Chapter 334: 【White-haired Odin】

Luo Wei took the Zhenjin Demon Sword from Ai Cui and waved it.

First of all, in terms of shape, the shape of this Zhenjin Slayer Sword is very similar to that of World of Warcraft's Slayer Sword. It can almost be said to be perfectly restored. It has a white blade, sharp lines, a bright appearance and an excellent feel.

"How is it?" Aitri asked.

"That's right." Luo Wei nodded and took out another blueprint, "Let's build the armor according to this, please."

Aitui looked at the drawing of the armor for a while: "It doesn't seem to fit your body."

"Of course, because I made it for a friend," Rowe said.

Aicui couldn't help but ask, "Aren't you going to make a vibranium armor for yourself?"

"For me, this fire dragon leather armor is very suitable, so I don't plan to change it yet." Luo Wei pointed to the dragon armor on his body and said.

Aitui nodded, then turned around and went to work on the armor.

Luo Wei waved the Demon Slayer Sword again, then opened the Sanctuary, and placed the sword on the blueprint to determine the degree of completion.

[Completion: Beyond]

[Item Level: Level 7]

The degree of completion of transcendence did not exceed Luo Wei's expectations, but the item level directly exceeded two levels, reaching level seven, which surprised him.

But thinking about it, it doesn't really matter. After all, the material is vibranium, and the forger is the prince of the dwarves, the top craftsman in the universe.

With such a high-quality Demon Slayer Sword, I don't know what kind of amazing power it can display against evil spirits and demons.

Rowe remembered that he also had an enchantment [Blade of Endless Light]. The effect of this enchantment was similar to that of revenge feedback. It could restore mana by killing evil, which was just right for the Demon Slayer Sword.

So he applied the enchanting effect of the Blade of Endless Light to the Demon Slaying Sword, but it made him a little regretful that after the enchantment was completed, the item level of the Demon Slaying Sword was still level 7, and it did not improve to a higher level.

After the armor was ready, Luo Wei went to the New Corbin Star again via the Rainbow Bridge, and handed the armor to the horse-faced Thor.

After a few days on New Corbyn, Rowe returned to Asgard.

"What's the matter, Heimdall, you look a little strange?" In the teleportation hall, Rowe looked at Heimdall who was bowing his head and said nothing.

Heimdall looked up at him, but he hesitated, not saying a word.

Luo Wei was inexplicable, shook his head and left the teleportation hall, heading for the Golden Palace.

The relationship between his lover and Hela has already been made public. Besides, the upper gods with clergy can freely enter and exit the Golden Palace to a certain extent, so it stands to reason that the guards of the Golden Palace will not stop him.

However, what I didn't expect was that on the way to Hela's residence, Luo Wei was actually stopped by two guards.

"What are you doing?" Rowe frowned.

One of the guards hesitated, then said, "His Royal Highness Hela has... left Asgard."

"Leave Asgard!" Rowe's expression suddenly changed, and his body even burst into flames uncontrollably.

The guard was startled, and Rowe immediately asked, "What's going on? What happened!"

One of the guards hesitated for a while, then hesitantly said: "We are not very clear, it is said, it seems, it seems..."

"Looks like what?"

Guard: "It seems that His Highness Hela and His Majesty had a big fight, and then left Asgard directly."

Luo Wei breathed a sigh of relief: "Just a fight?"

"should be……"

Rowe was silent for a moment, regained his composure, then turned around and went directly to Odin.

In front of Odin's room, the guard who went to report came back and said, "Lord Rowe, Your Majesty will let you in."

As soon as Luo Wei entered the door, he was stunned in place.

In the room, Odin was sitting behind the table not far in front of him, with his eyes closed and his hand on his forehead.

What surprised him was that at this time Odin was actually full of white hair and looked like an old man.

If Luo Wei remembered correctly, he had met Odin more than ten days ago. At that time, Odin was roughly middle-aged, and his hair was gray in the blink of an eye.

"You're back, Rowe." Odin raised his head and said, his voice changed obviously, just like his appearance.

"Your Majesty... what happened?" Luo Wei took a deep breath.

"Hela left me, she doesn't even think I'm her father anymore." Odin closed his eyes and said a little tiredly.


"I asked her to return the half of Asgard's power to me, but she..." Odin was interrupted before he could finish his words.

"Like what Mangogo said?" Luo Wei couldn't help clenching his fists.

Odin suddenly looked directly at him, with a bit of sternness and anger in his eyes: "Are you questioning me?"

In an instant, a huge sense of oppression surged from all directions, as if the air solidified into a wall, and a string of cold sweat immediately oozes out of Luo Wei's forehead.

There is no doubt that Odin is quite weak at this time and is heading for the twilight, but even if he is weak, Odin is still the king of the Nine Realms, detached from other beings.

The atmosphere froze for a while.

The sense of oppression gradually faded away like a tide, and Luo Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

The coldness on Odin's face also disappeared, but he was still not easygoing: "I am the king of Asgard, the king of all of you, including Hela, she doesn't understand this, she thinks I'm just her father, you can Let her be childish..."

He said a lot to himself. In short, Hela was ignorant, ran away from home like a child, and didn't know how to be considerate of adults.

Rowe said nothing.

After a while Odin asked, "Where did Hela go?"

Odin: "I don't know either, but I've asked Heimdall to find it."

Luo Wei was silent again, and in the end he didn't say much, only said: "I'll go back first, Your Majesty."

Shortly after he left, an old man walked in: "Odin."

"What's the matter, Scala?"

"Hela didn't take Mauernier, she threw Mauernier in... um..." Scala said.

"Where?" Odin frowned.

Scala didn't say anything, but said, "Go over and take a look. Besides you, no one else can afford Mjolnir."

But Odin just stretched out his hand towards the window and made light gestures with his five fingers.

Scala was stunned for a moment.


With a roar, Mjolnir flew from the outside, through the window and into Odin's hands.

But then, Odin changed his face.

I saw that on the warhammer, several lumps of black and soft objects were sticking together, and at the same time, an extraordinary stench was emitted.

Odin hurriedly stirred up a thunderbolt in his hands, smashing these jet-black things into flying ashes, but the stench in the air became stronger.

"What's this?"

Scala hesitated for a while: "This is... the feces of the giant wolf Fenris, so I just suggested that you go and have a look first."