Chapter 329: 【Throne Challenge】

Fortunately, the spear didn't hit the key point, it only stabbed Bashenga near the shoulder.

Bashenga groaned, and quickly stepped back, while gritted his teeth and raised his shield, blocking Itakin's next spear.


The spear pierced the shield, and several sparks burst forth.

"Clang, clang!"

The two of them brandished spears and shields, and stepped on the water as they came and went, splashing all over the place, and they soon fought dozens of rounds.

At the beginning, due to the imbalance of mentality, Basengga was obviously not an opponent. He was almost pressed and beaten by Itakin and injured one after another.

Seeing that he must be defeated in this way, Bashenga had to force himself to forget the distracting thoughts in his mind and focus on the current battle.

So after dozens of rounds, he gradually got rid of the passive beating situation and stalemate with Itakin.

It is not difficult to see that although the two brothers have similar body shapes and similar heights and weights, there is a considerable gap in their skills. As the elder brother, Bassanga is obviously much stronger.

Seeing that Bashenga stabilized his position, Rowe and Venom watched the changes.

However, at this moment, the queen suddenly shouted: "Itakin, kill him, don't tell you that you can't even beat this bastard!"

Before she finished speaking, Basengga's emotions were out of control again, and the rhythm of breathing and fighting became chaotic.

He couldn't help looking at the queen standing by the water, his former wife, his eyes were full of anger, shame and puzzlement.

However, there was only indifference on the queen's face, as if the two had always been enemies.

"What was the relationship between Bashenga and his wife before?" Seeing this, Rowe couldn't help looking at Chief Jabari beside him and asked.

"Well..." Sheikh Jabari considered it for a while, then lowered his voice. "Frankly, he's a bit slow in this regard. One can see that the Queen doesn't love Basengga at all, and the Queen herself has little to do with it. Cover up, but all along, Basengga felt that the queen was infatuated with him."

So miserable. Rowe couldn't help thinking, then shook his head.

Basengga's pace was chaotic, Itakin seized the flaw and stabbed his spear straight away.


Bashenga was stabbed in the thigh by a spear, and suddenly screamed, almost kneeling on the ground.

Itakin's spear struck again, and he hurriedly dodged, finally avoiding the ground.

"Wow!" The spear pierced into the water, and the water bloomed.

Splashes of water splashed on Bashenga's face, mixed with sweat, he panted, squatted on the ground, and looked directly at Itakin.

"She never loves you, she even hates you. Do you know why?" Itakin said.

"Why... why?" Basengga couldn't help asking.

Itakin laughed but didn't answer, and then waved his spear again, the sharp point of the spear headed straight to the gate of Basenggamian.

Bassanga hurriedly stood up and blocked with his shield.


"Why?" Bashenga was panting, holding up his shield with some difficulty, but he couldn't let go of his confusion and asked again.

"It seems that you never reflect on yourself." Itakin still didn't answer, and at the same time attacked again.

"Clang, clang!"

There was another fierce fight. Itakin's spear swung like the wind, and in a blink of an eye, he added a few more wounds to Bashenga's body.

At this point, Basengga has already shown his failure, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that the injury on his body makes it almost impossible for him to make a comeback.

"Sun God..." Chief Jabari couldn't help clenching his fists and looked at Rowe anxiously.

Luo Wei frowned and watched the battle between the two for a while.


Bassanga was injured again, and Itakin's spear almost pierced his abdomen.


Bashenga stepped back, causing several splashes in the water one after another, and then one fell to the ground, almost falling to the edge of the waterfall.

The blood overflowing from his wound mixed into the water, dyeing the water around him red, but in a blink of an eye, it went downstream and drowned in the waterfall.

Itakin took a few steps forward, holding a spear, already showing the smile of a victor.

"Obviously, my brother, you are not a qualified king." He looked at Bashenga who fell into the water and held up his spear.

"Go." Rowe gestured to Venom.

The venom that lingered at his feet immediately swam out, and in a blink of an eye he swam into the water behind Bassangar.

At the same time, Itakin's spear suddenly arrived. Although Bashenga reluctantly moved his body, he was severely penetrated through his abdomen.


A sharp spear appeared on his back, his muscles were torn apart, and blood spattered.

However, at this moment, the venom quietly merged into Bassangar's body. The Venom's upper body, Bassanga, although he didn't change at first glance, his eyes became sharp in an instant.

Itakin's expression changed.

He is Bassanga's biological brother, but at this moment, Bassanga's eyes have never been seen before, as if it were a different person.

In fact, it was indeed the case. At the moment of the upper body, the venom completely took over Bashenga's body.

What was in front of him at this time was nothing but venom draped in Pasangapi.

Itakin vaguely realized that something was wrong and tried to back away.

However, Basengga's mouth twitched, his left hand abandoned his shield, and he grabbed the spear in his abdomen, making him unable to retreat.

Itakin struggled to pull, only to find that he couldn't pull at all.

"You!" He was instantly furious Obviously he realized there was a problem.

Basengga couldn't help but swung his spear with his right hand and stabbed at an amazing speed with a few straight stabs.

After removing the power of the heart-shaped grass, Itakin is almost indistinguishable from ordinary people. Facing the blow of Venom, he couldn't deal with it at all, and he was pierced through his chest in an instant!

Basengga then yanked it, dragged Itakin in front of him, and then kicked him out, kicking him out of the edge of the waterfall.


Hearing the sound of water, Itakin fell from the waterfall and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

What happened just now, it was too late to say, and the people watching had not yet figured out the situation, and they saw that the situation had undergone a major reversal.

Itakin, who had the upper hand and was about to win, was defeated in an instant, and was pierced through his chest and kicked down the waterfall.

At this time, Basengga still had a spear stuck in his abdomen, looking very tragic. The amazing reversal and such a tragic scene made almost everyone sluggish.

Bashenga pulled the spear out of his abdomen, and then his body softened and fell into the water. At the same time, the venom also left his body and swam back to Rowe in the water.

Although it looked like he was seriously injured and in a coma, in fact, when he was separated from the venom, the venom had already treated him almost, and there was no serious problem.

Chief Jabari stepped forward quickly, checked Bassanga's physical condition, then smiled, got up and shouted: "There is no doubt that Bassanga is the winner of this battle, the king of Wakanda, the real black Leopard!"