Chapter 309: 【For Wakanda】

When the atmosphere was quiet, Karnilla, Duke of Norn, suddenly knelt down. She couldn't hide her sadness, and there were tears on her face.

As Baldur's wife, Baldur was killed by Ulic during the battle, which was undoubtedly a huge blow to her.

"Your Majesty, I hope I can carry out Ulic's execution," Karnira said.

Due to Mangogo, Odin had previously defeated Ulic, the troll king, but did not kill him immediately.

Otherwise, when Ulic died, Mangogo's power would be greatly enhanced, which would be disadvantageous.

But now that Mangogo has been wiped out by the Light, it stands to reason that it is time for Asgard to execute Ulic.

Unexpectedly, Odin said: "When did I say that Ulic was going to be sentenced to death?"

Karnira was stunned for a moment, then raised her head and said hurriedly: "Ulic is the great enemy of Asgard, he and his clan killed countless Asgardians, and my husband Bald also died at his hands, Shouldn't he be sentenced to death?"

Odin was silent for a moment: "Carnilla, I understand your feelings. Balder's death also makes me very sad..."

After a pause, he changed his words: "But killing will not solve problems, but will create more problems. I didn't realize this in the past until Mangogo appeared. Asgard should restrain killing, I Prepare to imprison Ulic permanently, not execute him."

This old man seems to be overkill... Rowe couldn't help thinking.

Anyway, he couldn't think of anything wrong with the execution of Ulic. Mangogo was born mainly because Odin slaughtered too many innocents. And Ulic is just a person, and he is not innocent at the same time.

As a result, Odin planned to leave Ulic alive because he did not want to kill.

Karnira's breathing was a little short, and her eyes were red again: "Your Majesty... How can the souls of the fallen soldiers rest in peace without executing Ulic?"

"We should be more responsible to the living. If there is another Mangogo, more people will leave us." Odin shook his head, still not intending to sentence Ulic to death.

Karnira was emotional: "Your Majesty, then let me duel with Ulic, and I will kill him in the duel!"

"Come on, Karnira, you are not Ulic's opponent," said Odin. "I think it is a more powerful punishment than the death penalty to imprison Ulic forever. He will spend thousands of years in loneliness and boredom. time."

No matter what Karnira said, Odin would not agree to execute Ulic until the atmosphere became a little discordant, Karnira had to give up, wiped her tears, and backed away silently.

Odin took a deep breath: "The birth of Mangogo stemmed from our killing. I hope you understand this. Starting today, Asgard will no longer launch aggression and kill for no reason."

Rowe then stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, the frost giants are invading the atrium, should we go and stop them?"

Odin thought for a while, then nodded and said, "We are obliged to stop the disputes in the Nine Realms. Rowe, you have been to the atrium many times. You lead ten teams to the atrium first, and the army of Asgard will take a rest after a short rest. will come over."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Rowe replied.

The next morning, Luo Wei led ten teams of more than one hundred soldiers to the Rainbow Bridge.

His old friend Ander was also in the team. Ander was a lot older than Rowe. Thirteen hundred years later, Rowe only spent a few months in Saka star, and the two seemed to be two generation.

Ander looked old in appearance, like a middle-aged man, and Luo Wei looked like a young man, but many of his habits were still stuck in thirteen hundred years ago. When the two talked, there was always a strange feeling.

"Remember what I told you thirteen hundred years ago?" Ander asked.

"I said, for me, that was only a few months ago," Rowe said.

Ander nodded: "Then you must remember."

"No, I forgot."

"..." Ander was silent for a while, and then said, "It's about healing spells. You teach me healing spells, and I will be your follower."

Rowe: "You mean this, let me think about it again, learning Holy Light healing spells is indeed not an easy task. But then again, Ander, your strength is quite good now, do you still want to learn healing spells? ?"

Ander has not awakened his divine power, but for 1300 years, he has practiced his physique and fighting skills hard, and also learned a little magic. His strength is stronger than many first-order divine powers. some effort.

"Maybe I don't need it anymore, but my relatives and friends still need it. No, they need it even more." Ander sighed. "If you hadn't acted in time for treatment yesterday, my son might have died."

The two talked and led the soldiers behind them to the teleportation hall of the Rainbow Bridge.


Heimdall looked a little dazed. He was looking down at the guardian sword in his hand silently. Rowe called him, and he came back to his senses.

"You are here, Rowe," said Heimdall.

Luo Wei nodded: "How is the situation in the atrium?"

Heimdall said: "It's not too bad. Atrium spontaneously organized a group of resistance forces. They were not weak and were not defeated by the frost giants."

"How many troops did the Frost Giants deploy in the atrium? Is Laufey there?" Rowe asked again.

"There are about a thousand frost giants. Laufey is not in the atrium, it seems... well, it seems that his wife Fabty is going to give birth." Heimdall said, "But Laufey has the Rubik's Cube in his hand, which can open the portal, Arrive at the atrium at any time, you have to pay attention."

"I'll send you there quickly, I just saw a group of humans in danger under the attack of the Frost Giant." Heimdall clenched the sword of guardianship as he spoke, ready to start teleportation.

"get ready."

After more than a thousand years of experience Heimdall is undoubtedly a competent Asgard gatekeeper. He stabbed the sword of guardianship, and the Rainbow Bridge immediately opened, successfully transporting everyone to the atrium.

The brilliance of the rainbow flashed by, and when everyone looked closely, they saw that they were standing on a vast grassland.

Along with them, there were also twenty Asgard flying boats, which were quietly suspended by the side.

"Clang clang!"

"Kill - kill!" As soon as they arrived at their destination, there were bursts of shouts of killing and the clashing of weapons.

And Rowe soon heard a few slogans that surprised him.

"The Leopard God guards us!"

"For Wakanda! Long live Wakanda!"

On the long prairie, a group of dark-skinned warriors who were determined and determined shouted slogans and fought fiercely with the frost giant.