Chapter 296: [Heimdall and Uller]

"Who... who is back?"


"Your daughter, Princess Hela," said the guard.


Hearing the words, Odin immediately raised his forehead and walked around the room. Frigga frowned on the side, and the atmosphere of joy suddenly became a little frozen.


Odin naturally cares about his daughter. But there is always an end to everything, and human emotions are no exception. They also have their own limits, although many people are reluctant to admit this.


In the first few years of Hela's disappearance, he was anxious, angry, and violent; he was missing for decades, and he often missed it; when he was missing for hundreds of years, he occasionally recalled.


Now that he has been missing for more than a thousand years, Odin has no feelings for Hela's daughter.


Especially since he has a new wife and a son who is about to be born.


Hela suddenly came back, which caught him off guard.


He had promised Hela that he would not find a stepmother for her, and he had already arranged for her to be the heir to the throne.


Now that Friga Odin is married, he can't leave. The heir to the throne, he is more willing to give to his son than to his daughter.


How can this be done?


Odin felt a big headache, and after thinking for a long time, he didn't know how to face Hela, so he could only say: "Tell her first, I'm sick, see you in three days."


"Is this appropriate... She is your daughter." The guard said hesitantly.


Odin was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that this reason was inappropriate: your father is sick, you can come back in a few days.


He walked around again, very anxious.


Frigga was silent for a moment: "Odin, you can't keep facing your daughter forever. I believe Hela is not an unreasonable person either. Let's have a good talk with her."


"Alas." Odin sighed, "Let Hela come in."


"Yes." The guard turned away.


"Frigga... Would you like to avoid it?" Odin felt that it was a little inappropriate for Hela to meet her stepmother, who should not exist now.


"I'll talk to Hela too." Frigg said.


Odin opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing and nodded.


After a while, Hela came in from outside, followed by Rowe.


Seeing Rowe, Odin's expression obviously relaxed. Obviously, in his opinion, the existence of Rowe as an outsider can greatly ease the embarrassing atmosphere later.


"Hella." Odin smiled awkwardly and politely, and at the same time tried to get back the feelings he once had for his daughter, but he achieved very little.


Thirteen hundred years apart, he faced Hela, feeling almost like a stranger.


To a certain extent, it is not as good as a stranger. After all, he violated all the promises he made with Hela at the beginning, and the resulting gap is obviously difficult to make up.


"Father..." Hela looked at her father and could clearly feel the feeling of alienation, which made it difficult for her to accept, after all, her time had only passed for three years.


Unsurprisingly, the atmosphere was quiet for a while, so embarrassing that even the guards couldn't stand it any longer, with an uncomfortable expression on their faces.


Odin had no choice but to start with Rowe, patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen him for over a thousand years, I've grown a lot stronger, haha."


"Your Majesty, we disappeared on a planet called Saka, where the flow of time is relatively abnormal. For me, time has only passed for a few months." Rowe said.


"Oh...that's it..." Odin retracted his hands and rubbed them.


Not to mention the embarrassment here, outside the gate of the Golden Palace, after Luo Wei and Hela were delivered, Heimdall stopped for a while, looking at the Golden Palace as if thinking about something, and finally sighed slightly and turned to leave.


"Heimdall." A voice suddenly sounded.


The voice did not come from a certain direction, but sounded directly in his mind.


"Father," Heimdall replied.


"Come and see me," said Uller.


Heimdall nodded, first went to the Rainbow Bridge, arranged for someone to watch for him, and then left in a golden flying boat.


The flying boat turned a corner and flew to the back of Asgard.


The back of Asgard is an icy scene, and the climate is indeed relatively cold, with no plants or animals.


The flying boat galloped across the ice field, and soon came to the foot of the Crystal Crown Mountain, where there were several heavy stone buildings, and hundreds of Asgard warriors moved in and out of these buildings.


The crystal crown is connected to the energy core of Asgard and needs to be heavily guarded. They are naturally the soldiers responsible for defending the crystal crown.


Heimdall got off the flying boat and went straight to the building in the middle of the camp, where he saw Uller.


"Father." Heimdall said.


Uller waved to him, motioned to sit beside him, and said, "Hela is back?"


Heimdall: "I just came back, and I'm in the Golden Palace now."


Urer nodded, then suddenly sighed: "Son, I have a hunch that I may be dying."


Heimdall was surprised: "What's wrong?"


"Remember Udo?" Uller asked.


Heimdall thought for a while: "The God of Badong who was beheaded thirteen hundred years ago?"


"That's right. Udu was sentenced to death by Odin, and Hela was executed. I still remember what Udu said during the execution." Ulrer said slowly, "When Odin's hands were stained with his children's Blood, and all his sins will be assembled...probably so."


Heimdall: "Could it be that His Majesty Odin will turn against Princess Hela?"


Uller shook his head: "I don't know. But I have a strong and terrible hunch recently that a catastrophe is secretly approaching me, approaching Asgard Ragnarok?"


"Maybe..." Uller frowned and said in a worried tone, "In short, it will be a huge disaster and evil that many people can't get through, many people."


Heimdall felt nervous. He had never seen his father speak in such a tone in all these years.


Could it be that Ragnarok has come?


Uller continued: "My son, you have to prepare, not only for Asgard, but also for yourself. If Ragnarok really comes, I hope you are the last survivor."


"How about you, father?"


Uller sighed slightly: "I probably can't escape, fate is watching me, the cosmic gear is right in front of me, and I can feel it is about to crush me."


Heimdall clenched his fists: "Is the prophecy of fate really irreversible?"


"The more powerful an existence is, the more it will be restricted by fate. A speck of dust is the most free, you and me God Race are destined to live under the eyes of the universal law." Uller waved his hand, "Go back, my child, every day Everyone goes through the loss of a father.”




Golden Palace.


Everyone was sitting in their seats, Odin chatted about something irrelevant, and finally had to bring the topic to the point.


He coughed twice, looked at Frigga and said, "Hella, Rowe, this is my wife, Frigga."