Chapter 330: 【100 tons of vibrating gold mine】

"Basanga!" Chief Jabari shouted.

To most people, it doesn't really matter who the king is, and itakin is dead anyway.

So the shouts quickly joined together, and tens of thousands of people shouted the same name one after another: "Pasanga! Pasanga!"

However, some people were happy and some were worried. At this time, Itakin's best friends were all panicked. They looked at each other at a loss, and then gathered together with the queen as the center, preparing to escape.

"Stop!" Chief Jabari shouted, "Stop them!"

For a while, there was another riot near Warrior Falls.

However, Itakin was dead, and his few remnants were naturally difficult to form, and the riots were quickly brought under control.

Rowe didn't pay attention to these, he went straight to Bashenga's side, raised his hand and gave him a flash of holy light.

After the secret treatment of the venom just now, the wounds on Bashenga's body were only skin wounds that were used to hide people's ears. Therefore, after a flash of holy light, Bashenga recovered immediately, and there was no scar on his body.

Bassanga also opened his eyes and regained consciousness.

Sitting in the water, he first looked around in confusion, and then he seemed to remember something: "Just now... did you help me?"

Luo Wei nodded: "Otherwise you will die."

There was some pain on Basengga's face: "I couldn't really defeat him, this is a battle without honor..."

"What Itakin has done to you is that there is no honor at all. He betrayed you and deceived you. Even in the battle just now, he used despicable tricks first. You don't need to feel that you are invincible. ' Rowe reassured him a few words.

Bassanga was silent for a moment, and finally sighed slightly, and got up from the water: "Thank you."

Luo Wei didn't say anything, and patted him on the shoulder.

As an ordinary person and a warrior, Bashenga is a trustworthy and honest person. But I have to say, as a king, such a personality is indeed a bit strange.

Bassanga, who won the challenge to the throne, became the Black Panther again, and Wakanda gradually regained its stability after a brief riot.

A few days later, Bassangar found Rowe: "Rovey, come and see our Zhenjin Mine."

"Okay." Rowe immediately left his residence and followed Bassangar to the Zhenjin Mine in Wakanda.

Walking on the road, Basengga said to him: "...Before there were historical records, perhaps millions of years ago, a peculiar meteorite descended on Wakanda, and this meteorite was the origin of vibranium. "

"After the ancestors established Wakanda, we lived and multiplied near the vibranium meteorite. Over time, we gradually discovered the existence of vibranium and its various peculiarities."

Rowe asked, "When did Wakanda start using vibranium?"

Basengga: "That's a long time ago, no one knows the exact time. According to ancient records, people first discovered vibranium because of lightning strikes."

"Lightning strike?" Rowe was a little surprised.

"Yes, a very terrifying lightning strike." Bassanga nodded.

"The powerful thunder struck right on the vibranium meteorite, and some ore was turned into metal in the thunder. Our ancestors used those strange-shaped metals to hunt beasts, chop down trees, and gradually build up their own country..."

When the two came to the Zhenjin Mine, they first saw two black panther statues, which were heavily guarded, and then the deep mine.

After they entered from the entrance of the cave, they walked to the end after a while. Some well-built miners were mining vibranium ore there.

"Your Majesty." The miner saluted Bassangar.

Luo Wei stepped forward, picked up a piece of vibrating gold ore and put it in front of his eyes.

It looks nothing special, just a gray stone. Compared with most substances on earth, ore is quite heavy to start with, but it is quite common in his hands.

Bashenga: "It is very difficult to smelt and forge Zhenjin, so we collect very little ores. The house of ores I promised you will have to be mined for a while now."

Luo Wei was not too surprised. After all, judging from the contacts during this period, Wakanda has almost no other vibranium tools except for weapons. Even weapons, there are not many places where vibranium is used. For example, spears only have The tip of the gun is vibranium.

It can be seen from this that the production of vibranium is indeed very small. The production of vibrating gold is small, and there is no need to mine ore in large quantities.

He just asked, "How much vibranium can be made from ore?"

"About one-tenth." Bassanga said.

In other words, ten tons of ore can produce one ton of vibranium. This ratio is not high, but one room of ore can produce ten tons of vibranium.

More than ten tons of vibrating gold!

Thinking of this, Luo Wei suddenly became a little excited. With so much vibrating gold, I don't know how many magical weapons can be made.

It is estimated that it is no problem to arm a knight order.

Of course, with the current level of smelting and forging in Wakanda, Rowe would definitely not ask them to help him forge weapons.

Who has the strongest forging technology, the dwarf king of Nidavi.

It is undoubtedly the best choice for the dwarves of Nidavi to help forge vibranium weapons.

For the next period of time, Rowe stayed in Wakanda, waiting for the vibranium mine to be fully mined.

During this process he spent most of his time on the infusion of the Holy Light on Snow Pearl. After all, with Zhenjin, of course he had to build some weapons or something. It happened that he had the blueprint of the Demon Slayer Sword in his hand, so he could try to build a Zhenjin Slayer Sword.

Basengga had no idea about numbers. He promised Luo Wei a house of vibrating gold ore. If Luo Wei was a little darker, it would not be a problem to ask for a few hundred tons.

But Luo Wei didn't go too far, and he couldn't take too much, so in the end he only needed about 100 tons of vibranium ore, which almost filled the remaining space of the holy deed.

After getting the vibranium ore and saying goodbye to Basengga, Chief Jabari and others, Rowe left Wakanda with Shilute.

Crossing the border of Wakanda, he couldn't help turning around again, looking back at this seemingly inconspicuous country.

He got 100 tons of vibranium ore from Wakanda, and smelting it into vibranium is about ten tons.

One hundred tons of vibranium ore sounds like a lot, but compared to Wakanda's wealth, it is very small.

Specifically, these ores only account for about one thousandth of Wakanda's total reserves.

One thousandth.

Rowe, an Asgardian, felt poverty on Earth at this time.

He sighed for a while, then got in touch with Heimdall: "Heimdall, is the Rainbow Bridge free?"

"Are you going back to Asgard, or somewhere else?" Heimdall's voice came to his ears.

"I'm going to go to New Corbin," Rowe said.