Jotunheim, and my Castle of Gastpone." Laufey's eyes flickered slightly, and he said slowly with the cube in his hand, and at the same time, his hand sparked again .

As soon as the voice fell, the space in front of him fluctuated, and finally a space door opened.

Lau Fei smiled, and left the spaceship waiting for him directly behind, stepped into the space door without hesitation, and then disappeared.

Jotunheim, Gasthofuni Castle.

A door of space opened without warning, and Laufey took the blue cube and stepped out of it. He looked at the ice and snow around him, his expression happy and complicated.

"Who!" came an angry shout.

Laufey turned his head and saw two guards from the frost giants walking towards him.

He frowned slightly: "Don't you know me?"

"I don't know. Who are you? You dare to trespass at Gastepony Castle!" The guard was about to start.

Lau Fei raised her hand, the space gem urged, and sent the two guards back to their previous positions.

The two guards were shocked and stunned, and looked at each other.

"Hmph, young people today, don't even know me. Thirteen hundred years ago, who was your king?" Lau Fei said displeased.

The two soldiers were stunned when they heard the words, and then one of them seemed to suddenly remember something: "You... Could it be Your Majesty Lau Fei!"

Laufey said, "Or else? Let Byrest come to see me."

The two guards were silent for a while, looked at each other, and then one of them said, "Your Majesty Laufey, I'll report it right away."

He hurried away.

After a while, Fabti came out of the castle with some people, looking both happy and worried: "Laofei! You are finally back!"

"Your Majesty Lau Fei!" Everyone saluted.

Laufey stepped forward to hug his wife and asked, "What about Byrest, hasn't he learned how to be a king yet?"

Fabti said sadly: "Our son..."

Seeing this, Lau Fei suddenly trembled: "Could it be?"

The atmosphere was much quieter.

"Byrest died on the battlefield. He is the hero of the Frost Giant, Your Majesty." said a tall man beside Fabti.

"Is... Asgard?" Laufey's voice trembled.


"Where's Grimir?" Laufey asked again, taking a deep breath.

"Grimir... was also killed," Fabti said.

Lau Fei closed her eyes, her chest heaving up and down, as if she couldn't calm down for a long time: "Tell me all about this thousand and three hundred years."

Fabti moved his lips: "Laofei, let's advance to the castle."

"Speak now! Just now!" Lau Fei was suddenly furious, her eyes were red, and she was emotional, "Now!"

Everyone was terrified.

Fabti looked at the tall man beside him who had just spoken: "Hiosgem, come on."

"Yes." The man called Hyosgem replied, and then briefly described what happened in the Nine Realms after Lau Fei disappeared.

"Odin, Lord of the Nine Realms? Ha!" Lau Fei laughed in grief and anger.

Hyosgem: "Yes, the Nine Realms have surrendered to Odin, including Jotunheim, even Muspelheim, and Surtur was also defeated by Odin. Not only the Nine Realms, but also in the extreme In the vast universe, Asgard is also the king and hegemony, acting as the law enforcer of the universe, compared to the beacon of civilization."

"Cosmic enforcer, beacon of civilization... hum!" Laufey clenched his fists, then snorted coldly, "Organize troops immediately, I want to crusade against Asgard!"

"Don't Laufee!" Fabti quickly advised, "Don't be impulsive, now Asgard is stronger than ever, we are by no means Odin's opponents."

"1300 years!" Lau Fei became more and more excited, "1300 years, I lived in 1300 years, do you know how I lived these 1300 years, you know what I experienced What?! You know what?!"

"I must kill Odin!"

Fabuti had tears in his eyes: "Laofei, Odin's strength is beyond your imagination. He is much stronger than Kool, and even has three Infinity Stones..."

"Three Infinity Stones?" Laufey finally calmed down.

"Odin relied on the power of three gems to defeat Kur and the gods." Fabuti nodded, "Although Odin has never used the Infinity Stones since then."

"He can beat Surtur without using the Infinity Stones?" Laufey asked.

"Yes, even without the Infinity Stones, Odin's strength is much stronger than the original Kuer."