Chapter 348: 【Mephisto】

Rowe rubbed the hearthstone, but what he didn't expect was that the lord of **** came very quickly, far exceeding his expectations.

Just as his legitimate retreat was about to complete, a blood-red humanoid demon appeared nearby.

This demon looks very similar to a human. The biggest difference is probably that he is covered in blood, from hair to skin to clothes, as if he had just stepped out of a sea of ​​blood.

He had no pupils in his eyes, only a blank patch of gray, like the whites of a dead man's eyes.

Despite this, the blood-red demon's vision seems to be so acute that it can even see through obstacles. He only swept around to easily find Rowe's remote location, and then flashed.


When he came to Luo Wei in an instant, the blood-red demon's eyes were immediately attracted by the ever-flowing holy light, and he looked at it carefully.

And the more he looked at it, the more solemn his expression became, and his brows were quickly furrowed.

There is no doubt that the more powerful beings have sharper perceptions, and are more able to perceive the essence of things.

This blood-red demon's perception ability is obviously far more than that of ordinary demons, so at first glance, he felt a huge threat from the holy light.

"It was you who killed Old Demon?" The blood-red demon looked at Rowe with a gloomy voice.

Rowe looked unmoved, but he was very nervous. For no other reason, he recognized the identity of this blood-red demon - Mephisto.

There are many demon lords in hell, each lord has his own territory and power, and maintains his own rule.

But these lords are also divided into high and low strengths, some are unknown, and some are powerful.

Among them, the most fierce and famous **** lord is undoubtedly Mephisto. Although **** does not have a king unanimously recognized by the demons, in the eyes of many people, Mephisto is the uncrowned king of hell.

Rowe had expected the appearance of the Lord of Hell, but he did not expect Mephisto to come, and it came so quickly.

Therefore, as soon as Mephisto appeared, a little cold sweat could not help oozing out of his forehead. Fortunately, the legitimate retreat is almost complete, otherwise he would have to explain it here.

"You are Mephisto, the king of hell?" Rowe didn't answer, trying to drag the time as long as possible.

"King of hell? There is no king in hell." Mephisto said.

Immediately, his eyes returned to the Holy Light: "Outsideer, although I don't know your identity, I am very interested in this power in you, so you must come with me."

Saying that, Mephisto stretched out his hand to Rowe. His hands are similar to those of most demons, and they also have beast-like sharp claws, as if they can easily tear a life's throat.

Rowe hurriedly called Sanqi.

Holy Shield!

The activation of the Holy Shield technique seems to take no time at all. With just a thought, the rune holy light has enveloped his body, making him invincible.

Immediately, Mephisto's claws stood on top of the Holy Shield, and it stopped abruptly, unable to advance an inch.

Mephisto frowned slightly, and his hands burst into blood, and then he grabbed the Holy Shield with all his five fingers.

The result was the same as before, the Sacred Shield remained motionless, not even a single ripple appeared, and it was eerily calm.

This time, Mephisto was a little shocked, and looked at Rowe's holy shield in disbelief.

After consuming a few fragments of Divine Shield, Rowe smiled: "Lord Mephisto, see you by fate."

Mephisto snorted coldly, and he turned his hand and took out a twisted long blade that was pitch-black as ink, and slashed towards the holy shield.

Between the electric light and flint, the twisted long blade crossed a black arc in the air, as if splitting the void.


The twisted long blade fell, and there was a loud noise that was deafening.

Although the momentum is huge, in fact, the sound is completely stimulated by the twisted long blade itself and the air, and has nothing to do with the holy shield.

Because the sound indicates that the object is more or less damaged, and the holy shield does not have the property of being damaged at all, so naturally it will not make any movement due to the attack.

After the momentum passed, the Holy Shield still did not fluctuate.

While Mephisto was furious, he was about to launch the next attack.

Too bad he didn't have that chance.

Just as the retreating holy light rolled, Luo Wei's figure disappeared.


Mephisto's twisted long blade slashed immediately, leaving only a spreading crack in the ground.

Looking at the empty eyes, his hand holding the twisted long blade trembled slightly, and his blood-red face was also covered with haze.

He is the most powerful demon, and he is still in the home field of hell, but as a result, he let an unknown person run away struttingly. This is a shame!

In particular, the unprecedented sense of powerlessness in the face of the Holy Shield made this Demon King feel uneasy.

"...How could it be?" Mephisto couldn't help but recall the nightmarish feeling of powerlessness just now.

That thin layer of golden brilliance seemed to be insurmountable.

Although he has not used his full strength yet, he knows that even if he does his best, the result will still be the same. It is a completely different level of power.

Mephisto stopped in place and was silent for a long time.

After a while, two more demon figures came here. These two demon figures are generally humanoid, one of them is as black as ink, and the other is burning with raging flames.

If Luo Wei was still here, he would have recognized at a glance that this fiery demon was none other than the demon lord Zatanos who threw two hellfires at him, and the origin of the future Ghost Rider. .

Mephisto turned to look at them, but his face darkened a bit: "Black Heart, why are you here?"

The pitch-black demon said, "Zathanos invited me to be a guest, father."

Mephisto looked at Zatanus: "Do you have anything to do with my son?"

Zatanos snorted: "Mephisto You suddenly ran to my site, I haven't asked you yet! I invited Black Heart, but I didn't invite you!"

"An outsider killed your subordinate Earth Demon, I just passed by." Mephisto said lightly.

"Old Demon is dead?!" Both Zatanos and Heixin were shocked, and the flames on the former were even more throbbing.

Mephisto glanced at his son Heixin again, with an unknown meaning in his eyes, and then stretched out his hand: "It's just below that pit, but most of the corpses were destroyed, and only a few wreckage remained."

Zatanos looked at the deep pit, but suddenly asked, "How do I know it was killed by an outsider?"

Mephisto asked back, "Do you suspect it's me?"

Zathanos said nothing.

Mephisto went on to say: "You can see if you look at it... The power to kill Earth Demon will never belong to any demon."