Chapter 349: 【Dragon Man's Shield】

Zatanos heard the words and went to the vicinity of the deep pit. The body of Old Demon had been found by Mephisto and was placed beside the deep pit.

The death of Old Demon was quite tragic, most of his body was torn apart, the wound was full of scorch marks, and there was a faint trace of strange energy fluctuations.

This energy fluctuation is naturally the remnant of the Holy Light. Although it is about to dissipate, Zatanos, as a powerful demon lord, still feels a sense of threat and deja vu.

"This is..." The flames on his head throbbed, as if he was thinking of something.

Mephisto came over: "Why, have you seen this power before?"

Zathanos was silent for a moment: "I should have seen this power in an Asgardian fifteen hundred years ago."

Mephisto nodded: "It should be right, that outsider really looks like an Asgardian."

"Damn Asgardians!" Seeing the tragic corpse of Old Demon, Zathanos couldn't help clenching his fists.

"How did he get out of here?"

Mephisto: "Through some kind of powerful teleportation magic."

After a while, Mephisto looked at Hei Xin and said lightly, "Come back with me."

"Yes... father." Blackheart glanced at Zatanus, then left with Mephisto.

Seeing the figures of the two leaving, Zatanos narrowed his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.


I saw a flash of holy light, and Rowe's figure appeared next to Hearthstone.

After letting the venom leave his body, he rested for a while, and then opened the holy deed to check the harvest of this **** trip. After all, hundreds of large and small demons have also beheaded.

One reward for one devil, there are hundreds of rewards in total, although the standard space grid, garbage blueprints, and low-level experience books are the main ones.

The more valuable rewards include a few Divine Shield spell shards, which are almost equivalent to offsetting the last few used by the proper retreat.

A copy of Zhou Zhuo's experience book, Rowe also has a copy of Brian Bronzebeard's book of experience useless, and now Azeroth's monster opening duo is complete.

A large space, this reward appeared for the first time, but there is nothing to say, that is, a space with a relatively large capacity. The volume of a large space is one cubic meter, which is equivalent to a thousand standard spaces.

There is also a blueprint, forging blueprint: Shield of the Dragon.

Dragon's Shield

Standard Item Level: Level 6

Main Materials: Dark Iron, Dragon Blood, Mountain Blood

Dragon's Shield!

Although this shield is not the strongest shield in World of Warcraft, there is basically no doubt that it is the most famous. In the early days, almost everyone had a pair of anti-war and anti-cavalry. Later, it became one of the family heirlooms. Everyone knows that Luo Wei has used it more than once.

However, he has no interest in anti-riding now, so he took a look at the drawings and put away the drawings without thinking too much. After all, dual-wielding weapons is quite cool.

Overall, this trip to **** was a good one. If it hadn't been for the last encounter with the Demon King Mephisto, this trip would have been relaxing and enjoyable, and Rowe might have done it again the next day.

However, because of Mephisto, he thought about it for a while and felt that this kind of thing should not be frequent.

Maybe it was an accident to meet Mephisto, but as long as the big demon is killed, it is almost inevitable that the demon lord will come to the door.

Even an ordinary-level demon lord, the current Rowe is no match, let alone Mephisto.

He estimates that even Odin is no match for Mephisto in hell.

After thinking for a while, Rowe opened the Sanctuary again and turned to the spell book of Wrath of Vengeance.

The study of Vengeful Wrath first requires Holy Light Affinity Physique. He didn't have Holy Light Affinity physique before, so naturally he couldn't learn it.

Now that he has Holy Light affinity, such powerful spells must be practiced, and mastering the wrath of vengeance is one of the necessary conditions for unlocking the fifth layer of spells.

So next, Luo Wei devoted his energy to the cultivation of the wrath of revenge.

With the Holy Light affinity constitution, learning spells is easy. Even a spell like Wrath of Vengeance didn't take much effort to learn, and it only took three months to complete it.

Three months later, in a clearing on the moon.

Wrath of Vengeance!

Luo Wei's thoughts moved, and then a dazzling holy light suddenly rose from his body, covering his body instantly.

The dazzling holy light condensed and extended behind him, forming a pair of golden holy light wings in a blink of an eye, making him look like a holy angel, sacred and solemn.

With the appearance of the pair of holy light wings, Rowe only felt that his whole body was full of power.

Then he suddenly discovered that he could control the holy light wings behind him, which surprised him.

After all, in his impression, the pair of wings seemed to be just decorations and had no practical use.

Unexpectedly, after he tried to manipulate it, the pair of holy light wings fluttered and obviously generated lift.

And it's still quite strong lift. With just a little fan of the pair of wings, Luo Wei flew directly up to a height of tens of meters.

He quickly adjusted his posture to stabilize his body, and then carefully manipulated his wings while manipulating the magic floating cloak as a balance.

After a little stabilization, he stood in the air, and the wings of the holy light behind him flapped suddenly.

Immediately, with a flutter of his wings, Luo Wei turned into a bright golden rainbow and shot out, directly rushing out of the moon.

Although he had been prepared, such an amazing speed made Luo Wei completely lost his balance, and he flew in the starry sky for a while before regaining his shape.

"Phew—" Rowe landed back on the ground and exhaled.

He didn't expect these wings to be so powerful. He estimated in his heart that after turning on the Wrath of Vengeance, his strength should be able to improve a lot in a short period of time.

As expected of the paladin's signature skill!

Luo Wei practiced flying with holy light wings for a while Until the expiration of the rage of vengeance expired, he did not return to the pyramid again.

While walking on the road, he checked the holy deed.

Wrath of Vengeance has been mastered, let's see what conditions still need to be met to unlock the spells of the fifth tier.

There are six spells in the fifth layer, namely Holy War Horse, Retribution Aura, Holy Prism, Holy Storm, Lay on Hands, and Seraph.

Among them, the Holy Storm and Lay on Hands have made him long for it for a long time, and naturally he can't wait.

However, after seeing the description of Sanqi, Luo Wei couldn't help frowning slightly and fell into thought.

Level 5 spell unlocking conditions: To form a knight group, the knight group needs to have at least three qualified new paladins, one each for holy, punishing, and defensive... After the formation of the knight group, the fifth level spells are unlocked and can be learned directly Horse of the Holy Spirit.

Form a knighthood?