Chapter 302: 【Lauffy returns】

Seeing that Ulic was about to charge, Balder quickly tightened his hands, and the dazzling light spread from both sides of the blade, turning into a bright light shield.


Ulic's great axe slammed on the light shield, and then only heard a loud noise, and Balder was shot and flew out, knocking down several houses before stopping, and smoke and gravel flew everywhere.

"Hmph, it's too much!" Ulic said disdainfully.

However, he obviously didn't have much interest in Balder, and after knocking him back, he turned his attention to Odin again.

Balder gritted his teeth, got up from the ruins, took a deep breath, and stuck his sword on the ground.

Then he turned his hand and took out eight small round mirrors with dazzling silver, which he held between his fingers.

He threw his hands violently, and the eight round mirrors flew out.

These eight round mirrors seemed to be conscious, and Balder was not seen to manipulate them. After flying out, they showed different arc trajectories, appearing around Ulic at an extremely fast speed, and encircling him in the middle.

Eight round mirrors are suspended in mid-air, arranging subtle angles.

Ulic looked at the eight-sided round mirror that surrounded him, frowned, clenched his battle axe vigilantly, and asked at the same time, "Is this given to you by Duke Norn?"

"The former duke to be exact." Balder said, a dazzling light lit up all over his body, and then he pointed forward with both hands.

Eight light beams flew from his fingertips and shot straight into the circular mirror. These beams were immediately refracted and converged in the middle of the eight circular mirrors.


The beam focused, and in the blink of an eye, a scorched blood hole burned on Ulic, causing him to scream in agony.

He hurriedly rushed towards a round mirror and smashed it with an axe.

But as soon as Ulic made a move, the eight-sided circular mirror also reacted, fluttering agilely, easily dodging his attack, and then continuing to focus on the light.

The focused fiery light swept across, and Ulic was soon covered in bruises, blood and blood, and black smoke.

He howled and waved the battle axe frantically, but to no avail, it couldn't hinder the fiery beam of light refracted in the mirror.

After a while, not only Ulic's skin, but also his armor, was ripped apart by the beam, melted and cracked.

In the eight-sided round mirror, the dignified king of trolls was full of embarrassment, and seemed to be powerless to fight back.

However, with such an intense attack, Balder obviously couldn't last long. Soon he was out of breath and his face turned pale.

Ulic gritted his teeth for a while, his eyes widened angrily, he stared at him while panting violently and said fiercely, "Look how long you can last!"

Balder shivered all over, held on for a while, and then knelt down on the ground with his knees soft. The dazzling light on his body also flickered and dissipated, and he suddenly became extremely weak.

He gasped heavily, and couldn't help looking around, hoping to find a helper.

However, Asgard was embattled at this time, almost everyone was fighting fiercely, and there was no way to find helpers.

Ulic was also bruised and bruised, but he was better in comparison, and his body's recovery ability was significantly better than Balder's, and the injury was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When his injuries recovered a little, Ulic rushed up with a lunge and kicked.


At this moment, Balder couldn't even stand, and was kicked away immediately, knocking down a high wall and sinking into the rubble.

Ulic chased after him, raised his foot again, and stepped on Balder's chest.

"Go to hell!" Ulic held up his battle axe high, and the sharp axe was aimed at Balder's neck, with a cold light.

Balder weakly hugged Ulic's ankle, and despair flashed in his eyes.

At this critical moment, an Asgardian giant in a fur coat flew over and punched Ulic on the back, his fist exuding a blue halo.


Ulic immediately smashed into the ground, hurriedly struggled to stand up again, and turned his head to look: "Uller!"

Uller looked solemn, looked at Balder, and asked, "Are you all right?"

"I can't die..." Balder leaned against the broken wall and stood up.

Uller nodded, and was about to say something when an ice-blue beam of light suddenly struck from the side.


He was caught off guard, and was immediately blasted out by this ice-blue beam of light.

When he got up again, his whole body was covered with a layer of ice, and his body trembled slightly.

As the **** of winter and hunting, Uller not only has the power of all-seeing, but also has the power of cold winter, and there are only a handful of cold powers that can hurt him.

Within the Nine Realms, the icy power that can hurt Uller can only come from one place, Jotunheim.

Sure enough, not far away, a group of frost giants walked out from the portal.

However, the person at the head was far beyond Uller's expectations. This person had a gloomy face, a naked upper body, and held a coffin in the cold winter. It was actually the long-lost King of Frost, Lau Fei.

"Lauffy..." Uller clenched his fists.

Laufey smiled slightly: "Uller, long time no see. After a thousand years, I didn't expect it to arrive at Ragnarok in Asgard."

Urall: "This is not Ragnarok."

"My Frost Winter Coffin doesn't think so." Lau Fei said, while holding the Frost Winter Coffin with both hands, another icy blue beam of light shot out, sweeping across all directions.

As Jotunheim's most powerful artifact, the Frost Winter Coffin is again used in Laufey's hands. Its power is not trivial, even Urer can only barely resist it. First release https://https://

The others couldn't even hold it for a moment in front of the Frozen Winter Coffin. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

I saw the icy blue light column of the Frozen Winter Coffin swept away, and hundreds of Asgard warriors around were blasted into ice slag, and they didn't even have time to scream.

Uller was shocked and angry, and then his whole body was full of blue light, and he rushed towards Laufey who was slaughtering Asgard soldiers.

Lau Fei's mouth twitched, but she didn't move at first.

When Uller rushed in front of him, he suddenly flipped his left hand and took out a blue cube, on which the faint light flickered, exuding strange energy fluctuations.

"Send you to a good place, which will definitely make you unforgettable for a lifetime!" Laufey said with a smile, and the Frozen Winter Coffin once again stimulated an ice-blue beam of light, which slammed on Uller.

Uller's pupils shrank suddenly, and at the same time as he was blasted away, a portal appeared behind him without warning.

Immediately, the portal engulfed Uller, and disappeared together with him. I don't know where the portal went.

"What is this that can open the portal at will?" Ulic asked, looking at the blue cube in Laufey's hand, squinting his eyes.

Lau Fei didn't answer, but looked around, his eyes flashed coldly, and murmured, "Byrest, my son, let me avenge you today..."