Chapter 331: 【Blood of Heroes】

New Corbyn star.

More than a thousand years ago, this planet became the new home of the Corbins. After such a long period of development, it has become a prosperous planet, with hundreds of millions of Corbins living here.

The beam of light from the Rainbow Bridge flashed past, and Rowe appeared on a high platform on the New Corbin star.

Out of friendliness and respect for Asgard, the Corbins specially set up a landing point for the Rainbow Bridge, which is this high platform.

As soon as Luo Wei appeared, two horse-faced Corbins came over and saluted respectfully: "Welcome, esteemed God Asa."

Rowe nodded: "I want to see Beta Rebil, he should be here."

"Of course, please come with me."

The Corbins said, and at the same time led Rowe to a spaceship suspended not far away.

The spaceship started, and the speed was very fast. Luo Wei sat on it, and was sent directly to the door of the horse-faced Thor in a short time.

Horse-faced Thor lives on the mountain. He is alone in a shabby little house, somewhat like a hermit.

"Rovi!" He was very pleasantly surprised to see Rovey's horse-faced Thor.

Luo Wei walked over with a smile and looked around: "Why do you live here?"

Ma Mian Thor sighed when he heard the words: "I can't adapt to the current Corbin Star, the changes are too great, so I have to find a quiet place to live alone."

As an Asgardian, Rowe has a long lifespan. Although more than 1,000 years is not short, it is not long. The people he knows are basically still there, and the changes are limited.

But for Ma Mian Thor, the changes in the past 1300 years are really huge, and it can even be said that the sea has changed. Not only the social changes, but also his family and friends are gone.

The horse-faced Thor, who lives in the new Corbin star, is like a fossil, cultural relic, and country bumpkin, who is out of tune with the world of normal people.

Thanks to his firm will, if he was someone else, he would have to be depressed in this situation.

The original relatives and friends are gone, Luo Wei is naturally the best friend of Ma Mian Thor.

So when he saw Luo Wei, he was very happy. After entering the house, he rummaged through the boxes and took out a bottle of wine.

The horse-faced Thor shook the bottle: "This bottle of wine is what I had before I entered Saka Star. After I disappeared, my people kept it in the History Museum, and it has been brought back by me until now."

"So this is a 1300-year-old wine?" Rowe was a little surprised.

"That's right." Ma Mian Thor nodded, opened the wine and poured two glasses.

Rowe picked up the glass and took a sip.

The taste is indescribable.

So the two of them only took a sip, and then they didn't touch it again. It can be seen that the wine doesn't get better with age.

After a while, Rowe explained his purpose: "Bill, I'm here this time because I want to trouble you with something."

Ma Mian Thor: "You said, I will help if I can."

Luo Wei has never done anything like asking for blood from others in his previous life and this life. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Well... I'm going to build a sword called the Sword of Slaying Demons."

"Devil Slayer Sword?" The name obviously easily arouses the curiosity of others.

"Yes, just like its name, this sword is a sharp weapon specially used to slay demons." Luo Wei continued, "The sword of slaying demons requires a special material to make, the blood of a hero is a noble character. The blood of the murderer, so I can only trouble you, Bill."

"Me?" Ma Mian Thor was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "Do you think I am a person of noble character?"

Luo Wei: "Of course, you have been approved by Mjolnir. As far as I know, you are the only one who can do this."

"Frankly speaking, I think it may be a loophole in the spell, after all... um..." Ma Mian Thor didn't say anything after that.

But Rowe guessed what he meant.

Odin himself is not a noble person. He set up a spell to screen the noble, which is unreliable no matter how you look at it.

"Even without Mjolnir's proof, I still think you are a noble person, a pure person, a person who is out of vulgar taste." Rowe said, serious.

Ma Mian Thor was a little embarrassed to be praised, then he thought about it and asked, "How much do you need?"

"Such a bottle." Rowe took out a crystal bottle.

"Okay. But I think you'd better not have too high expectations. My blood probably doesn't meet your requirements." Ma Mian Thor finally nodded, then rolled up his sleeves and exposed his arms.

Luo Wei took out the blood-drawing tool, quickly drew a bottle of bright red blood, sealed it and put it into the Sanctuary space.

"Thank you, Bill, as a thank you, I'll give you a suit of armor in a while."


Luo Wei didn't say much, smiled and said, "It's definitely the strongest armor you've ever used."

He was going to give the armor of the horse-faced Thor, naturally it was made of vibranium.

Before, Luo Wei was going to pay with money, but after thinking about it, he would not accept it, and it seemed a bit dirty to use money to buy blood, so he temporarily changed his mind and planned to build it for the horse-faced Thor. A pair of vibranium armor.

Anyway, he has ten tons of vibrating gold, not less than a pair of armor.

After saying goodbye to the horse-faced Thor, Luo Wei took out the blood and put it on the holy deed for identification.

[100% replacement for blood of heroes]

Exactly 100% substitution degree!

Ma Mian Lei Shen just said that he is not a noble person, it seems that he is humble. With the double certification of Mjolnir and Sanqi, this noble character is naturally correct.

But then again, what kind of noble person would feel noble.

Most of the people who think they are noble seem to be those who are not very noble Luo Wei thought for a while, and then he returned to Asgard with the heroic blood of the horse-faced Thor.

After returning to Asgard, he spent most of his time on sanctifying the Snow Pearl in order to quickly create a Righteous Orb for forging the Demon Slayer Sword.

Speaking of the Demon Slayer Sword, Luo Wei couldn't help but think of the teleportation magic circle that led to **** he accidentally obtained.

After creating the Demon Slayer Sword, maybe you can go to hell?

It's a pity that the teleportation magic circle seems to be one-way. It can only enter hell, but not out of hell. If you want to travel to hell, you have to find a way to return.

In addition to pouring holy light into Snow Pearl, Luo Wei has one more thing to do, which is naturally to accompany Hela.

The existence of Thor and Loki makes the relationship between Odin and Hela become more and more estranged. Although both father and daughter have tried to repair the relationship, the relationship has never been deliberate, and polite gestures are useless after all, and even aggravate alienation.

Hela also lives in the Golden Palace, but every day she sees her father enjoying herself in the new family, she is like an outsider, and she is inevitably depressed. Fortunately, Luo Wei is there to accompany her.

That night, Rowe and Hela were sitting next to the Thunder Tree and had just finished their barbecue.

With a wave of Hela's hand, the barbecue grill next to it disappeared, instantly saving the trouble of cleaning.

Then the two cuddled together.

"Have you thought about the scene where you become a father?" Hela asked suddenly.