Chapter 320: 【Rocky】

Generally speaking, the Ice Beast is much larger than Fenris, but this is obviously not the case for this juvenile Ice Beast.

It is smaller than Fenris, and it should only take one bite for Fenris to bite off its head.

"Roar... Roar..." Looking at the slowly approaching giant wolf Fenris, the polar ice beast kept retreating, roaring in horror.

But soon, a pile of huge ruins blocked its body, making it nowhere to go.

Lau Fei, who fell to the ground, looked at the defeated Frost Giant, and then looked at this young Ice Beast, who had no way out, and finally closed his eyes, as if he was waiting to be slaughtered.

Odin watched him silently for a while, and finally he just stepped forward and took the Rubik's Cube, and then took back the spear of eternity.

Then Odin held the universe cube in his hand and looked at the four directions with his left eye: "The war is over, soldiers."

The frost giants who were still stubbornly resisting looked at Laufey, who was lying on the ground and waiting to be slaughtered, and the azure treasure in Odin's hands. In the end, most of them gave up their resistance and chose to surrender. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest computer: https://

Of course, some frost giants chose to fight to the death, and they finally got what they wanted, burying their bones in the ice field before the former Jotunheim King City.

The Asgardians began to clear the battlefield, collecting the corpses and weapons of the surrenderers.

"Father, your eyes..." Hela came to Odin and looked at his empty, blood-stained right eye, her voice trembling.

Odin was obviously still suffering from the pain of losing his eyes. He gasped and smiled and said, "In ancient legends, for those who lose eyes, fate will compensate him with wisdom. Wisdom is more precious than eyes, isn't it?"

Hela wanted to say something, but in the end she was silent. The father and daughter fell into silence. It seemed that there was really not much to say.

Odin got up and patted his daughter on the shoulder, then as if he suddenly remembered something, he turned his head and walked towards the ruins of the castle behind him, looking around.

"Your Majesty, there is someone in the basement in front of you." Heimdall's voice sounded in his ear.

Under Heimdall's guidance, Odin quickly found the entrance to the basement.

There were several frost giant soldiers guarding the basement, but they were naturally not Odin's opponents, and they were brought down in a blink of an eye, but Odin didn't kill them.

After turning a few corners, Odin arrived at the end of the basement, an exquisite small room with a crib in it.

"Wow--" The crib cried constantly.

Beside the crib, a frost giant woman leaned motionless against the wall, like a quiet ice sculpture, silently watching the crying baby boy.

"Fabti..." Odin looked at this ice sculpture-like figure, and there seemed to be a trace of complicated emotions flashing in his eyes.

He walked to the crib, first looked at Fabuti's body, and then at the baby boy on the bed.

"Wow-wow--" the baby boy was still crying. He looked almost the same as an Asgardian baby, except that his skin was ice blue.

Odin picked up the child.

To his surprise, the crying baby boy gradually became quiet after he was picked up by him, and the young limbs were waving around, as if begging for milk.

Odin sighed slightly, and golden light appeared in his hand.

Together, this golden light poured into the baby boy's body, and immediately changed his skin color from ice blue to Asgard's flesh color.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"I'll call you... Loki." Odin said.

The next day, Asgard King Palace.

Odin was sitting on the throne, and he had a golden eye patch on his right eye.

This image has basically overlapped with the Odin that Rowe remembered in his previous life, except that his hair was not so white.

"During this period of time, in order to fight against Mangogo and the Frost Giant, everyone has worked hard..." Odin said, his voice a little emotional.

After another battle with the Frost Giant, the Golden Palace was further empty, and only about half of the people in attendance were present. This scene made everyone feel heavy.

The change came so suddenly. Not long ago, Asgard was the overlord of the universe, and it was weakened in a blink of an eye.

After a while, Odin continued: "In these two wars, we paid a huge price, which made us understand that war is not a long-term solution, and that peace is precious."

"Of course, there are also many worthy warriors who have made numerous achievements in the war, and they should undoubtedly be rewarded. Therefore, after three days, I will assign a new priesthood in the name of the father of the gods."


Hearing this news, many people in the Golden Palace were moved.

The so-called priesthood refers to the titles of gods such as "God of War" and "Goddess of Death".

Of course, these are not just honorary titles, in most cases, they also correspond to certain powers.

For example, Urar, the **** of hunting, is in charge of presiding over the hunting festival, Tyr, the **** of war, is an important military commander in Asgard, and Hela, the goddess of death, is Odin's punishment officer.

Some priests do not have corresponding powers, such as the God of Light, but any priesthood means an Asgardian military rank above the seventh level, which is a symbol of a higher god.

In addition to the detachment of status, the upper gods also have many privileges, such as the use of the Rainbow Bridge.

Asgardians without priesthood are strictly restricted to use the Rainbow Bridge. Generally, they can only sit on the Rainbow Bridge for public affairs. For private affairs, they must ask for instructions and obtain the approval of the **** king or the gatekeeper The Asgardians of the priesthood, or the upper gods, can use the rainbow bridge at will without interfering with Asgard's affairs and without violating the orders of the god-king.

In Asgard, for a long time, there were very few priests, at most a dozen people.

The news of Odin made many people feel the anticipation.

After another statement, Odin said again: "Frigga has just given birth to two sons for me, my eldest son Thor, and my second son Loki..."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty." Most people didn't think there was anything unusual and congratulated them one after another.

After all, on the day Thor was born, Mangogo appeared in Asgard and launched a fierce attack. Before everyone could recover, they went to fight the Frost Giant non-stop.

So except for a very few people, the Asgardians don't know about Frigga's production.

Odin said that he had given birth to two sons, so they naturally believed it and congratulated them.

Only the two of them looked different. One of them was Heimdall. He had all-seeing eyes. He had seen Odin pick up Loki with his own eyes, so he naturally knew it.

The other is Rowe.

Odin still adopted Loki, probably because he hoped that when Loki grew up, he would use the hub of Loki to subdue Jotunheim... Rowe thought to himself.

Just when he was thinking about it, Odin told everyone to leave: "Everyone, go back."

Luo Wei was about to leave the Golden Palace with everyone. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Odin suddenly said again, "Luo Wei, you stay here."