Chapter 316: 【White helmet】

Rowe only felt that Hyosgem was all over his body, and the most suspicious thing was this peculiarly shaped white helmet. First release https://https://

So after a few more moves, he saw an opportunity, first used the sword of Rivendell to block the attacking long sword, and then the hand of Antusul followed.

Hammer of Justice!

"Crack!" The Hammer of Justice slammed the ice shield on Haiosgem's wrist, and the ice shield immediately cracked, shooting out a lot of ice slag.

Hyosgem was also stunned by the hammer of justice, and stepped back a few steps.

Luo Wei immediately shot out the sword and hammer and struck at the same time.


Haiosgem parried with all his strength, and was knocked back a few steps. At the same time as he stepped back, his body was cold, and the ice armor quickly accumulated, becoming like heavy armor.

At this moment, Luo Wei suddenly stretched out a few golden tentacles and threw them like whips.

Hyosgem was startled and was about to deal with it, but these tentacles bypassed from one side and went straight to the white helmet on top of him.

Venom's tentacles wrapped around the helmet and pulled hard, pulling the helmet away immediately.

A trace of panic flashed in Hyosgem's eyes, and he quickly reached out to grab it.

Luo Wei's hand holding the sword tightened, and the holy light on the sword body was shining brightly, instantly brighter than the sun in the sky,

Upon being illuminated by the blinding light, Hyosgem hurriedly closed his eyes. Immediately, as Rowe had guessed, Hyosgem, who had lost his white helmet, didn't show his astonishing ability to perceive, and grabbed it.

Venom's tentacles pulled back the helmet and said, "Try it on."

"Don't." Rowe said, he didn't know the specific ability and usage of this helmet, so he put it on rashly. If something went wrong, it would only increase the risk on the battlefield.

However, his words were slow. Venom had already put the white helmet on his head.

Luo Wei only felt that as soon as his eyes got dark, he couldn't see anything, as if his eyes were sewn up.

But at the same time, another wonderful scene appeared in his mind.

This scene seems to be visual but not visual, covering the entire space with a radius of about tens of meters. Within this range, even the real objects buried in the soil are fully visible, and there are no dead ends in all directions.

Luo Wei was about to be amazed when suddenly, at the edge of the scene, that is, at a position tens of meters diagonally behind him, a strange twist suddenly appeared, as if tore a hole in the space.


Luo Wei immediately recognized the way the portal was opened, and the person who came must be Laufey.

Before the battle of Mangogo, Lau Fei thought he would be killed, but now that they meet again, Lau Fei will definitely shoot him again.

Thinking of this, Luo Wei quickly let the venom recede from his body, no longer the conspicuous appearance of gold all over his body.

Immediately, the portal was fully opened, and Lau Fei walked out of it holding the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and the Frozen Winter Coffin, looked around with a gloomy expression, and then turned his gaze to Hela not far away.

Above the Frozen Winter Coffin, an ice-blue light suddenly lit up, and then a dazzling beam of light went straight to Hela.

Hela had already realized that even though she was being besieged by several frost giants, she still pulled out her hand, turned her five fingers, and a giant shield was formed out of thin air, blocking her way.


The icy blue light bombarded the giant shield, and the giant shield supported for a moment and then shattered.

Hela swung the warhammer into the air in an instant, and then several blue thunders gushed out from the warhammer, like a flying snake, rushing towards Laufi from several directions.

The ice armor on Laufey's body flickered, and then he was hit by several thunderbolts.


There was only a loud noise, and then the thunder dissipated, and many cracks appeared in the ice armor on Laufey's body, but they were quickly healed.

Hela was about to make another move, but the frost giants who had just besieged her didn't give her the chance, and they all took advantage of this opportunity to make a move.

Several huge ice cones quickly condensed, and then shot out, heading straight for Hela in the air.

While Rowe was dealing with Hyosgem, he observed the battle between Hela and Laufi from time to time.

Hela, who has half the power of Asgard, is undoubtedly much stronger than before. Even if he confronts Laufi, who is holding the Frozen Winter Coffin, he will not be defeated.

It's just that in addition to Lau Fei, the Frost Giants also had several second-order divine powers to attack Hela, which made her very passive.

Therefore, after the battle lasted for a long time, Hela was somewhat lost, so she could only parry and rarely fight back.


When the battle was at its most intense, there was a sudden loud noise in the sky, and then a thick rainbow-colored thunder fell from the sky, heading straight for Lau Fei.

Lau Fei was fighting with Hela, and when she was caught off guard, she was hit by this incomparably powerful giant thunder and flew out.

Then I saw a flash of light and shadow, and a figure on a horse passed by at high speed, and paused on the ground.

"Odin!" Laufey said angrily, and immediately saw that one of the two artifacts in his hand had been lost, leaving only the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, and the Frozen Winter Coffin disappeared.

Then Odin showed his stature, holding an ice-blue square box in his hand, which was the Frozen Winter Coffin that was taken from Laufey.

Originally, in his capacity, he should have defeated Lau Fei in an dignified manner, but now that his strength has been greatly reduced, he naturally has to resort to some not-so-dignified means.

It was a pity for Odin to only get the Frozen Winter Coffin, but not the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

He shook his head, UU reading put away the coffin of Bing Bing Dong, then looked at Lao Fei again, and said lightly: "Isn't your son born, why don't you accompany the mother and son of Fabti , but came to invade the atrium?" ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Laufey clenched her fists, stared at Odin with blood-red eyes, and said, "I should have stayed in Asgard that day."

When Mangogo invaded Asgard, Laufi thought Mangogo was enough to defeat Odin, so he went to invade Earth without much help.

If he had joined forces with Mangogo and killed Odin on the spot, there would not be what it is today. Thinking of this, Lau Fei couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

"Yes, Laufey, you made a wrong decision." Odin said slowly, "Not only did you not kill me in time, but invading the atrium was a wrong decision. Today, I will stop your aggression."

"Odin, you're always so high-sounding." Laufey snorted and said, "You're not dead, but if I'm not mistaken, Mangogo's power makes you uncomfortable too. Asgard The strength of virtue has been taken up by your daughter again, I don’t know how much strength you still have left.”

"You can come and try." Odin clenched the spear of eternity in his hand.

Lau Fei stopped talking, the ice spread around her body, the ice armor thickened a lot, and at the same time, several ice thorns were suspended beside her.


Several ice thorns flew out one after another, so fast that no one could see a shadow.

The eight-legged Pegasus under Odin was also extremely fast, and disappeared in a flash when the ice thorn appeared.