Chapter 332: 【Under the Thunder Tree】

"Of course, no one has ever thought about such a big thing as being a parent," Rowe said.

Hela: "When did you first think about this question?"

"When I met you." Rowe smiled.

Hela also laughed: "If I knew what you were thinking at that time, I would definitely teach you a hard lesson."

Rowe leaned against the Thunder Tree, thought for a while and then said, "Well...actually, of course it was earlier than that, it should have been when I was very young."

"I was beaten up by the uncle who adopted me for being naughty, and that made me angry and puzzled, so I was thinking about parenting for the first time, and I was thinking what if I were raising a child. way to treat him."

Hela nodded slightly: "The conclusion is?"

"Of course I thought: At least I won't be like my uncle, I must be better at disciplining children." Rowe said, "But then my uncle told me that he thought the same thing when he was a child."

Hela leaned on his chest and smiled: "So now your mind has changed?"

Luo Wei said, "No, I still think that I will be a more qualified parent than my uncle."

Hela said softly, "I think so too."

Luo Wei was about to say something when she suddenly said, "Maybe, we should try."

Rowe was startled.

But immediately, Hela's hot lips made him react.

"Well..." Just like the scene where the two kissed for the first time, Luo Wei was still seized by Hela.

In a hurry, his body fell unsteadily to the ground beside the Thunder Tree.

"Your Highness, do you really want to try it?" Luo Wei hurriedly supported the ground with his elbows, adjusted his posture, and then asked.

"Don't you want to?" Hela asked.

Rowe was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "According to tradition, paladins need to train in riding, but I have never practiced it."


"That's it—" Luo Wei stood up and reversed the offensive.

Hela screamed, and then her face flushed.

So under the thunder tree, the night was wind and rain, no need to say more...


A few days later in the morning.

The sun shines through the curtains, Luo Wei and Hela wake up snuggling on the bed, they are close to each other's ears, and they talk softly.

Young people are always full of enthusiasm and motivation for new things. Fortunately, the physique of the Protoss is indeed extraordinary and can withstand all kinds of tossing. Because of this, Luo Wei has also practiced many operations that he could not have imagined in his previous life.

However, there are gains and losses. The stronger the existence, the harder it is to reproduce.

For example, Odin has only two children of Hela and Thor in thousands of years. Most Asgardians have at most two or three children in their long life of 5,000 years.

Therefore, although Luo Wei and Hela have fought fiercely to this day, the possibility of having children is still very slim.

The two got up, made breakfast together, and spent the morning of the day with a sense of tranquility after the rain in their hearts.

While eating, Rowe held the half-sanctified Snow Pearl in his hand and poured holy light into it continuously.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light flashed by, and then the light of Snow Pearl all subsided.

This is naturally a sign of the completion of sanctification. So far, Snow Pearl has completed the infusion of holy light and has become an orb of justice.

"Saintization completed?" Hela asked casually.

Rowe nodded: "Yes, it looks like I'm going to Nidavi."

After the two kissed goodbye, Luo Wei took his things and went to the Rainbow Bridge.

"Rovey, you seem a little tired." Heimdall said before opening the Rainbow Bridge.

"Is there?" Rowe disagreed.

Heimdall asked, "Where are you going?"

"Send me to Nidavi, I'm going to make something," Rowe said.

The Rainbow Bridge opened, and a rainbow-colored beam of light flashed past. Immediately, Rowe was teleported to the dwarf kingdom of one of the Nine Realms, Nidavi.

"Welcome, venerable sun **** Rowe." The dwarf guard greeted him.

"I can imagine seeing His Highness Aitui," Rowe said.

Although Asgard is the suzerain state of Nidavi, the status of the dwarf king is not low, and Odin has to be polite. In addition, the dwarf king is old and inconvenient, so Rowe does not want to trouble he.

"Okay, please wait a moment." The guard said, and immediately informed him.

After a while, the dwarf prince Aitri came from not far away, smiling: "Hello, Rowe, welcome to Nidavi."

"Long time no see, Your Highness Aitui." Luo Wei also stepped forward to greet him.

"I guess you're here to forge weapons, right?" Aitri said.

Nine out of ten people who came to Nidawi were for forging tools, which is not hard to guess.

Luo Wei smiled and said, "That's right. But you can guess what material I'm going to use to forge the weapon."

"Xiangang?" Aicui said casually.




Aitri thought for a while: "Scarborough Iron? As a special flame metal from Muspelheim, this is very suitable for you."

Iron of Scarborough.

When Aitri said this, Rowe suddenly remembered this metal. As Aitri said, Scarborough Iron is a powerful flame metal specializing in Muspelheim, and it really goes well with him.

I'll take a look at it later...

Luo Wei didn't sell anything anymore took out a piece of vibrating gold ore and handed it to Ai Cui: "This thing."

Ai Cui was stunned at first, but after taking a closer look at the vibrating gold ore, his face gradually showed a look of surprise and solemnity: "This should be a kind of ore, I can feel the strange metal energy contained in it, what exactly is this? ?"

"Vibranium ore." Rowe continued, "Vibranium is a powerful metal, even comparable to Ulu. I'm going to use it to forge a sword and a pair of armor."

"How many of these ore do you have?" Aitri asked.

Luo Wei didn't speak, and immediately opened the holy deed, and poured out a pile of ore, about a ton or two.

Looking at the pile of vibranium ores, Ai Cui couldn't help but light up, and then looked at him and said, "According to the rules, Nidavi will charge one-tenth of the vibranium smelted..."

"One-fifty." Rowe interrupted directly.

If it was collecting money, he would be too lazy to negotiate the price, but dwarves always like to take a cut of various precious materials, which made it a little difficult for him to accept, after all, vibration gold is a scarce resource.

Ai Cui Yizhi: "Ulu is one tenth, you know that."

Luo Wei: "You are involved in the mining of Ulu ore. It's natural for you to charge more, but these vibranium ore are mine, and you obviously shouldn't take a tenth of it."

"But one-fifth, that's too little!" Aitri said with some displeasure, "One-tenth is not much anymore, it's a preferential price for Asgard, and one-fifth is simply free. already."