Chapter 344: [Holy Light Affinity Physique]

Ebony throat felt a little embarrassed after speaking, and the atmosphere suddenly became quiet for a few seconds.

"You don't look like a pirate," Thanos said.

Ebony throat: "I really have no interest in my current job, but there are a few people who can do what they like."

Thanos asked, "What do you like to do?"

Ebony-throated was a little shy, he hesitated for a while before saying: "Well... my dream is to become a magician, a great magician who is famous for Shia. Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to learn magic yet, so I can only work on this pirate ship. It's really a meaningless life to be a mediocre little doctor."

Thanos said nothing.

Ebony-throated said again: "By the way, Thanos, are you interested in joining us and becoming a member of the Horks?"

"Not interested." Thanos said casually.

Ebony throat was a little disappointed and nodded: "Okay."

Thanos stood up: "Thank you, but I have other things to do, so I'm going to get out of here as soon as possible."

"Are you sure? You just woke up from a coma." Ebony Throat asked.

"Of course."

Ebony throat nodded and opened the door: "Well, come with me, I will take you to see Captain Holkes."

Walking on the road, he couldn't help asking: "Can I ask, what are you going to do next? It seems that you have something important to do."

Thanos was silent for a moment, then only said, "It's about the whole universe."

"It's about the entire universe?" Ebony-throated looked blank, but didn't continue to ask, because they had already walked to a spacious cabin where several pirates were sitting, including Captain Holkes.

"Wake up so soon?" Holkes was surprised to see Thanos, and then asked Ebony Throat, "I think you must have succeeded in persuading him to join us, right?"

Ebony Throat: "Sorry, Captain, Thanos isn't going to join us."

Captain Holkes frowned: "Ebony throat, you asked me to save this guy just now, but now you ask me to let him go like this? We are pirates, not a charity organization."

"This..." Ebony throat choked.

Captain Holkes looked at Thanos and said, "Hey, big purple guy, do you have anything valuable? If you're willing to pay a fee, I'd be willing to send you to a nearby planet. "


Holkes was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly laughed: "Haha, I almost forgot, you didn't even have underwear just now! In this case, I can't let you go in vain."

Ebony Throat: "Captain, I'll pay for Thanos."

Holkes glanced at him and frowned slightly.

Thanos thought for a while, and finally said, "No, I'll work for you for a while."

"Very good." Captain Holkes nodded. "So what do you know?"

"Everything." Thanos said lightly.

Everyone in the room was stunned for a moment, as if they didn't hear it clearly.

"What did you say?" Captain Holkes asked again, with one arm on the table.

"Captain!" At this moment, an exclamation suddenly came.

Captain Holkes turned his head impatiently: "What's the matter, Graal?"

A fat man pointed at the screen and said excitedly: "Captain, I found a large cargo ship of the Shia Empire, and their armament is not very good, we may be getting rich!"

"Really?" Several pirates were also a little excited and leaned over.

But then Graal changed the conversation: "But this cargo ship is equipped with the most advanced information system, and I can't break into their network like before."

Hearing this, Captain Holkes patted his head and said angrily, "You idiot!"

"Let me try it." Unexpectedly, Thanos said suddenly, walking to the screen.

"You still understand this, big man?" Captain Holkes looked unconvinced.

Thanos didn't speak, and quickly operated the screen. Others saw it in a fog, but Graal gradually widened his eyes and looked incredulous: "This..."

"It's done, now you can get things from the cargo ship." After a while, Thanos said.

Captain Holkes looked at Graar.

Graal didn't notice the captain's gaze at all, and still looked at Thanos in shock: "This... This is the most advanced spaceship information system of the Shia Empire. How did you do it?"

"The most advanced ship information system? It's just some boring little tricks." Thanos said disapprovingly.

At this time, the cargo ship was very close to the Horks, and the pirates naturally had no time to marvel.

"Brothers, let's have a big fight!" Captain Holkes laughed and took people out to rob the goods.

Only Thanos and Ebony Throat were left in the room.

"Ebony throat, you said you want to be a magician?" Thanos asked suddenly.

Ebony throat froze for a moment: "Do you know magic?"

Thanos shook his head slightly: "No, I don't have any talent for magic, but I know a lot of magic knowledge, I can teach you this magic knowledge, and if you have talent, you can master them and become a magician. "

"Really?" Ebony Throat got excited.

"Of course."

So far, after successfully escaping from Titan, Thanos became a member of the Horks and began his temporary pirate career.

Moon, Pyramid.

Luo Wei lay on the platform, the holy light circulating around his body, making him bathed in a golden light, looking sacred and solemn.

After a short while, a dazzling light suddenly erupted from his body. This light was extremely bright, even better than the sun, but it was fleeting, and then everything returned to calm.

Luo Wei opened his eyes, took the holy deed from his waist, and pressed it with five fingers.

I saw a shimmer of light, and then the holy deed melted like a liquid, infiltrated into his palm, and turned into a golden rune.

Looking at this golden rune, UU read www. Luo Wei couldn't help but smile.

Incorporating the Holy Deed into the body is the signature feature of the Holy Light Affinity!

On the pyramid of the moon, he has been absorbing the power of the sun and infusing his body with holy light.

Although the progress of divine power seems to have fallen into a bottleneck and has not yet broken through, the Holy Light infusion has already achieved results, allowing him to obtain a physique that is compatible with the Holy Light.

Of course, the Holy Light Affinity is not just as simple as incorporating the Holy Deed into the body, but also means a stronger grasp of the Holy Light. Whether learning or using Holy Light spells, it will be more effective with half the effort.

In addition, there is another advantage that Rowe did not know in advance.

After the holy deed is integrated into his body, the pages of the book can be opened directly in the palm of his hand, glittering with gold. He opened the holy deed and looked at a new blueprint that appeared inside, his eyes were a little surprised.

"This is…"

Glyph: Just Retreat