Chapter 319: 【One-eyed Odin】

Inside and outside the Castle of Gastpone, Asgards and Frost Giants fought **** battles, and the once magnificent Frost Giant King City was largely reduced to ruins in the war.

The battle between Odin and Lau Fei was the most intense and stalemate. Although Odin was stronger than Lau Fei, the serious injury did not heal, and Lau Fei had the advantage in the environment, so he could not gain the upper hand.

The two have been fighting so far, and they are all bruised and bruised, and both are clenching their teeth.

Compared to them, the battle between Hela and Fabti is much clearer.

Fabti is obviously not Hela's opponent. Since the battle, she has almost no strength to fight back, and can only parry and move around.


There was a loud rumbling in the sky, Odin held the spear of eternity high, and then a thunder as thick as a dragon fell from the sky and slashed towards Laufey.

However, Lau Fei did not try to avoid it, but resisted the thunder, and her whole body was drowned by the thunder.


Under the bombardment of the thunder, the ice armor on his body quickly cracked, and soon it was completely broken, allowing the power of the thunder to directly hit his flesh and blood.

This process was very short, and in a blink of an eye, large scorch marks began to appear on Laufey's body.

But at this moment, he successfully opened a portal, and the rest of the thunder poured into the portal, not knowing where it was sent.

Odin was stunned for a moment, and then a portal suddenly opened behind him, and a thunderous thunder struck from it, blasting him out by surprise.


After a short while, the thunder disappeared, and Odin took a breath and regained his figure.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"Why are you doing this, Lau Fei." He was still panting, looking at Lau Fei, who was smoking all over like him, "You let the Thunder hurt me, but you were also hurt by it."

After a pause, he continued: "Asgard and Jotunheim have been fighting for thousands of years, and this history should end, this history of... murdering each other."

However, at this time, Laufey's expression changed suddenly: "Fabti!"

On the other side, the battle between Hela and Fabuti had already been decided.

In the roar, Miaolnir rolled the thunder, and then hit Fabti's chest hard.


Fabti was immediately knocked out and slammed into the ice-cast walls of the Castle of Gasthofuni.

Lau Fei hurried over and helped his wife up from the ruins of the broken wall, her voice trembling: "Fabti..."

Fabti kept pouring blood from his mouth, grabbed Laufey's arm, and his weak voice was intermittent, repeating roughly the same content: "Child, our child..."

Laufey immediately opened the portal and entered with Fabti, and immediately appeared in an exquisite ice room with a small bed in the center of the room.

"Wow--" The baby's cry echoed in the ice room.

Fabti leaned against the wall beside the cot, stared at his child with the last strength, and finally became a corpse in silence...

Lau Fei closed his eyes and took a deep breath, but he didn't stop there. He immediately opened the portal and returned to the battlefield.

"Odin, this history may end, but it's not what you think!" He looked directly at Odin, his voice like ice.

"The outcome is determined by the winner, not the loser." Odin only said.

At this moment, Hela held Miaolnir and fell beside him: "Father."

Odin was silent for a while, and finally said: "Let me do it myself. I am the king of Asgard, just like Laufey is the king of Jotunheim, this is our battle."

Immediately, he fired the spear of eternity and looked at Laufey again: "Let's see who is the final winner!"

Before he finished speaking, Odin charged forward again and fought with Laufi.

On Rowe's side, he wore the trophy he got from Hyosgem, the white helmet, and swung his sword through the battlefield.

This helmet gave him a sense of no blind spot. Within a range of tens of meters, he could easily detect dangers from behind, above or underground.

During the battle, he can even close his eyes. In fact, after wearing this helmet, vision is blocked.

After slashing a frost giant with a sword, a broken giant claw suddenly flew from behind Luo Wei.


He hurriedly dodged, and then the giant claws fell to the ground.

Taking a closer look, this giant claw is the stump of an ice beast. At the same time, not far away, under Fenris' fangs, an ice beast that lost a front claw retreated in panic.

Sensing the scene of Fenris fighting with the Ice Beast, Rowe frowned.

Although this helmet can observe the surroundings without blind spots, it will block the vision, so that the user cannot observe the distant scene.

For example, at this time, the battle scene between Fenris and the Ice Beast in the distance became very blurred in Rowe's perception, and it was dark in the further distance, and nothing could be seen.

"Ah!" There was a sudden scream, which shocked Rowe. It was Odin's voice.

He took off his helmet, his eyesight was restored, and he followed the sound.

I saw that the two figures quickly separated after interlacing. One of them staggered and retreated. His left hand covered his right eye, and blood was flowing between his fingers. It was Odin.

Odin gritted his teeth and gasped violently. His forehead was covered with fine beads of sweat, and the right hand holding the spear of eternity also trembled slightly, obviously suffering from enormous pain.

Not far from him, Laufey's right hand covered with many ice thorns hung a **** eyeball.

However, Lau Fei's condition is not very good. In addition to the injuries all over his body, his abdomen was penetrated by the spear of eternity This made him directly kneel on the ground, his body trembled violently, and he could not stand for a long time. stand up.

Odin gritted his teeth hard, then he took a deep breath and moved his hand away, revealing his blood-stained right eye, where there was only a hollow eye socket.

Lau Fei covered her abdomen with her hands, tried to get up again, and stood up slowly.

"Boom—" But at this moment, Odin swung the spear of eternity, and the golden spear head swept away with thunder, blasting him out.

Lau Fei cried out in pain and fell to the ground, unable to get up after several struggles.

Immediately, there was a flash of golden light, and the sharp tip of the spear of eternity appeared near his neck, the edge almost touching his skin.

"You lost, Laufey." Odin panted with his hands clenching the spear of eternity trembling slightly, and then added, "Jortunheim also lost."

Laufey, who was lying on the ground, turned his head and saw that, as Odin had said, the frost giants had lost their way, and almost all of them had been defeated. Many frost giants were being chased and killed by Asgard warriors and were fleeing in all directions.

"Roar... roar..."

In front of Gastepony Castle, or in front of the ruins of this castle, an apparently juvenile ice beast kept retreating, while roaring in anger and horror. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

It seems to be the last domesticated ice polar beast.

At this moment, in front of it, the giant wolf Fenris walked slowly over the corpse of another polar ice beast.

On the sharp fangs of the black giant wolf, **** colors and dark shadows are flashing...