Chapter 310: [Black Panther Bassang] 3 more


Hearing the slogans shouted by the black warriors, Rowe couldn't help but be surprised that Heimdall sent them to Wakanda.

"How can their weapons be so sharp!"

"Damn, what are these spears made of!"

During the encounter with the Wakanda warriors, the frost giants made the same sound one after another, shocked.

In terms of physique and strength, compared to humans, frost giants are completely different. The former can easily kill a large group of the latter with just a wave of their hands, while the latter's attack is as weak as a tickling for the former.

It stands to reason that humans and frost giants fight, and the result must be an instant rout.

However, the weapons of the Wakanda warriors are far more sharp than the frost giants imagined, and the skin and ice armor of most frost giants cannot resist at all.

The armor can block a block, but obviously it can't withstand the amazing sharpness of these weapons, just relying on the thickness to buffer.

Therefore, as long as the skin that is not covered by the armor is cut, the frost giant will be injured or even killed.

What's worse, the Frost Giant initially thought that this battle would be the same as most of the previous battles, even if it was cut in the face, there would be no harm, so there was no defense.

Without defense, most of the frost giants in the first wave were stabbed to death by the spears of the Wakanda warriors as soon as they charged, turning the "charge" into a "rush".

In addition, among the Wakanda warriors, there is a burly and strong man, who is particularly brave.

This strong man is wearing heavy black armor, holding a shield in one hand, and dancing a spear in the other. His combat power is amazing. The Frost Giant is not his opponent at all. It was not until the commander of the Frost Giant came on stage that he suppressed him a little.

Regarding the sharp weapons of the Wakanda warriors, although the frost giant behind him had some precautions, he could not avoid being injured.

At the time of the stalemate, Rowe and the Asgardian warriors appeared here.

Even with the advantages of armour, the gap between humans and the Frost Giants in strength is still too great. Nearly a hundred Frost Giants quickly gained the upper hand, and Wakanda has a faint momentum of defeat.

Fortunately, Luo Wei arrived in time and joined the battle.

Rowe released venom and turned it into the form of a light-cast symbiote warrior. At the same time, he held the hand of Antuthul in one hand and the sword of Rivendell in the other, and flew towards the frost giant.

After all, the ice blade is a weapon with the ice attribute, and its killing effect on the frost giant is inevitably weakened, so he replaced it with the hand of warhammer Antusul.

Heimdall teleported them to the rear of the Frost Giant, so when they attacked, they formed a flanking attack with the Wakanda warriors on the Frost Giant.

The sword of blessing, the hammer of judgment!

Rowe swung his hands together, and the sword of Rivendell immediately spurted the sword of blessing, sweeping along the spiral, and the surrounding frost giants were suddenly killed or injured.

On the other hand, Antu Sur's hand "cracked" to trigger a thunder effect, and the Hammer of Judgment flew out with a series of arcs, knocking the enemies in front of them into a line.


Other Asgardian warriors also slammed into the enemy group, and their weapons slashed at the frost giants who were fighting the Wakanda warriors.

Suddenly attacked by the rear, the Frost Giant was in disarray.

Asgard is slightly more numerous than them, coupled with Wakanda warriors with unusually sharp weapons, these frost giants are not opponents at all, and the situation has turned sharply.

"Wakanda wins!"

"For the glory of the Panther God!"

The morale of the Wakanda warriors soared, and under the leadership of the strong man in black armor, they shouted another passionate slogan.

The commander of the frost giant was a middle-aged man with a scar on his face. He looked around and immediately gritted his teeth, clenching the ice blade in his hand. , slashed to the strong man in black armor.

The strong man in black armor quickly blocked with his shield.


Unexpectedly, the ice blade slashed on top of the shield, and it collapsed unexpectedly, turning into countless small ice slag, flying in all directions.

These ice slags could not penetrate the shield, and could not even leave traces, but outside the protection range of the shield, the strong men in black armor were all hit by the ice slag, and the bare skin was instantly stabbed with dense fine ice slag.

His body trembled violently, and he half-knelt on the ground.

The frost giant with the scar face instantly condensed an ice cone in his hand and stabbed the black armored strong man's face.

At the critical moment, the strong man in black armor tilted his head reluctantly, letting the ice pick stab on the helmet.

"Crack!" The ice pick smashed into pieces on the armor.

The Scarface Frost Giant hesitated for a moment, then gave up his plan to attack again, and was about to turn around and run away.

At this moment, without warning, an energy long sword pierced from the ground, which was Rowe's sword of justice.

"Ah!" The sword of justice pierced the bottom of the frost giant's feet, causing him to scream, and at the same time he fell to the ground.

Seeing this, the strong man in black armor who was still enduring the torture of the ice slag, quickly exerted his strength, raised his hand and threw a spear, shooting at the fallen frost giant.


However, when he fell to the ground, a thick layer of ice armor had condensed on the frost giant's body, and the weak spear of the strong man in black armor could not break through the ice armor.

The frost giant hurriedly got up from the ground, then picked up the spear tactfully, and the backhand was a spear.

Luo Wei, who was rushing up, was startled and hurriedly dodged.

The edge of the spear slashed before his eyes.

vibrating gold.

There is no doubt that the material of this spear is Wakanda's most famous specialty, the top super metal in the universe, vibranium.

Luo Wei was unwilling to confront Zhenjin, which would at least damage his weapon, so he immediately activated the enchanting effect of the Hand of Antusul, divided three mirror images, and then started to move around the Frost Giant to start King Qin's position.

The Frost Giant's foot was seriously injured, and UU couldn't keep up with the rhythm of the four Luo Wei after finishing reading .

Rowe found the right time, and first hit the hammer of sanctions.

The dual effects of Antuthul's hand of punishment and electric shock made the frost giant stunned, and then he was chopped off by the sword of Rivendell that followed.

The commander was killed, and the Frost Giant was even more defeated. Under the attack of Asgard and Wakanda warriors, there was a trend of annihilation, and there was no escape.

Luo Wei quickly came to the strong man in black armor and asked Venom to treat him.

The reason why Venom was used for treatment was mainly because the opponent still had a pile of fine ice **** stabbed on his body, which was not easy to handle. It happened that Venom liked the cold and was not afraid of these ice slag.

The venom left Rowe's body, ran to the strong man in black armor and turned around, and took away the ice **** and injuries, leaving the strong man in black armor stunned for a while.

"Oh, thank you." The strong man in black armor responded, thanked Rowe, and then added, "My name is Bassanga, the king of Wakanda, the black panther."