Chapter 311: [Atrium 4 major fronts]

Black Panther.

Rowe wasn't surprised.

After all, it is obvious that most Wakanda warriors only have the spearhead made of vibranium, and this person is covered in vibranium, from head to toe, even the spear handle is vibranium.

Except for the Black Panther, the king of Wakanda, who can use so much vibration gold, there is probably no other person in the entire earth.

It is also by virtue of the vibrating gold in his body that this man can fight against the commander of this group of frost giants. Otherwise, even if his strength and fighting are much higher than those of mortals, he is only at the level of an ordinary Protoss warrior, and he is definitely no match for a good player in the Protoss.

"Are you guys..." Bassangar couldn't help asking, but he didn't know Rovi's identity.

"We come from Asgard to help Earth. The frost giants who attacked you are also Asgard's enemies," Rowe said. "My name is Rowe, and I am the commander of this unit."

"Asgard!" Bashenga was a little shocked, "There really is this place! I always thought Asgard was just a legend."

Ba Shengjia hesitated for a moment, and then said: " are gods?"

Luo Wei smiled: "In fact, it is also a human being. After all, a real **** has no interest in saving or fighting anyone. Of course, we don't mind you calling him that."

Then he looked next to him: "Let's take care of the remaining enemies first."

"Okay." Bassanja nodded and returned to the battle.

Luo Wei shuttled around the battlefield, taking into account killing enemies and treating teammates.

After a while, the battle was over, and the remaining frost giants were wiped out by warriors from both Wakanda and Asgard.

The entire battle didn't last long, but Wakanda paid the price of hundreds of casualties.

Looking at the hundreds of corpses on the ground, the black panther Bashenga couldn't help but clenched his fists with a heavy expression.

Luo Wei treated some wounded soldiers again, and then came over.

Hearing the sound, Bashenga turned his head, looked over, and said earnestly, "Thank you, without your help, the outcome of this battle would be unimaginable."

"It's nothing, the Frost Giant is also the enemy of Asgard. Just yesterday, we had a battle with the Frost Giant." Rowe said.

Then he pointed to the armor on Bashenga's body and said, "Can you tell me about this metal."

Undoubtedly, the most interesting thing in Wakanda is the vibranium.

If there is no vibranium, the future of Wakanda will not be any different from that of other African countries. Colonization, war, turmoil... It is the vibranium meteorite from outside the sky that makes this small African country develop into the most technologically advanced country on earth. Area.

"This is vibranium, the gift of the panther god," said Bashenga, shaking the armor on his arm. "Vibranium is the strongest thing in the world—oh, I mean our world."

Rowe smiled: "It's similar in Asgard. At least as far as I know, there is only one thing that can surpass Vibranium."

"What is it?" Bashenga asked involuntarily.

"Ulu," Rowe said, "a powerful metal born in the core of a star, the sun."

"Is this sword made of Ulu?" Bashenga pointed to the sword of Rivendell on Rowe's waist.

Luo Wei shook his head: "No. Ulu is also a very precious thing in Asgard. We generally use it to forge the greatest artifacts."

In fact, he is not very sure about the strength of Ulu and Zhenjin. On the one hand, it is because there is no actual comparison, and on the other hand, according to what he heard in Nidavi, Ulu is divided into grades.

The inferior secondary Ulu is definitely not as good as Zhenjin, and the high-quality Ulu should be stronger than Zhenjin.

As for the top-quality uru, the dwarves have never used the top-quality uru to build anything. The top-quality uru accumulated over the years has always been carefully sealed by the dwarves in the treasury for emergencies.

Luo Wei then said, "How did you smelt vibrating gold?"

"Sorry, this is our secret. Vibranium has existed in this land before there are historical records." Basengga did not intend to answer, "but after thousands of years of exploration, until one day. It was only a hundred years ago that we learned how to make utensils out of vibranium."

Rowe nodded and didn't ask again. However, he was already thinking in his heart that after the war was over, he would return to Zhenjin on the hour.

"Basanga, how much do you know about the battle in the entire atrium?" Rowe asked.

"It happened suddenly, and I don't know much about it. Fortunately, a magician notified us in advance and let us prepare early, otherwise Wakanda may have perished before you appeared today." A sigh.

"Mage?" Rowe couldn't help asking, "The Mage of the Supreme Sanctuary?"

"How do you know?" Bashenga looked surprised.

"In fact, I am one of the founders of the Supreme Sanctuary." Luo Wei recalled the various things that he and Agamoto built together with the three Sanctuaries, and felt a little emotional for a while.

Thousands of years have passed, let alone Agamato, even the bear child named Cagliostro has been turned into a dead bone in the mound.

"You... The Sovereign Saint has a history of thousands of years, you..." Bassenga said in shock as he stared at Luo Wei, who was clearly a young man.

Rowe didn't explain.

Bashengjia recalled it, and then suddenly seemed to think of something: "I remember! I once heard the Master of the Supreme Sanctuary say that a thousand years ago, two gods and the first Supreme Master jointly established three Sanctuaries, respectively. It is the sun **** and the moon god, and the moon **** is the body of the statue... Could it be that you are the sun god!"

"Sun God, it is true that some mages call me that." Luo Wei smiled.

"Sun God..." Bashenga looked at him and was stunned for a while.

After a while, he regained his calm, and then said, "Oh, by the way, according to the magician, there are at least a thousand, maybe even two thousand, of the Frost Giants, who are attacking all over the world."

"... There are four places where the Frost Giants attacked the most fiercely, including the three holy places of the magician, and the residence of the Holy Shield Division of the Holy Roman Empire, that is, Magdeburg."

After a pause, Bashenga continued: "These four places, each with more than 300 frost giants, are the four main fronts."

Rowe touched his chin, frowning slightly.

In this way, the number of frost giants is at least 1,200 people, which is quite an astonishing number.

In the battle of Mangogo, Asgard was severely damaged, the soldiers were severely damaged, and Odin was also seriously injured.

The next battle with the Frost Giant, I am afraid it will also be a hard fight.

Bassanga asked, "Are you going to go to the Fourth Front?"

"Of course. Asgard will drive the Frost Giants out of Earth," Rowe said.

Bassanga: "Let's go with you."