Chapter 347: 【Devil Army】

After the high-level demon was about to leave, Luo Wei immediately chased after him and raised his hand to strike the sword of judgment.

The Old Demon smashed his fist to the ground, only to hear a loud noise, and a stone wall suddenly rose from the ground, blocking the Sword of Judgment for the high-level demon.


Seeing that the pursuit of the high-level demon was unsuccessful, Luo Wei immediately turned his direction and charged at Old Demon again.

"Crash—" Old Demon attracted with both hands, and then he saw a surging ground, and a large amount of rocks climbed up, covering his body again.

This time, the rocks covered by Earth Demon increased tenfold, turning him into a rock giant with his lower body connected to the ground.

Sword of Justice!

"Boom!" Rowe struck with his double swords, and Earth Demon waved his giant fists to meet him, and then a loud noise erupted, and the gravel shot out.

Luo Wei flew out, adjusted his direction in the air, and flew behind Earth Demon while dodging the next punch.

Immediately, he stabbed with his double swords, pierced into the thick rock covering Old Demon, and the holy light was released.

Holy Light Infusion!

Old Demon responded quickly, a large number of stone cones pierced out of the rock giant, and the huge back instantly became like a hedgehog.

Rowe was stabbed by some stone cones, but relying on the powerful resilience of the venom, he did not fly away immediately, but continued to infuse holy light.

After obtaining the Holy Light Affinity, the efficiency of his Holy Light infusion was greatly improved, almost ten times that of the previous one.

In addition, the upper limit of the sacred mana stored in the body has also been greatly increased, so Rowe poured a lot of holy light in the moment of contact.

After a short period of time, most of the rock giant's body was surrounded by holy light, flashing non-stop, looking like an indicator light for a time bomb.

Since the rock giants were formed by the power of the earth demons, these holy lights are inherently unstable.

As soon as Rowe flew away from the rock giant, without him needing to do anything, these holy lights exploded like a dyke.


The dazzling brilliance spread rapidly on the rock giant, and it was blown up and disintegrated in a blink of an eye, and the gravel flew all over the sky.

Rowe even had to open a shield of light to defend against these flying rubble.

Let Venom use his tentacles to hold the shield of light, and Rowe slowly landed from the air while observing the dusty bottom.

At this moment, a spear of rock suddenly pierced out of the ground, heading straight for Rowe.

Venom's tentacles flicked, and the shield of light appeared in front of the rock spear in time.


A pillar of rock spear slammed into the shield of holy light, and then the spear and shield collapsed at the same time, dissipating in mid-air.

The magic floating cloak stirred behind Luo Wei, and a backflip fixed his figure.

The smoke and dust not far away slowly dissipated, but the figure of Old Demon was nowhere to be seen, presumably he had burrowed into the ground.

Rovello thought for a moment, and immediately floated down, flew to a position close to the ground, and then made a look around.

In fact, he has been paying attention to his left hand. The imprinted holy deed has a much larger perception range of the Holy Light Pointer than before. Even if Old Demon is like a duck to water when acting underground, Rowe can easily catch its traces with the Holy Light Pointer.

Sure enough, after a while, the Holy Light pointer appeared from his left hand, pointed diagonally forward, and moved quickly.

When Earth Demon sneaked close, Luo Wei immediately turned his body up and down, slashing the ground with his double swords.

"Boom!" There was only a loud bang, and at the same time, the screams of Old Demon could be vaguely heard.

Old Demon hurriedly emerged from the ground beside him. At this moment, he was covered in smoke, and blood was still flowing from his arms.

"You... you can actually spot me?" Old Demon clenched his fists and gasped.

Luo Wei only said: "It seems that you have not improved much in the past 1,500 years."

Earth Demon looked gloomy, but after a while he said, "Asgardians, even if I am not your opponent, the **** lords and even Lord Mephisto will not let you go."

Luo Wei is actually more worried about attracting the lord of hell. After all, the high-level demon just now obviously ran to rescue soldiers.

But the thing that worried him didn't happen, just at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps not far away.

Luo Wei turned his head to look, and saw that the high-level demon was coming here with an army of thousands of demons.

Looking at these demon army, Old Demon couldn't help but evoke a smile: "Asgardian, you are dead!"

What he didn't expect was that Rowe also showed a smile.

Luo Wei was worried that the high-level demon would call a **** lord to live with other big demons, but he did not expect to bring only a group of low-level demons and high-level demons.

To others, the threat of such an army of demons is by no means smaller than that of a big demon, but the weapons in Rowe's hands, whether it is the Sword of Slaying Demons or the Sword of Rivendell, have the effect of killing enemies and restoring mana.

Such a large group of demons is simply given for nothing, no, it should be a backward post.

Just when Old Demon was puzzled by Rowe's smile, Rowe turned his head and flew to the demon army without hesitation, and the holy light was released as he swung his swords.

"Boom-boom--" After hearing a series of loud noises, most of the demons hit by the Holy Light turned into fly ash.

The demon army that had just arrived was beaten in the head before they could figure out the situation, and the formation was chaotic.

Luo Wei rushed into the demon army for a while, and soon his mana was full, and then he stabbed the demon sword on the ground.

Holy Light Dedication!

The holy light veins spread rapidly on the ground, covering an area of ​​about ten meters in a blink of an eye, and all the demons within this range were wiped out!

Seeing his subordinates being swept away like this, Old Demon was instantly shocked and angry, he roared angrily, and threw his fists to the ground.

"Boom!" The stone spear stabbed Rowe from the ground.

Luo Wei hurriedly dodged, and then added a king's blessing to himself, covering his body with holy light armor.

"Boom!" Another stone spear struck.

Luo Wei only avoided, and at the same time continued to rush through the demon army, reaping the demons' lives in pieces.

After rushing to kill a few holy light offerings, thousands of demons lost nearly half, their morale collapsed, and they fled in all directions.

Luo Wei chased after a little When the mana was full, he turned around and flew to Earth Demon again.

The army of demons who came to help was only a short while from appearing to its defeat, and the Old Demons can be described as ups and downs.

Seeing that Luo Wei became more and more brave, Old Demon's eyes flashed with hatred and unwillingness, and his face was blue and white.

But after all, he didn't dare to fight again, and when Luo Wei was about to rush over, he plunged into the ground and disappeared.

Luo Wei hurriedly stabbed his sword into the ground, and holy light poured into his body.

Holy Shock!


Accompanied by a loud noise, the earth shook and tore apart, and bright holy lights burst out from the gaps around Rowe.

Immediately, the ground he was on fell quickly, forming a deep pit.

Luo Wei was not sure whether the Earth Demon hiding in the ground had been killed, but with such a big movement, a **** lord would definitely arrive soon, so he did not dare to stay for long, so he flew away from here.