Chapter 295: [Changes in Asgard]

Under the persuasion of Fabti, Laufi finally gave up the plan to attack Asgard, but he was still depressed and sighed.


"Can't we just sit back and watch Asgard reign supreme..."


At this time, Hyosgem said: "Your Majesty, although Odin is strong, he is only a person. He will eventually weaken one day. Although Asgard looks extremely prosperous, in fact, he has made countless enemies over the years. Believe Sooner or later, Jotunheim will find an opportunity to fight back."


Lau Fei was silent for a moment, then nodded: "You're right, we should hibernate and wait for the moment."




A giant spaceship is sailing in the universe, and it is naturally the spaceship that Luo Wei and others take.


During the process of passing through the wormhole, everyone fainted under tremendous pressure. Only the driver, the horse-faced Thor, remained awake by virtue of his semi-mechanical body and the king's blessing that Rowe gave him in the middle.


The horse-faced Thor leaned on the driver's seat, breathed for a moment, and shook his head to dispel the discomfort caused by passing through the wormhole.




Immediately, his eyes narrowed, and he looked somewhere outside the spaceship.


I saw that in the distant starry sky, there was a vast and bright cloud circling, and in the middle of the bright cloud was a crystal clear mountain.


This mountain peak is like ice and jade, glowing with light in the deep sky, like a gem inlaid in the sky.


"Asgard!" The horse-faced Thor looked for a while, and finally recognized that this crystal clear mountain was Asgard.


To be precise, the back of Asgard, the crystal crown.


"Wake up, wake up!" Ma Mian Lei Shen hurriedly called out to everyone.


When everyone woke up from the coma, Rowe and Hela opened their eyes and saw the Asgard crystal crown in front of the spaceship, all showing surprise.


"We're back!"


The spaceship accelerated, adjusted its direction, and headed straight for Asgard.


As the distance shortened, Asgard enlarged in the sight of everyone, and finally appeared in front of him.


Rowe didn't know how long it had been since Saka star went back and forth, but the Sea of ​​Mamora was still the same as before, endlessly flowing and radiating into the universe, turning into a vast cloud, circling around Asgard.


After everyone approached, two golden long rainbows suddenly shot from Asgard, but they were two small golden flying boats, with Heimdall and some Asgardian guards standing on them.


Heimdall had obviously noticed everyone on the spaceship with his all-seeing eyes. He stepped forward and said, "Congratulations on your return, Your Highness Hela."


Luo Wei and Hela left the spaceship and boarded Heimdall's spaceship.


This flying boat is small in size and can only hold a few people. It seems to be used by a small river fisherman. Neither of them have seen this kind of boat before. It must be a new object in Asgard over the years.


Of course, Luo Wei actually had an impression, but it was from a previous life.


In the movies, Asgard's most common is this kind of small flying boat, which is flexible and fast. Loki and Thor ran to Walter Alheim on this kind of boat.


In addition to new things appearing, people also change. Although the Asgardians have five thousand years of life, Heimdall's face still shows some traces of the years, and it can be seen that the age is increased, roughly from youth to prime.


Rowe immediately asked, "Heimdall, how long have we left Asgard?"


This was obviously what Hela wanted to ask, and she looked at Heimdall.


Heimdall was silent for a while: "About thirteen hundred years."


Thirteen hundred years!


Although it had been expected, Luo Wei couldn't help feeling a little shocked when he heard this number.


Time flies, he only spent a few months in Saka star, the outside world is already a thousand years later. Fortunately, he is an Asgardian, and his relatives and friends have thousands of years of life.


If it were a human being on Earth, they would definitely not be able to see their great-great-great-grandchildren when they came back this time.


Hela was also upset and took a deep breath.


Heimdall asked: "Where have you been in these 1300 years? I have been trying to find you, but I haven't been able to find... You seem to have gone to a place where the flow of time is very strange?"


"Yes, we were thrown into a planet called Saka by a wormhole, where the flow of time is abnormal." Rowe nodded, "You have spent thirteen hundred years, but we have only spent a few years. Or a few months."


"Saka Star..."


After a while, Heimdall said, "Asgard has changed a lot in the past 1300 years, you'd better be mentally prepared."


"Of course."


Rowe and Hela followed Heimdall and landed in Asgard, then headed for the Golden Palace.


Walking on the road, Hela was obviously worried, and Luo Wei said, "Your Highness, do you still remember what I said?"


Hela nodded and smiled a little at him.


Heimdall hesitated several times, but he still didn't say anything. He walked silently with the two of them, at most talking about trivial matters, such as whose dog died.


"By the way, what about Tia instead? Has he become a dragon knight?"


"No, he tried hard to tame the young dragon, but he failed in the end. After the young dragon gradually grew up, Tia couldn't stand its dragon fire anymore, so he had to give up." Heimdall said. The fastest mobile terminal update:


"Did he sell the dragon?"


"No, this guy directly released the dragon. It is said that he was burned by the dragon when he released it." Heimdall laughed, "This made him famous, and now we all call him "Tia who released the dragon" Not haha."


Asgard has changed a lot, at least architecturally.


The only thing that hasn't changed is probably Odin's palace, which is the Golden Palace. Other than that, other buildings seem to have been renovated, most of them have become splendid, and many tall buildings have been erected at the same time.


Surrounded by tall buildings, the Golden Palace stands.


At this moment, in this magnificent golden palace, Odin was lying on Frigga's stomach, listening and smiling with joy.


"Our son is about to be born, Odin, give him a name." Frigga asked with a smile.


Odin thought for a while and said, "Um... Loki, or Thor, which do you think is better?"


"Thor." Frigga finally chose this name.


"Thor, um, my eldest son, the next king of Asgard." Odin said proudly, "he will be a great king."


Frigga: "It's time for us to choose a teacher for Thor."


"No one is more suitable for Scala to be Thor's teacher." Odin said without hesitation.


At this moment, a guard was outside begging to be seen.


Odin let him in: "What's the matter?"


"Your Majesty, Princess Hela is back," the guard said.


When Odin heard this, he suddenly shuddered.