Chapter 325: 【Wakanda Tradition】

Luo Wei was stunned when he heard the words, but he didn't recognize it just now. This black strong man covered in embarrassment turned out to be the black panther Bashenga.

"Flocari, we are friends, you know, I am the king of Wakanda, and they are betrayer, usurper, you should help me, this is completely reasonable and just." Bassangara's tone was sharp. say.

Flocari shook his head: "I'm sorry, Bashenga, we can't help you. The Supreme Sanctuary does not participate in any internal struggles among humans. This is the principle established by the first Supreme Master... Of course, you can live in the Supreme Sanctuary in the future. , we welcome you."

Basengga was about to say something when he suddenly glanced out of the corner of his eye and noticed Luo Wei who had just arrived here.

"Luo Wei!" He suddenly looked surprised.

Luo Wei looked at the ragged and bruised face of Bashenga again, and asked, "What happened, Bashenga, how did you become like this?"

Bassanga sighed and said with some grief, "It's all because I trust them too much!"

""them"? "

But Basengga seemed a little hard to say. He only clenched his fists and didn't speak for a while.

Flocari said: "It was his younger brother Itakin, and his wife... During the time when Basanga left Wakanda to fight the frost giants, Itakin and the two teamed up to seize his power, respectively. Be the new king and queen of Wakanda."

Luo Wei was stunned, looked at Bashenga again, and suddenly felt a little greenery on his head.

Having said that, thinking of the experience of the later Black Panther T'Challa, this Wakanda seems to have a tradition of seizing power...

"So you are like this because you were ready to take back power, but failed in the end?"

Bassanja nodded, his fist clenched slightly trembling: "When I returned to Wakanda, Itakin had already proclaimed himself the new King and Black Panther, and he said to follow the tradition and duel with me to determine the real king, As a result, as a result... this shameless guy lied to me!"

Rowe nodded and motioned him to continue.

Bassanga: "According to Wakanda's tradition, the king's duel has to take the "removal potion" in advance to remove the medicinal power of the heart-shaped grass, and then fight a fair and open battle. "

Hearing this, a young mage in the room couldn't help but ask, "What is the heart-shaped grass?"

"A rare herb that is unique to Wakanda, it can make people strong and agile. Black panthers in all dynasties have obtained their powerful strength far beyond ordinary people through the heart-shaped grass," Basanga explained.

"Of course, the purpose of taking the heart-shaped grass is to allow the king to better defend against foreign enemies and guard his homeland, not to show off his power in the country... Therefore, whenever the king wants to duel with other people, he will first take the removal potion to eliminate the heart-shaped grass. Increase in strength, and participate in a duel with the body of an ordinary person."

"How did your brother deceive you?" someone asked.

"That shameless **** is not my brother!" Bassanga said angrily.

"Well... how did Itakin deceive you?"

Bassanga's emotions became more and more agitated, and even his body trembled when he spoke, as if he was furious: "Itakin said that both he and I should take the removal potion and then fight a duel. As a result, I drank the potion, He became an ordinary person, but he didn't drink!"

"Then he's going to catch me. If it wasn't for the desperate cover of my subordinates, I wouldn't even be able to escape from Wakanda!"

Speaking of which, Bassanga's eyes were a little red: "In order to cover me, all my personal guards died in battle... They are my brothers."

The atmosphere in the room was quiet for a while.

Bashenga looked at Luo Wei, as if grabbing a life-saving straw: "Luo Wei, you must help me, help me regain the throne."

Luo Wei: "How do you want me to help you, kill Itakin?"

Basengga hesitated for a while, then said: "No, I just need a duel, a fair duel, I will defeat Itakin with my own hands, and let him know who the real Black Panther is!"

"Are you sure?" Rowe was a little surprised.

Basengga nodded: "As long as it is a fair duel, Itakin will not be my opponent. He has never defeated me since he was a child, and this time is the same."

"Luo Wei, as long as you help me win a chance for a fair duel, you are a powerful Protoss warrior, and you can definitely do it."

Rovell thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, I can help you, but there is one condition."

"What conditions?" Bassangar asked hurriedly.

"Well, I'm very interested in Wakanda's vibranium..."

Before Luo Wei finished speaking, Ba Shengjia patted his chest and assured: "Isn't it Zhenjin, don't worry, Wakanda's Zhenjin mine will not be used up in 100,000 years, as long as you help me regain the throne, I'll give you a room right away!"

Hearing this, Rowe couldn't help but smile, while on the other side, the Supreme Mage Flocari seemed to regret a little, regretting that he just refused to help Bashenga.

After all, as one of the top metals in the universe, who can not be moved by the peculiarities of vibrating gold.

Floccari squeezed his beard, and finally shook his head slightly, without saying anything.

Lowe spent a few days in London doing some minor work on the restoration of the City of London and the London Sanctuary.

After lunch today.

"Let's go." Basengga found Rowe and said solemnly.

"Are you ready?" Rowe looked at him.

Bashenga nodded solemnly: "Well, I can feel that the Leopard God is protecting me, and I will definitely become the black panther of Wakanda again His injuries have already healed, and he will be replaced by He wore a brand new armor, but unfortunately the armor was not made of vibranium. When he escaped from Wakanda, there was almost nothing left.

Luo Wei didn't say much, he stretched out his hand and patted him beside him.

"Buzz." Shilute got up from the ground and stood up like a rockery in the lawn.

Afterwards, Rowe asked the mage to help open a portal, and the two soon arrived at Wakanda in eastern Africa.

Rowe hadn't entered Wakanda before, so this was the first time he saw the true face of this country.

The Wakanda Buildings in later generations are full of buildings, and the style of painting is similar to that of Manhattan in New York, but it is now 965 AD, which is more than a thousand years away. Naturally, there is no such thing as a skyscraper.

In today's Wakanda, most of the buildings are made of stone, but the height is not low. There are even stone towers of hundreds of meters, and two giant black panther statues can be seen. The shape is simple and unpretentious.

From a distance, the scene in Wakanda is quite impressive.

Not long after Bassanga appeared in Wakanda, a large group of soldiers gathered from nearby and soon surrounded them.

Seeing these Wakanda warriors facing each other with spears, Ba Sanga became furious: "I am the black panther, your king!"

There was a little commotion in the group of soldiers, but at this time a Wakanda warrior who looked like an officer stepped forward and said coldly: "Basanga, the current king of Wakanda is Itakin, you are just a fugitive, I will Arrest you on the orders of the king!"