Chapter 315: 【Haiosgham】

Was Loki also born? Rowe couldn't help thinking.

There is no doubt that the son of Laufey who was born when the frost giants invaded the earth, this person must be Loki.

In a way, the world is becoming familiar to Rowe...

The arrival of Hela and 1,500 Asgardian warriors instantly changed the power balance between the Earth and the Frost Giants.

With the help of the portal of the Supreme Sanctuary Mage, just two days later, the three main battlefields of the earth ended with the victory of Asgard, and the captured third Sanctuary, the New York Sanctuary, was also captured. came back.

The defeated Frost Giants retreated to Tonsberg one after another, and shrank to defend.

Tonsberg is a city in the southeastern part of the Kingdom of Norway. In this era, shortly after Norway entered the feudal era, cities were scarce. Tonsberg can be said to be the most important city in the country.

Due to the large gathering of frost giants, the city and its surrounding seas have long been turned into a scene of ice and snow, the population has plummeted, and most of the rest have become slaves of the frost giants.

On the edge of the ice and snow, on a low hill, a few golden-red rays of light appeared in the air without warning, like sparks popping up from an anvil.

Immediately, the space split open, and the golden-red light propped up a huge circle, connecting two completely different scenes.

On one side of the aperture, there is ice and snow, and on the other side is a huge city that was mostly razed to ruins - Magdeburg in the Roman Empire, where the war was the most intense before.

"On the other side of the portal is Tonsberg in the Kingdom of Norway." Master Flokari said while maintaining the portal with the mages.

When Luo Wei heard the words, he couldn't help showing a bit of contemplation.

For the name Tonsberg, he felt a little familiar, it seemed to be mentioned in the movie, but he couldn't remember what happened here.

"The warriors of Asgard, drive the frost giant back to Jotunheim!" Hela said while riding on the giant wolf Fenris, raising Maurnir.

The voice fell, and under her leadership, a group of soldiers crossed the portal one after another.

The body density of the Asgardians is three times that of the people on Earth. Each of them is as heavy as a cow. More than a thousand people advance at the same time, and the ground suddenly trembles.

Shortly after passing through the portal, the Asgardian coalition launched an attack on the frost giants of Tonsberg, and the battle was about to break out.


Accompanied by the screams of killing from the sky, this city, which was established almost at the same time as the Kingdom of Norway, ushered in an unprecedented fierce battle.

Possessed by venom, Luo Wei turned into the form of a light-cast symbiote warrior, with the hammer sword in his hand, like a golden flash, instantly rushed into the frost giant crowd.

When Laufee disappeared, Byrest was killed in battle, and Grimir was executed, the Frost Giant has been in decline ever since.

For example, the domesticated polar ice beasts that once made the Frost Giants proud, now there are not many left, and the few remaining polar ice beasts are still in the Castle of Gastepony, being offered up like pandas. The Frost Giants From time to time watch and chat with **.

Compared to a thousand years ago, there are far fewer strong people in the Frost Giants.

At this time, in Tonsberg, almost all the strong frost giants were restrained by Hela alone, and Luo Wei was able to kill the Quartet, and he did not encounter an opponent for a long time.

Although Hela is still only a Tier 1 Divine Power, due to the power of Mjolnir and Asgard, her real strength is completely comparable to a Tier 3 Divine Power.

In today's Nine Realms, apart from Odin and Lau Fei, no one is her opponent. Therefore, in the face of the siege of the frost giants, Hela seemed to be able to do it with ease, and she did not lose in the slightest.


The sword of Rivendell in Rowe's hand fell, and another frost giant's head fell to the ground, and blood and ice **** splashed.

"Your opponent is me!" At this moment, an angry shout came.

Rowe turned his head to look, and saw a burly frost giant wearing a white helmet holding a long sword, rushing towards him.

Looking at this frost giant, Luo Wei's eyes flashed with surprise.

There are two reasons for the surprise. First, the shape of this guy is somewhat similar to that of the Lich King, especially the white helmet on his head, which is similar in style. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

Another reason is that Rowe knew this person.


When Rowe was living in Jotunheim, he disguised his identity and infiltrated the ice-shaping tribe, and cured a frost giant from the snake venom. The frost giant he cured was Hyosgem. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Unexpectedly, the people who were rescued that day would meet in this way.

However, Rowe originally appeared in front of Hyosgem in the disguised image of an ice demon hunter, and now Hyosgem can't recognize him naturally.

Although Luo Wei was a little emotional, he didn't show any mercy, and the two of them were fighting together right now.

Not long after the fight, Rowe figured out Hyosgem's strength. This person is not weak, and in the category of first-order divine power, he can be regarded as a top player.

However, Luo Wei thought to himself that as long as his opponent was still a first-order divine power, he would be able to defeat it completely, consuming at most one Holy Shield technique. He now has nine Holy Shield spell fragments in his hand, and he is so confident that he is not afraid at all.

The sword of justice!

Rowe stabbed his sword into the ground, and the power of the Holy Light attacked Haiosgem through the earth, and in a blink of an eye, a long sword of Holy Light was about to be formed, stabbing out from the ground.

However, what he didn't expect was that just before the sword of justice was about to be stabbed, Hyosgem jumped up in time and avoided the blow as if he had eyes on the soles of his feet.

Immediately, Hyosgem swung his long sword to bully him, and his edge struck.

Luo Wei hurriedly dodged, but his arm was still deeply wounded by the long sword.

The golden skin squirmed for a while, and the wound on his arm quickly healed.

Looking at Hyosgem in front of him, Rowe couldn't help frowning slightly.

Is it a coincidence that the other party hides just now, or does he really have any way to discover the Sword of Justice in time?

A few guesses flashed in Rowe's mind. At this moment, Hyosgem killed again, and the two fought again.

This time, Luo Wei gradually discovered something strange.

Hyosgem does have a certain ability, he can observe the surroundings without blind spots and through obstacles, whether it is a sneak attack from behind him or the sword of justice from the soles of his feet, he can detect it in time, every so often.

What is certain is that this is not vision, because even if Rowe temporarily blinded him with blinding light, it would not change this sharp perception without blind spots and seeing through.

Most of the magicians of the Frost Giants are Frost Magicians, and Hyosgem is also a Frost Magician.

Excluding the possibility of a negligible double divine power, the source of the opponent's power, in all likelihood, is a certain item carried on his body.

"Qiang!" Both sides slashed with sharp swords.

During the battle, looking at the peculiarly shaped white helmet on Haiosgem's head, Luo Wei couldn't help but guess in his heart, could this not be the ability of the helmet...