Chapter 324: 【Randolph disappeared】

Randolph drank wine and chatted with everyone, spittle and stars, and he didn't stop until late at night.

In the dead of night, most of the people went to rest.

Randolph drank the last half glass of wine, wiped the corners of his mouth, then got up and came to a place where a girl in a green dress sat, she was silently sewing clothes.

"Hello, beautiful lady." Randolph smiled as he showed his gentlemanly demeanor as much as possible.

"You... hello, warrior of the Protoss." The girl was a little nervous and said timidly, trying to get up at the same time.

Randolph, however, put his hand on her shoulder and gently pressed her to let her continue to sit, and then sat down himself: "It's so late, why don't you rest?"

"I can not sleep."

"Where's your family?" Randolph asked again.

"No more..." The girl lowered her head, this action made her look even more beautiful and pathetic.

Seeing this, Randolph's eyes flickered.

In Asgard, he was just an ordinary soldier who had been an ordinary soldier for thousands of years.

However, on Earth, he is a first-class powerhouse and can easily gain endless respect and admiration.

Thinking that he was a descendant of the gods, and that there was only a lonely girl in front of him, Randolph's courage suddenly increased.

He stretched out his hand, raised the girl's chin lightly with his fingers, and moved closer.

The girl was suddenly at a loss, and could only dodge her eyes, but when she was dodging, her eyes became watery.

Randolph admired the girl's face up close, especially those beautiful eyes, and asked, "Beautiful lady, do you want to have a new family?"


Two hours later.

In a corner that no one else can see, Randolph and the girl are closely attached to each other, their eyes are facing each other, and they are full of affection.

"Darling, are you really willing to give up everything in Asgard for me?" The girl asked in a low voice while burying her head while wrapping around Randolph's lush chest hair.

"Of course!" Randolph said without hesitation. "Before today, I never knew the value of love. Now I understand that all the glory and wealth are just clouds."

"For you, I am willing to give up everything, what is Asgard!"

The girl was so moved that she snuggled closer.

"Is it cold?" Randolph asked.

"Yeah." The girl nodded lightly and said Mosquito.

"In that case, let me create some warmth." Randolph smiled.

In the long snowstorm, there was another cloud and rain, not to mention.

The next day.

Randolph was sitting around with a few soldiers, his face was cloudy, his expression changed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"What are you thinking, Randolph." a soldier asked casually.

Randolph: "It's nothing, just, I suddenly have an ominous feeling."

"An ominous premonition?" Several companions raised their heads and looked at him.

Randolph nodded, but did not dare to look at them. He lowered his head and said, "I might die in this operation. If I do die, please tell my parents and younger brother... I love them. "

Several companions looked at each other.

At this moment, Luo Wei came from not far away, accompanied by two mages of the Supreme Sanctuary.

The soldiers stood up one after another: "Lord Luo Wei."

"I found some human mages, and they will teleport you directly to the stronghold of the remaining frost giants," Rowe said.

He nodded, and the two mages began to cast spells, and soon opened a portal.

"There are five frost giants hidden in the valley on the other side of the portal. One of them is seriously injured. I believe you can handle it easily. Go," said Rowe.

"Yes." The soldiers passed through the portal one after another.

Randolph was the last one. He seemed to hesitate when he stood in front of the portal, but the hesitation was fleeting, and then he followed his teammates into the portal and disappeared.

With the help of the Supreme Sanctuary Mage's portal, the warriors of Asgard arrived at their targets one after another to clean up the remaining frost giants hiding everywhere.

These frost giants are few in number and many are injured, and their fighting spirit is not high, so the warriors deal with it very easily, and they can kill or make the opponent surrender soon.

Only one day passed, and the remaining frost giants identified earlier were cleaned up.

The soldiers returned to Tonsberg one after another through the portal. Most of them were safe, a few were injured, one was killed, and one was missing.

"Missing?" Rowe frowned.

"Yes, Lord Rowe. During the battle, Randolph went after a wounded frost giant and never came back," said one of the warriors. "We searched and found nothing, neither Randolph nor Randolph. Frost Giant."

Luo Wei's expression changed: "You said it was Randolph who was missing?"

The soldier nodded: "Yes."

Rowe was silent.

He remembered that according to the description of "Agents of SHIELD", Randolph was a deserter during an operation in Asgard, secretly stayed on Earth, and never came back.

Since then, this guy has lived a free and easy life on earth, and has been tirelessly picking up girls and schoolgirls until the 21st century.

Unexpectedly, it was during this operation that Randolph slipped away.

Rowe knew the truth, but he didn't bother to care about this shit, anyway, Tyr was the commander of this team.

But it's strange to say that since this morning, he hasn't seen Tyre, and he doesn't know where he went.

In fact, it wasn't until another day passed that Rowe finally saw Tyre. So much so that during this period, he even had some doubts that Tyre ran away like Randolph.

"Have you finished cleaning up the frost giants?" Tyr asked in surprise.

"Yes with the help of the mages." Luo Wei said, "Where have you been?"

"Of course I also went to the Frost Giant, but I forgot that human mages and portals, haha, you young people are smart." Tyr smiled.

"..." Rowe naturally didn't quite believe it.

Tyre didn't plan to say more, and changed the topic: "Since that's the case, we should go back to Asgard."

Luo Wei: "Go back first. I plan to stay in the atrium for a while. If I find another Frost Giant, I will solve it by the way."

"Okay." Tyre nodded.

As an Asgardian with a formal priesthood, Rowe is completely free to go wherever he wants, as long as he does not interfere with the important affairs of Asgard and does not violate the orders of the God King.

Tyr returned to Asgard with a group of warriors, while Rowe and Shilute remained on Earth.

After staying in Tonsberg for a few more days, helping the people here to build their homes, Rowe and Schroot followed the mage to the London Sanctuary.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the London Sanctuary, Rowe looked up and saw a strong black man in ragged clothes.

This black strong man's clothes are tattered, his body is dirty and bloodstained, and he can't even see his face.

At this time, he was holding the arm of the Supreme Mage Flocari, and he looked a little excited, as if he had just finished speaking.

Floka was embarrassed: "Bashenga... It's not that I don't want to help you, but it's this kind of thing, the Holy Sanctuary is really not easy to intervene."