Chapter 317: 【Believe in the Holy Light】

After Laufey appeared, Rowe was always vigilant while fighting with Hyosgem to avoid being noticed by Laufey.

Before in Asgard, Laufey bombarded him with the Frozen Winter Coffin, no doubt to avenge his son, and this kind of revenge must be remembered for a lifetime.

Fortunately, after this war is over, according to the development line of the movie, Asgard and Jotunheim should sign a peace agreement to maintain a long peace until it is broken by Thor, the **** of thunder, after a thousand years. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

Frost giants live much longer than Asgard because they can hibernate for a long time. However, Lau Fei is also very old, and he can be called an elder among the Frost Giants.

A thousand years from now, Lau Fei should be in old age at that time, and he should still be able to protect himself in front of him... Luo Wei thought to himself.

As he fought, he gradually took Hyosgem away from the original battle arena, and came to a blind spot that Laufey couldn't notice.

Then Luo Wei let the venom re-attach his body, and when he saw a flash of golden light, his body swelled to three meters high again.

He first added a king's blessing to himself, and then he swung the hand of Antusul and the sword of Rivendell with his left and right hands, respectively, hitting two sanctions at the same time.


Under the blessing of the king's blessing, the two sanctions triggered a violent shock, like a thunderclap.

Although Hyosgem blocked with the long sword, it couldn't stand the huge impact and the stun effect of the punishment. When his arm trembled violently, the long sword flew out of his hand uncontrollably.

"Chuck!" The long sword fell to the ground, making a crisp sound on the frozen ground.

Hyosgem showed panic, and before he could stand still, he hurried to the long sword, trying to retrieve his weapon.

Rowe stabbed his sword into the ground, and holy light poured into the ground from the sword.

Hyosgem, who lost his white helmet, could no longer see the sword of justice attacking from below, so he immediately hit the road and was stabbed in the sole of his foot by a sword.

"Ah!" He screamed and fell to the ground.

Rowe chased after him with a stride, and the hammer and sword fell, hitting Hyosgem's head with great force.

At the critical moment, Hyosgem hurriedly tilted his body to avoid the fatal blow.

Luo Wei's weapon did not turn, but hit the ground immediately, and then saw a flash of light, and the veins of holy light dedication covered the surrounding ground.

Haiosgem, who was on the ground, was exposed to the Holy Light offering on half of his body, and smoke quickly appeared on his skin, and there was another terrified scream.

Then Rowe slashed with a sword and chopped off Hyosgem's head.

After killing Hyosgum, Rowe continued to kill the nearby Frost Giants, especially the Frost Giants who were guilty of sin.

According to the judgment rule of the Holy Deed, obedience to the slaughter caused by the powerful orders will not produce evil, or to be precise, the executor will not produce evil, and the decision maker will produce evil.

This is also the reason why Odin has a lot of sins. Thousands of soldiers are responsible for carrying out the orders he gave, and all the sins are attributed to him.

However, in many cases, the executor will not act purely on the orders of the power, but will also become a criminal decision-maker.

For example, ideally, a soldier should only fight enemy soldiers. But the fact is that some soldiers will always slaughter civilians spontaneously, and they will undoubtedly have to bear the resulting evil.

Although most people think they are more upright, in fact, even with strict military discipline, this is not uncommon. Certain parts of human nature are magnified under certain circumstances.

A person who usually looks ordinary, when he finds unarmed enemy civilians in a war, it is entirely possible to kill, if the opponent is a beautiful woman or has property, this possibility is greatly increased.

After all, there is no consequence for doing so. Even in the entire universe, it is rare to hear of a soldier who was severely judged for violence against the enemy.

These frost giants have just participated in the war of aggression against the earth, and the earth happens to have a large number of weak civilians, and the breeding of such crimes is almost inevitable.

Therefore, compared with the previous battle with the frost giants, there are obviously more sinners among the frost giants in Tonsberg.

Through the revenge on these people, the revenge feedback effect of the Sword of Rivendell gradually restored most of Rowe's mana consumption.

During this process, some memories flashed in Rowe's mind from time to time.

In fact, in the past, as a member of the Asgard conquering army, Rowe, like these frost giants, faced vulnerable and attractive enemy civilians, and he also moved some violent thoughts.

If it wasn't for the fear that the pointer of the Holy Light would suddenly point to him one day, Rowe might have done some evil deeds.

Fortunately, the holy deed around his waist kept him alert at all times, and he didn't dare to indulge. As time went on, his understanding of certain bottom lines became a habit, and soon he never had those violent thoughts again.

It seems that unconsciously, he does have a certain degree of belief in the Holy Light, not pure kryptonite belief... Luo Wei thought to himself. First release https://https://

"Believe in the Holy Light!" He rushed to the direction pointed by the Holy Light pointer and shouted a line from Tirion Fordring.

The fight between Odin and Laufey is still going on It's hard to tell the difference for a while. But in other areas of the battlefield, the Frost Giant's disadvantage became more and more obvious.

Hela eliminated her opponents one by one, and with a toss of Mjolnir in her hand, the warhammer struck Laufey in the thunder.


Laufey was caught off guard and was immediately hit by the warhammer.

Odin chased after him, the spear of eternity pointed directly at his head, and thunder surged from the spear's head.

The cosmic Rubik's Cube held in Lau Fei's left hand shimmered and led him to disappear suddenly, dodging the blow.

About two seconds later, Laufey appeared not far away again.

He looked around with a gloomy expression, and seeing that the battle situation was getting worse and worse, he finally had to say: "Retreat, go back to Jotunheim!"

Immediately, he opened a huge portal, and the frost giant quickly withdrew to the portal.

Odin appeared in front of Laufey, shook the reins of his eight-legged horse, and said condescendingly: "Laufey, as long as you hand over the space gem, Asgard will sign a permanent peace agreement with Jotunheim, and there will be no more. war."

Lau Fei did not speak, apparently unmoved, and did not intend to hand over the space gem.

Odin sighed slightly and continued: "After so many years of war, I'm already tired... Laufey, aren't you tired?"

As the frost giants retreated to Jotunheim one after another, the cosmic Rubik's Cube in Laufey's hand flickered, and the portal shrank rapidly, and finally only one person could pass through.

"If you want to take away the space gem, why don't you come to Jotunheim and try." As soon as the voice fell, Laufi retreated into the portal and disappeared.