Chapter 338: 【seed】

Without any hesitation, little Thor began to climb the Thunder Tree.

For him when he was young, the small arcs on the Thunder Tree were not so weak that they could be ignored, so the climbing process was not easy, and he had to endure the electric shock all the time.

After a while, little Thor, panting, climbed to a high place, near the thunder fruit entwined by the arc, and reached out to grab it.


An electric arc hit him, causing him to groan, and the place where he was struck by lightning was slightly charred, but it didn't stop him.

In the end, he successfully picked the thunder fruit, holding it in his hand with an excited look on his face.

Compared with the thunder tree that Luo Wei planted, it was very different from the one that grew in the Valley of Thunder Falls in Warnerheim, and the appearance of the fruit was also very different.

Compared with the original version of the Valley of Thunder, this fruit is plump and round, with a semi-transparent color, which looks very attractive.

Little Thor took the Thunder Fruit in his hand and glanced at it for a few moments, and then the idea of ​​wanting to taste it came up in his mind.

According to Loki, this is a thunder fruit that blooms every three thousand years and bears fruit every three thousand years. What will happen if people eat it?

He swallowed his saliva, and after a moment of hesitation, he put the Thunder Fruit to his mouth.


He took a bite, only to hear a loud bang, and the Thunder Fruit burst into light, knocking Thor directly out.

Under the power of Thunder Fruit, Little Thor didn't stop until he hit the wall. For a while, his whole body was smoking, and he fell unconscious to the ground.

Little Loki, who was lying on the wall, was stunned for a moment, and then quickly turned in: "Thor?"

Little Thor was in a coma, naturally he didn't respond, and his body was still smoking.

Little Loki stepped forward to help Thor, but as soon as his hand touched someone, he saw the arc jump, and he screamed in pain and was flipped to the ground, his body twitched, his face flushed, and he couldn't get up for a while.

Fortunately, at this moment, Heimdall's all-seeing eye noticed the two.

Seeing that the two brothers fell to the ground, Heimdall quickly turned his eyes and quickly found a lean young man: "Heimd, go to Rowe's house."

Heimd was taken aback: "Are you spying on me?"

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

Heimd muttered, but got up, and disappeared instantly.

The next moment, he appeared beside Thor and Loki.

"Heimd!" Little Loki exclaimed in surprise.

Heimd looked at Thor who was lying on the ground and couldn't help being surprised. He quickly stepped forward to help him up, looked at Little Loki who was struggling to get up, and asked, "What's going on, what happened?"

"Uh, this..." Little Loki hesitated.

Heimd had to ask Heimdall, "Heimdall, what's going on?"

"I just noticed it, but I didn't expect them to break into Rowe's medicine garden, and it looks like they picked the fruit of the Thunder Tree." Heimdall said, "Don't worry about this for now, and quickly send Thor to check. ."

About half an hour later, the Golden Palace.

Odin and Frigga stood by the bed anxiously, and Frigga's eyes turned red as they looked at the unconscious little Thor lying on the bed.

"Scala, how is my Thor?" Frigga asked.

Scala frowned and said after a while, "He is too young, such an injury may be a little... difficult for him."

Hearing this, Frigga's tears could no longer be stopped, and she leaned against the bed and cried.

Besides Thor, little Loki was also lying on the bed not far away at this time.

However, compared to Thor, who was seriously injured and comatose, Loki did not have any obvious injuries, so he did not get the attention of his parents.

Little Loki was half-lying on the bed, looking at the Odins around Thor, his eyes were a little dim, and finally he silently retracted into the quilt...

the other side.

"Om..." Under the Thunder Tree, Shilute made a heavy snoring sound, and his saliva flowed all the way to the ground.

Rowe stood beside him, silent for a long time, then raised his head and asked, "Heimdall, what happened?"

He was originally practicing in the Pyramid of the Moon, but he was suddenly told by Heimdall that something was wrong at home, so he had to come back in a hurry, and when he came, he saw Shirut who was asleep.

Although Shilut usually pretends to sleep, he doesn't actually need sleep unless he eats a magic gem that is too energetic.

It's just... Now that Shilut has grown up a lot, ordinary magic gems are far from being able to make him fall asleep, and I don't know what gems he ate to fall asleep like this.

Heimdall's voice sounded in his ear: "According to Loki, it was Thor who stole the queen's gem, put Shiroot into a deep sleep, and then picked the fruit of the Thunder Tree."

"The fruit of the Thunder Tree?" Luo Wei was taken aback.

"Why, don't you know?" Heimdall asked in surprise.

Luo Wei frowned: "The thunder tree I planted is very different from the thunder tree native to Warnerheim. It can almost be said to be two kinds of plants. It has never fruited for more than a thousand years."

Heimdall was silent for a while: "It may take a thousand years for it to bear fruit."

"Where is the fruit?" Rowe asked.

"It's in the corner to your left."

Luo Wei walked over, looked down, and saw a round blue fruit on the ground.

This round green fruit has been bitten, revealing the pulp inside, as well as the seeds embedded in the pulp.

These seeds are about the size of a grain of rice, golden, diamond-shaped, slightly glowing, like gold casting They look very delicate.

The existence of the golden seeds surprised Luo Weiyu, because there are absolutely no such things in ordinary thunder fruit.

After thinking for a while, he finally entered the room, used tools to peel off the golden seeds from the pulp, and then divided the remaining pulp into two parts.

Rowe keeps one copy himself, but he is not interested in tossing about these things now, and the medicine garden is almost deserted, and it is estimated that it will be put on hold for a long time, so he plans to give the other copy to his sister El.

Bringing a portion of Thunder Seeds and pulp, Rowe went to Lifia Town to find El.

"What kind of seed is this?" El asked, looking at the thunder seed like gold cast.

"The seed of the thunder tree."

El was very surprised when he heard the words: "You mean the tree in your yard, it actually bears fruit?"

Luo Wei said: "Yes, I was surprised too. I thought it would never bear fruit. You must be very interested in this, so I brought some seeds here. What do you think these seeds will grow?"

El put a Thunder Seed in the palm of his hand to observe, thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's a brand new plant."

In the evening, Luo Wei had dinner with his sister.

Just like the increasingly sophisticated herbal medicine, El's cooking skills are also getting better and better, a sumptuous dinner, the two brothers and sisters chatted for a long time while eating.

Rowe felt full, so he drank the remaining half glass of mead in his hand, and suddenly asked, "El, is Haldo still pursuing you?"