Chapter 321: [Assignment of priesthood]

After a while, everyone else left, and in the hall of the Golden Palace, only Rowe and Odin on the throne were left.

Odin looked at Rowe, touched his chin, and then hesitantly said, "Well, Rowe, are you and Hela..."

Sure enough, I wanted to ask this, and Luo Wei actually expected this.

After all, many people have noticed his relationship with Hela since this time. As Hela's father, Odin must have asked.

It stands to reason that parents who want to know their children's emotional status must go to their children to ask them in person.

However, after Saka, especially Mangogo's remarks, the relationship between father and daughter suddenly became a lot of estrangement, and even a little stiff, but Odin was not easy to go to Hela to understand the situation Naturally, I had to ask Rowe first.

Luo Wei said, "Yes, Your Majesty, it is my honor to be favored by His Highness Hela."

Odin nodded, didn't say anything at first, then said after a moment: "Rowe, you are an outstanding warrior. Although you are very young, your ability and demeanor satisfy me very much. Hela is with you. I am also very relieved together. I believe that in the future, you will become a qualified husband and father."

This made Rowe sweat slightly.

I'm just a 100-year-old child, so it's too early to talk about being a father.

But then again, this kind of scene seems pretty good when you think about it, Luo Wei has never been a father in his previous life.

"...Rowe, your amazing growth rate has always amazed me. You are only one hundred years old now, and you are already one of the most outstanding warriors in Asgard. It is hard to imagine how much you will grow in the future. "

After a pause, Odin continued: "Although Hela is much older than you, it is probably because I am an incompetent father. She is still like a child in many ways."

"In contrast, Rowe, you have to be more mature. So...well, as the **** of Asgard, Hela's lover, if she is going to do some childish things, I believe you can do it properly. deal with it.”

Speaking of which, Odin's meaning is already obvious. In short, he wanted Rowe to stabilize Hela as much as possible and prevent her from doing some "impulsive" behavior.

Rowe knew in his heart that he also did not want Hela to break with Odin and even Asgard, but he was also unhappy with what Odin did.

At first, Odin promised Hela that he would not find a stepmother for her, but in the end he did. It's okay to find a stepmother, and now even the solemnly promised inheritance right wants to go back.

In the case of Mangogo, if there was no Hela, Odin would have been doomed in countless resentments, but this still did not change his idea of ​​passing the throne to his son.

Asgard did not have a rule that only males and not females should be passed down. Not to mention, the Duke of Norn passed the title to his daughter Karnira. It can be seen that this is more of Odin's prejudice and obsession.

Odin hoped that Rowe would stabilize Hela and tell her not to act impulsive, but if he hadn't broken his promise, how could Hela do "childish" things.

Rowe thought for a while and said, "Of course, Your Majesty. As an Asgardian, I don't want any of my compatriots to be in danger. I will definitely prevent unfortunate things from happening in Asgard."

After a pause, he said in a louder voice, "Even if I risk my life, I will keep this promise-because there is no doubt that keeping a promise is a person's greatest dignity and honor."

Hearing this sentence, Odin's expression suddenly froze.

The atmosphere was quiet for a while.

Odin was silent for a moment, found himself speechless, and finally said: "Everyone doesn't want their compatriots to be in danger, you are right."

"...You go back first, Rowe."

When Luo Wei also left, there was only Odin left in the huge hall.

After a while, he also got up from the throne, silently left the hall, and came to an exquisite room.

"Wow wow..."

"Wow..." ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

In the room, Little Thor and Little Loki cried one after another, as if they were competing with each other.

"Wow wow-"

After a while, little Thor seemed to have the upper hand, and let out a series of continuous crying, breathing from beginning to end.

However, the sound suddenly stopped for a while. Little Thor kicked his legs a bit before continuing to cry. At the same time, there was a stinky smell in the room.

As soon as Odin entered the room, he smelled the familiar smell and couldn't help but ask, "It's Thor again?"

"Yeah, this child eats a lot..." Frigga said.

Some clean up.

Odin sat on the edge of the crib, reached out and squeezed Little Thor's chubby cheeks, and smiled.

"Odin, what are you going to do with the Winter Coffin and the Space Gem?" Frigga asked. starter

Odin: "The Frost Winter Coffin should be placed in the treasury. As for the space gem, this ominous stone should be hidden in the atrium. I plan to let Tyr go, just as there are some remnants of frost giants in the atrium. "

three days later.

Asgard finally regained some peace, but people were quickly attracted by the next major event - Odin's assignment of a new priesthood.

Valhalla Hall.

This is the burial place of the dead warriors. Major events related to the war are often held here At noon on this day, most of the Asgard battles came to the Valhalla Hall. Ding held the spear of eternity and stood in the center.

Frigga, Hela, Tyre, Scala and others were on the left and right, and Luo Wei was among them.

Standing next to Rowe is Heimd. Perhaps running fast is contrary to the attributes of being an elder. As the fastest runner in Asgard, Heimed still looks quite youthful, and he is more than a thousand people. There was no change in previous years.

Odin was speaking when Heimd suddenly poked Rowe.

"Guess you are in this priesthood assignment?" Heimd asked.

"Me?" Luo Wei was startled, "It's unlikely, it's a priesthood."

"How is it impossible. I think you are very likely. What kind of priesthood do you think you will be?" Heimd asked with a smile.

"God of Fire?" Rowe felt that it would be very good if he could be assigned this priesthood.

Asgard has always had more than a dozen people with priesthoods, and no one is a person with strong qualifications, outstanding achievements, and powerful strength.

Although Rowe is quite dazzling compared to ordinary Asgardians, he is obviously not qualified to rank in the top ten in Asgard.

"...The old gods passed away, and the new gods were born." Odin said slowly, "As the father of the gods, I will assign three priesthoods, one of which is the **** of hunting."

Saying that, he turned his attention to Rowe's direction.

But then he realized that he was looking in the wrong direction, and withdrew his gaze, turned to Heimdall, and continued: "Heimdall."