Chapter 343: 【Ebony throat】

Looking at the spaceship that was in ashes in the starry sky, Thanos' face couldn't help but become more dignified, and even subconsciously slowed down the speed of progress.

But after hesitating for a moment, he finally gritted his teeth and turned to the highest speed of the spacecraft, rushing towards the starry sky above at full speed.

Not long after, he also rushed into the dead starry sky that no one had crossed for thousands of years.

An indescribable terrifying force surged from all directions, instantly enveloped the entire spaceship, and at the same time began its frantic tearing and squeezing.

Under the action of this terrifying force, the spaceship that Thanos was riding on was broken into pieces after a few seconds, and then vanished after a few seconds, just like the scene just now.

However, after the third awakening, Thanos, as a third-order divine power, has greatly enhanced his body's ability to withstand, and he is also the top existence in the entire universe.

Therefore, he did not destroy with the spaceship, but after the spaceship collapsed, his body flew to the starry sky and rushed into the distance.

Thanos gritted his teeth, fighting the destructive force coming from all directions with all his strength.

In an instant, the armor and clothing on his body also vanished, which made him naked, revealing the exaggerated muscular lines of his body.

From a distance, it seems that a huge purple potato is flying in the starry sky.

Thanos' skin began to crack, blood dripping from his body, and at the same time, he looked anxiously at the double-edged dagger held in the heart of his right hand.

The dagger is also disintegrating.

Although he was fully holding it in the palm of his hand, after the armor on his body disintegrated, the dagger also entered the collapsed city, shattered into pieces, and then turned into smoke.

"No!" Thanos screamed as he watched the dagger turn into ashes and float away.

He reached out and grabbed the dagger that was disappearing, but he didn't catch anything. The dagger just disappeared in the starry sky and disappeared completely.

It was painful for Thanos, but he soon lost his mind about the dagger.

The power of Odin and the three Infinity Stones, which bound all the Eternal Protoss, was still mutilating his body.

After a short while, Thanos was already covered with cracks, and his blood was like magma gushing out from a rock crevice, and his body was blurred in a blink of an eye.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he howled like a dismembered beast, although in this vast starry sky, no one could hear his tragic howl.

The scream didn't last long, Thanos lost consciousness and let his body float in space.

But at this time, the power that kept tearing him finally faded, and he didn't tear him to pieces.

Thanos' whole body was wrapped in plasma, like a blood-red statue floating in the starry sky.

I do not know how long it has been.

A spaceship passed by, it seemed to find something, turned its direction, and finally stopped near the **** statue.

The hatch opened, and two humanoids in space suits came out and moved Thanos into the ship.

"I thought it was something, but it turned out to be a dead man!" said a burly and unshaven man with a sullen look.

He glanced at Thanos again, then waved his hand: "Throw it back."

"Wait, Captain Holkes."

At this moment, a thin man suddenly said that he was ugly, he seemed to have no nose, and his pale skin was like dry bark.

When Captain Holkes saw him, he couldn't help frowning, with a vague disgust in his eyes: "Ebony throat, do you have anything to say?"

Ebony throat nodded: "He... he seems to be alive."

"Alive?" The people around were surprised.

Ebony Throat immediately leaned in front of Thanos, leaned over to check, and then said decisively: "Yes, he is still alive and has a heartbeat."

"What, how is this possible!"

"Could he be the Eternal God Race? It seems that Titan is nearby." Someone guessed.

"Be sober, the Eternal Protoss has been dead for thousands of years!"

"What nonsense, the Eternal Protoss has not died, but was imprisoned on Titan Star a thousand years ago." Someone retorted.

"However, his appearance does not seem to be an Eternal Protoss. He is probably an ability user..."

After discussing for a long time, someone looked at Captain Holkes: "Captain, shall we save him? He should be one of us."

Captain Holkes thought for a moment, finally made a decision and said, "Ebony throat, it's up to you."

"Yes, Captain." Ebony throat nodded, and then carried Thanos away with one person.

After about a few hours.

In a room on the spaceship, Thanos was lying on the bed, still unconscious, but the blood on his body was gone.

Ebony Throat opened a box containing many fine needles.

He took out a thin needle, pinched it at Thanos with his hands, but found that it could not be pierced.

He immediately used a little more strength, and stabbed it a few times harder.

"Crack." There was only a slight sound, and the thin needle snapped, and there was not even a single trace on Thanos' body.

Ebony Throat frowned.

After thinking for a while, he took out another small box. There were only a few needles in it, but the material was obviously different, and it was thicker and longer. It was undoubtedly an enhanced version.

He picked up the enhanced needle and stabbed it again, but no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't penetrate Thanos' skin, and he couldn't even leave a single trace.


Ebony throat sucked in a breath of cold air.

At this moment, Thanos suddenly opened his eyes, and then grabbed his collar: "Who are you?!"

"I... I'm Ebony Throat." Ebony Throat was startled, and then hurriedly added, "The one who saved you."

Thanos frowned, looked around, and asked, "Where is this?"

"Holkes, Holkes is also our captain's name," said Ebony Throat.

Thanos noticed the needle in his hand.

Ebony Throat said immediately: "It's a medical tool, although it doesn't work for you - your skin is too strong Thanos hesitated for a while, and finally loosened his collar. , then put his hand on his forehead, his expression changed, as if he was recalling something.

Ebony Throat put away the medical tools, then took out a coat with a little embarrassment: "Maybe a little small."

Only then did Thanos realize that he was naked, and quickly took the clothes and put them on: "Thank you."

Ebony-throated asked: "What's your name? How can you float in space, and you're not dead."

It took a few seconds for Thanos to answer: "Thanos."

He did not continue to answer his own information, but changed the subject and asked, "Who are you?"

Ebony throat thought for a while: "Nominally, we are an interstellar pirate."

"Actually?" Thanos asked naturally.

"Actually... well, actually an interstellar pirate."