Chapter 337: 【Guardian of Thunder Tree】

"Let go of me! Let me go!" Little Thor struggled hard, blushing, but to no avail, like a fish being carried, it could only dangle.

"Buzz buzz?" Shilute brought him in front of him.

Little Thor continued to shout: "Let go of me, you stone monster, I am the son of Odin, the invincible Thor!"

"Buzzing buzzing..."

Rowe still couldn't understand Shilut's "humming language", and little Thor naturally couldn't understand it. He was still struggling while yelling.

On the top of the wall, all the children were a little panicked, but little Loki showed a gloating expression, looking at his brother who was carried by Shilut like he was watching a circus performance.

"What should I do? Thor was caught by the stone monster!" The children were talking in a panic.

"Wait - will the one under our feet also be a stone monster?" Someone suddenly said.

As soon as the words fell, all the children screamed and jumped off the stone in a hurry.

Then they looked at the piles of stones nearby, and became even more frightened, and they just scattered.

"Run quickly—"

In a blink of an eye, little Rocky was alone outside the courtyard.

He looked around and saw that all his friends had run away, and then he looked at the terrifying Shilute in the yard. He was also a little scared at the moment, and swallowed one after another.

Little Thor's face became more and more red: "Monster, even if I, Thor Odinson, die, I will never beg you for mercy!"

"Buzz?" Shilute scratched his head, then turned to look at the wall as if he had remembered something.

When Shilut saw him, Little Rocky's face turned pale.

Shilute thought for a while, then walked towards the fence with little Thor.

"Loki, save me!" Little Thor shouted quickly.

Little Loki began to hesitate, but seeing Shilute getting closer and closer to him, the sound of heavy footsteps made the ground nearby tremble. After all, he was overwhelmed by the fear in his heart and turned his head to run.

Little Thor's eyes widened.

Shilut was also stunned when he saw Little Loki running away.

But he didn't care, he went straight to the wall, threw little Thor on the wall, turned around, and lay down under the Thunder Tree again, quietly making a stone.

Little Thor was lying on the wall with a face full of embarrassment. He turned his head and saw that not far away, the figure of Little Loki was about to disappear.


He shouted and quickly chased after him.

After a while, the two brothers stopped by the river, gasping for breath. Little Thor said angrily, "We are brothers, and you actually ran away!"

Little Loki just looked at him puzzled: "How did you escape?"

Little Thor: "Dang, of course, after a great battle!"

Little Loki looked suspicious.

"Loki, why is there that stone monster in the medicine garden of the sun god?" Little Thor asked at this time.

Little Loki thought for a while: "Well... I remembered, his name is Shilute, he is the servant of the Sun God and the guardian of the Thunder Tree."

"The guardian of the Thunder Tree?"

"Yes, it is said that he has been guarding under the Thunder Tree for thousands of years." Little Loki nodded and continued, "Thor, if you want to climb the Thunder Tree and pick the fruit that ripens every six thousand years, I'm afraid you have to defeat it first. He can."

Little Thor felt worried and scratched his head for a while.

But at this moment, little Loki suddenly said again, "I thought of a way."

"What way?" Little Thor asked hurriedly.

Little Loki said slowly: "I heard that the guardian of this thunder tree likes to eat stones, and if he eats a powerful magic gem, he will fall into a deep sleep."

"You mean, I can find some magic gems for him to eat, so that after he falls asleep, he can go to pick the fruit of the Thunder Tree?"

"That's right."

Little Thor nodded: "But where should I go to find magic gems?"

"Of course I went to my mother to find it. My mother is a magician, have you forgotten?" Little Rocky said.

Little Thor thought for a while, and finally made up his mind: "Okay, go back to the Golden Palace!"

After a while, the brothers returned to the Golden Palace, and it happened that Frigg was not there, so little Thor began to rummage through boxes and cabinets, looking for magic gems.

"Loki, what are you standing there for? Help me find it together." He looked at the little Loki who was standing at the door like nothing, and said.

Little Rocky shook his head: "No. Picking the thunder fruit is your own challenge. If I help you, wouldn't it be cheating?"

Little Thor thought it was justified, so he rummaged through the box by himself.


Just as he was turning it over, he accidentally pulled out a drawer entirely, and all kinds of objects in it were scattered all over the floor, making a clanging sound.

He hurriedly leaned over, scratched the things on the ground like sweeping garbage, and then carried them into the drawer several times.


Little Thor's eyes lit up, but he saw a bright ruby ​​in the "garbage heap", the size of a thumb, and glowing like a flame.

He picked up the gem, looked left and right, and then shook it: "Loki, what do you think of this?"

"Yes, but one may not be enough." Little Loki nodded and said.

After a while, Little Thor found several gems, all of which were bright and flooded, and they were of extraordinary quality at first glance.

Holding these gems, he said excitedly, "Let's go, Loki, let's go to Landvety."

Little Loki hesitated: "Thor, you can do it alone, I'd better not go..."

Little Thor dragged him away without waiting for him to finish speaking. He had no choice but to follow. The brothers returned to Rowe's house near Landvety Forest again.

Like last time, they stepped on the stone to the top of the wall and looked into the courtyard. UU reading

Shilut, who was lying still on the ground, looked like a stone, especially when there were other stones, large and small, which made it even more difficult to distinguish.


After taking a closer look, Little Loki stretched out his hand and said softly.

Little Thor also noticed Shilute. Thinking of the experience of being held by Shi Lut just now, he couldn't help swallowing.

"Go, Thor. There's nothing to be afraid of. Even if you fail, you can escape from him, right?" Little Loki encouraged.

"You're right..." Little Thor looked at a few shining gems in his hand, and finally made up his mind and jumped over the wall.

This time Shilut noticed in advance, opened his eyes and looked over, and found that the visitor was little Thor again, he couldn't help but startled: "Buzz?"

Little Thor hurriedly threw the gem in his hand.

"Om!" Shilute looked at these gems, his eyes lit up, he got up and picked it up, looked at it carefully, and then ate the gems without hesitation.

"Buzz..." After eating a few gems, he quickly showed sleepiness, yawned, and fell asleep beside him, with a snoring sound like a bell.

"Success!" Little Thor shook his fist and shouted excitedly.

He ran under the Thunder Tree, first reached out to touch the tiny arcs that danced on the tree trunk, and then looked up.

I saw that on the top of this giant tree, there was a fist-sized cyan round fruit hanging, and the surrounding arcs circulated, which looked very strange.