Chapter 333: 【Zhenjin Slaying Demon Sword】

Rowe and Aitri had a lot of bargaining, and finally the two reached an agreement that the dwarves could take one-twentieth of the vibranium as a reward for smelting and forging.

As the race that is best at smelting and forging in the entire universe, the technology of the dwarves need not go into details. After only a little exploration, Ai Cui found a suitable method to smelt the vibranium ore into metal.

With the power of the neutron star furnace, the smelting process is very fast.

In a short time, the ore that Luo Wei handed to Aitui was smelted and turned into 20 vibrating gold ingots, which were neatly placed on the stone platform, shining with silver light.

"One twentieth." Aitui said, taking one of the vibration gold ingots.

Luo Wei was silent for a while, frowning slightly: " do I feel that the vibrating gold ingot you took is bigger than the others?"

Ai Cui said sternly: "Illusion, there is no doubt that it is an illusion."

Luo Wei took out the forging blueprint and handed it over, and said, "This is the weapon I plan to forge, the Demon Slayer Sword, take a look."

Ai Cui took the blueprint and looked at it for a while. A look of surprise gradually appeared on his face, and he couldn't help asking, "Where did you get this blueprint?"

"It was given by someone else." Luo Wei said perfunctorily.

Ai Cui did not continue to ask, but looked again and said, "It's a rare forging idea."

"Nidawei should be able to create it, right?"

"Of course." Ai Cui said, "But apart from Zhenjin, have you prepared the other two materials?"

"The Orb of Justice, the blood of heroes." Rowe took out two things.

"Okay, I'll go get ready now, you'll be able to get your Demon Slayer Sword soon." Aitui said after taking the materials, then turned and left.

Luo Wei walked around the stone platform for a while, then went over to pick up a vibrating gold ingot, put it in front of him and looked at it carefully.

The technique of the dwarves is just different. Although he is a layman, he can also see that the vibrating metal from the hands of the dwarves is obviously better in quality than Wakanda, with a purer luster and a better feel.

Identify again.

Luo Wei placed a vibrating gold ingot on the blueprint of the Sanctuary, and a line of words appeared: [Substitution of Thorium 157%]

157% substitution degree!

Luo Wei was a little surprised. He used Wakanda's vibranium to identify it before, and the substitution rate was only about 120% at most. It can be seen that the vibranium made by dwarves is indeed better in quality, just as intuitively felt.

Nidawi Palace.

The king of dwarves was sitting on a chair, holding two long swords in his hands to observe carefully.

In the eyes of most people, the two long swords look almost the same, but in his eyes, the two swords seem to be very different, and it is impossible to compare and observe them carefully.

This dwarf king looks very old. Most of his hair is white, his face is wrinkled, and his spirit is not very good, as if he has not slept well.

"Father." Aitui came in from the door.

"What's the matter, Aitri?" The arrival of his son made the dwarf king finally take his eyes off the sword.

Ai Cui took out a bright silver metal ingot, which was a vibrating gold ingot: "I found a brand new powerful metal, and I think you must be very interested in it."

Seeing Zhenjin, the old dwarf king's cloudy eyes suddenly lit up, he took it over and looked at it seriously, gradually getting a little excited, and couldn't help but say: "This may be the most powerful metal other than Ulu, where are you? found?"

"This is brought by the sun **** Rowe, called Zhenjin. He wants me to use this metal to help him build something." Aitui said.

The Dwarf King asked, "Where did he get this metal, vibranium?"

"I don't know, he didn't tell me, and he doesn't seem to plan to tell me. But what is certain is that it's not easy to get vibrating gold, and he didn't even want to give me such a piece at first." Aitui said.

The dwarf king looked at the vibrating gold ingot in his hand: "This is inevitable, anything extraordinary is hard to come by."

After a while, he said slowly: "Since my father, the dwarves have been looking for metals that can be fused with Ulu to create an unprecedented powerful alloy. However, after so many years, we have found nothing."

"...I have a hunch that maybe Vibranium is what we're looking for. It can be perfectly combined with Ulu to create a god-like metal."

Speaking, the old dwarf king suddenly sighed: "But I shouldn't see the birth of that kind of metal, Aitri, this will be your heavy responsibility."


Luo Wei waited for a while, and finally saw Aicui again, but the latter seemed to be very preoccupied.

"What's wrong?" Rowe asked.

"It's nothing, okay, it's time to start building the Demon Slayer Sword." Ai Tri waved his hand, then picked up a few vibration gold ingots and put them into the furnace.

Rowe stood aside to watch.

Aitri pulled the machine, the huge steel gears pushed each other, and the star ring around the neutron star was activated.


Several star rings were neatly joined together, making a loud noise.

Then, a fiery beam of light shot out from the neutron star, passed through the guiding devices of several star rings, and poured into the furnace, scorching the vibrating gold ingot violently.

Under the infinite heat of the neutron star, several vibrating gold ingots softened rapidly and turned into a fiery red color.

However, Aicui did not completely melt the vibrating gold ingot, but only burned it red and stopped the heating of the furnace.

He took out the red vibrating gold ingots from the furnace, stacked them on the pitch-black anvil, and then vigorously swung his giant hammer! when! when--"

The huge size of the Nidavi dwarves made the percussion process quite shocking, and the pitch-black anvil constantly burst out with sparkling sparks and thunderous hammering sounds.

In about half a minute, under Aitri's powerful and skillful giant hammer, the softened vibranium roughly took on the shape of a long sword.

He stopped beating, and instead held a black sharp chisel in his hand, and quickly drew many lines on the blade, like interlaced ravines, with a round hole in it.

Aitri took out the Orb of Justice, put it into the hole, and then poured the blood of the hero into the hole.

As soon as it came into contact with the blood of the hero, the Orb of Justice quickly melted, dyeing the bright red blood into gold, and then the golden liquid flowed along the lines of the sword body and gradually solidified.

After the golden liquid solidified, Aitri put the sword back into the furnace and continued to burn with the heat of the neutron star until the blade was red again.

Of course, if you look closely, the fiery red color of the blade is actually a bit of a sacred and solemn golden glow, but it's not very conspicuous under the firelight.

"When... when..."

Aitri started the process of repeated beating and other sword-forging processes, which was quite complicated, but this scene of iron and fire seemed to be somewhat entertaining.


After a quenching sound, Ai Cui reached out and took the forged Demon Slayer Sword, first looked at it for herself, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Completed, Zhenjin Slayer Sword!"