Chapter 301: 【Devil with negative combat power】

Dawn light!

Rowe raised his hand and it was another light of dawn, which was released three times before and after, healing all the surrounding Asgardian warriors.

Then he flew into the air, turned around, and soon found another group of demons.

Rowe leaned over and rushed over, the sword of Rivendell waving in his hand was like a meat grinder, and soon killed more than a dozen demons, and his mana quickly recovered.

After the mana is full, the mana generated by the revenge feedback will be dissipated directly, which is equivalent to waste.

Therefore, as soon as the mana was full, Rowe stopped killing demons, turned around, and found the nearby Asgard team. Raising his hand was the light of dawn or the blessing of the king.

Light of Dawn and King's Blessing are also the most consuming spells he currently consumes, and just a few can consume most of his mana.

Quickly consuming most of his mana, Rowe killed the demon again.

In this way, with his efforts, the combat power of the nearby demons is equivalent to becoming negative. One more demon means one less Asgardian warrior will die.

It stands to reason that the correct operation of the enemy at this time is to find a powerful frost giant or troll to block Rowe and prevent him from continuing to slaughter demons.

However, they were just suddenly sent to Asgard by Mangogo, and there was no unified discipline.

Luo Wei focused on killing demons and milk teammates, and ignored other enemies, so few other enemies came to him.

So all the way to kill, Luo Wei's opponents are almost all demons.

Due to the restraint of the Holy Light, most low-level demons are powerless in front of him, and even high-level demons can't hold a few swords.

However, Rowe's crazy slaughter of demons was too much hatred, so he still attracted a big demon.

According to the evaluation standard of divine power, a great demon refers to a demon whose strength is equivalent to second-order divine power and above. However, most of the time, the great demon only refers to the demon of the second-order divine power, and the demon of the third-order divine power is generally called the demon lord or the **** lord.

The same is true for high-level demons. Although this category refers to demons with first-order divine power and above, which is different from low-level demons, in most contexts, high-level demons only refer to first-order demons, unless the opponent’s strength is ambiguous. The rank cannot be accurately determined.

At this moment, the one who appeared in front of Luo Wei was a big demon.

This big devil has ice-blue skin, two horns on his head, and a cold air all over his body. As soon as he appeared, the temperature in the vicinity dropped suddenly.

"Asgardians, your victory ends here!" The ice demon said fiercely as he looked at the demon corpses on the ground.

"I don't think so." Rowe said, touching his waist and opening the silver round box.

Venom burrowed out of it, seeping down his arm.

Luo Wei immediately turned into a golden light-casting symbiote warrior form, and at the same time took out the ice pole in the other hand, holding a knife in one hand and a sword in the other.

Originally, both the Sword of Rivendell and the Ice Blade were two-handed weapons, which were relatively large in size and weight, and were not suitable for one-handed use.

However, after combining with the venom, Luo Wei's body swelled in a large circle, nearly three meters tall, tall and strong, just holding both hands.

Luo Wei shook his hands, and the sword released the holy light at the same time, inspiring two sharp energy blades composed of holy light, crossed in a cross, and lasing towards the ice demon.

The ice devil's five fingers opened, and an ice shield was instantly condensed in front of him.


The judgment blade hit the ice shield with a loud noise, and then the ice shield collapsed.

The Judgment Blade still has a bit of power. After defeating the ice shield, it hit the ice demon again, triggering a round of disciplinary brilliance and blowing it to the ground.

"Ah!" The ice demon cried out in pain and quickly stepped back.

After fixing his figure, the ice demon looked at Luo Wei, looking shocked and angry.

Luo Wei was quite looking forward to it. The last time he fought against Earth Demon, who was also a great demon, it was a pity that he lost.

Now that his strength has improved a lot, and with the help of venom, he must have a good chance of winning against the big devil, which can be seen from the just battle.

Luo Wei charged up with the sword in hand, and the ice demon stretched out two huge ice axe directly in his hands, and also greeted him.

All over Asgard, portals are constantly closing and opening.

Somewhere near the Golden Palace, a portal opened, and then a burly troll with a majestic look in golden armor walked out, leading many troll soldiers behind him.

The size of the troll is relatively large, and it is a bit taller than the Asgardians. This troll in golden armor is even more burly, and is outstanding in the troll family.

His face and appearance are not difficult to distinguish, and many people can recognize his identity at a glance: Ulic, the king of trolls.

During the War at Warnerheim, the trolls suffered heavy losses. Ulic led the remnants to hide in the ravines of Warnerheim.

For more than a thousand years, the troll family has almost disappeared in the Nine Realms, and Ulic mostly only appears in historical materials.

Looking at the Asgard Golden Palace standing in front of him, and at Odin, who was inextricably fighting with Mangogo, vicissitudes, hatred, and pleasure flashed in Ulic's eyes: "After more than a thousand years, I finally waited this day."

"I will cut off Odin's head with my own hands and hang it in the royal city of Nornheim!" Ulic said coldly, taking out a battle axe.

Immediately he was about to kill Odin, but at this moment, a handsome man suddenly stood in front of him, and then several fiery rays of light came staggered.

Ulic was caught off guard, and several scorched wounds appeared on his body, and at the same time he let out a muffled groan.


The visitor was naturally Balder, the **** of light.

Ulic snorted coldly: "Just you want to stop me?"

Facing the King of Trolls, Balder seemed a little nervous, but he did not flinch firmly holding the long sword in his hand, standing in front of Ulic.

Ulic clenched the battle axe in his hand and jumped up, his huge body roared in the air, as if a meteorite passed through the atmosphere.

Balder's whole body lit up with fiery light, and the long sword in his hand seemed to be in the form of light. When he waved his hand, a beam of light swept out.

Ulic was not afraid at all, facing the fiery beam of light.

The troll family is known for its rough skin and thick flesh. As the king of trolls, his body is so sturdy that ordinary creatures cannot imagine, and he has extremely powerful strength and defense.

In fact, Ulic has "almost indestructible skin" in the descriptions of most civilizations in the universe. In technological civilization, the description becomes more specific, such as "physical strength enough to survive a nuclear explosion."

The beam of light from Balder could only leave a shallow wound on his body, and it was difficult to produce an effective effect.

Immediately Ulic roared, the giant axe attacked, and went straight to Balder's door.