Chapter 297: 【Sorrowful Odin】

The atmosphere was quiet for a while, Rowe looked at Hela, but didn't see anything on her face.


Frigga adjusted her sitting position at this time, leaned forward slightly, and said: "Hella, I know this is a bit sudden for you. But you should be considerate of your father, you lost news thirteen hundred years ago, Austrian Ding has no relatives, he is really lonely."


After a pause, she continued, "... Later, I became your father's wife, and I have been by his side all these years."


"Hella, I respect your idea. You can call me a lady like before, or you can call me a mother, if I'm lucky. It's up to you."


"Thank you...Ms. Frigga." Hela nodded hesitantly.


Undoubtedly, she did not admit that Frigga was her mother, but she did not show hostility, which greatly relieved Odin.


"One more thing, Hela..." Frigga was about to say something, and at the same time, she subconsciously put her hand on her bulging belly.


Of course, her dress at this time is very loose, and since she is sitting in a sitting position, it is not obvious that she is a pregnant woman.


Odin suddenly interrupted Frigga and looked at Rowe: "By the way, how did you disappear back then? What happened?"


Rowe then told about the Planet Devourer.


"It's the Planet Devourer..." Odin frowned.


Then, under the guidance of Odin, several people talked about a bunch of trivial matters. Finally, the conversation ended, and Luo Wei and Hela left the room and went to the garden.


Luo Wei walked with Hela and said, "Your Highness, what do you think of Ms. Frigga? I think she's not bad."


"Yes." Hela nodded.


Although Odin went back on his word and found another wife, it was human nature after all, and no one wanted to be with him.


In addition, Frigga was friendly and not annoying, Hela finally accepted the fact and didn't give any opinion to Odin.


But Rowe is still worried... Can Hela accept Frigga or Thor?


Different from marrying his wife Zhenxiang, Odin's commitment to Hela's throne is a very formal commitment.


This commitment is completely in line with Asgard's tradition and legal principles, and it has also been recognized by the power of Asgard, allowing Hela to mobilize the powerful power of Asgard.


Odin broke such a promise to change the heir, which is undoubtedly a blatant partiality.


According to the estimation of time, Thor should be almost born. At that time, Odin's partiality towards his son is probably the reason why Hela is deeply affected.


"Remember what I said?" Rowe asked.




Rowe turned around and stopped and looked at her: "Anyway, don't conflict with your father, no one wants to see such a result. This will be a battle for you, for me, and for Asgard. disaster."


"I know what to do, you don't have to worry about me." Hela smiled.


"Come to me when you're not happy, we'll have **** together." Luo Wei leaned over and said, the atmosphere was a bit indescribable...


Missing for more than a thousand years, Luo Wei didn't know if his house was still there.


Therefore, after leaving the Golden Palace, he did not go home, but went to visit his cousin El.


After staying in Saka Star for a few months, and having returned for such a long time, Luo Wei still has a trance and unreal feeling every time he thinks about it.


Walking on the road, the huge changes almost made him unable to recognize the place where he once lived.


When he came to El's herbal shop, as soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw a large rock lying on the lawn.


Luo Wei was stunned for a moment, then took a closer look.




"Kakaka..." The big rock made a sound similar to that of a Transformer. It moved, and then it took on a human shape. It turned to look at it, revealing a pair of big round eyes, and blinked blankly.


Although the change was not small, from a small stone man to a big stone man, Luo Wei still recognized that the stone was Shilut.


"Buzz!" Shilute recognized him as well. He got up from the lawn at once, with an excited look on his face, and flew up to him.


Shilut is now at least two and a half meters tall and covered in heavy stones, Luo Wei was caught off guard and was immediately crushed to the ground.


Luo Wei managed to stand up again, and reached out to touch Shilute's head.


After many years, this forehead is still so rounded.


"Buzz!" Shilute hugged Rowe excitedly, buzzing non-stop.


"I can't speak yet. It seems that I don't have the talent to speak, alas." Rowe said.


Although it is obvious that Shilute is still at a relatively young stage and has a childlike personality, it will never be the stage of an infant. Since he can't speak so far, then in all likelihood, there is no such racial talent at all.


Of course, Shilut is a family of one stone, and there is no such thing as racial talent.


"What's the matter, Shiroot?" Shiroot's voice obviously caught the attention of El in the house. Her voice was from far to near, accompanied by the sound of footsteps.


Immediately, a beautiful woman in a long dress walked out of the house, holding a plump orange cat in her hand.


"El, I'm back." Rowe was also a little uneasy in his heart.


Thanks to Tyrande's Elixir of Youth, El's appearance has not changed. But the thousand years are so easy to cover up, Luo Wei can still feel that compared to before, the temperament of sister El has changed a lot, and she has become more mature and stable.


Seeing Rowe, El was stunned for a moment, and then she lost her mind, and the orange cat in her arms fell directly to the ground with a "dong" sound.


"Luo Wei..." Her eyes were red, and she stepped forward and hugged Luo Wei. The fastest mobile terminal update:


Luo Wei also hugged her: "I'm back, sister."




Golden Palace.


Frigga put her hand on her stomach and said, "Odin, we should tell Hela about Thor."


Odin waved his hand, his brows were still wrinkled, his slightly irritable voice showed his restless mood: "I'm also thinking of her, it's too sudden for her."


"Do you have to wait until Thor's cry is heard in the Golden Palace before you tell Hela?" Frigg asked.


Odin held his forehead silent, his face full of gloom, and after a while he said, "Frigga, why don't go back to Nornheim first?"


Frigga was stunned, and then said angrily, "Odin, I am your wife! Thor is our child, the prince and heir of Asgard, but you want me to go back to Nornheim to be born?"


"No, I just mean, just..." Odin stuttered.


Frigga: "You are Hela's father, the king of Asgard. Your life should be yours."


Odin rubbed his forehead and sighed after a while: "Well, let's talk about it in a few days, don't rush to tell her, at least leave a buffer."


Odin suddenly felt that he was a sinner.