Chapter 352: 【Advanced Dragon】

Outside the teleportation hall, nearly 100 elite warriors approached, including a team of Valkyries. The Valkyries led none other than Valkyrie.


"Long time no see." Valkyrie looked at Rowe.


Since Hela left Asgard, Rovey spent most of the time on the moon, and occasionally came back to stay at home or accompany El, but he and many people have not seen him for a long time.


"Where are you going?" Luo Wei asked casually.


"Go to Warnerheim to catch a dragon," Valkyrie said.


"One end?" Rowe looked at their formation again, a little surprised.


Heimdall said: "It is a high-level dragon, powerful, and it can change its shape, so it is not easy to deal with."


The high-level giant dragon is the divine power among giant dragons. It is very rare, and its strength is obviously stronger than that of ordinary giant dragons. It is not an exaggeration to deal with a high-level giant dragon.


"I wish you all the best." Rowe said to Valkyrie and the others.


Heimdall then opened the Rainbow Bridge, teleporting a hundred soldiers to Wanaheim, and Rowe also walked out of the hall.


Unexpectedly, before taking a few steps, four more people came running in front. The leader was a burly blond young man who looked like Xu Jinjiang, naturally Thor.


"Come on, I'm going to hang the faucet on the gate of the Golden Palace this afternoon!" Thor said while rushing towards the teleportation hall.


He didn't have a hammer yet, and the weapon he used was a huge immortal steel battle axe whose name seemed to be "Iron Bear".


Behind Thor are three young men, one with a gentle appearance and black hair, who is his younger brother Loki, and the other two, one fat and one thin, but two of the three warriors of Asgard in the future.


Logically speaking, Luo Wei shouldn't have much impression of the two of them. After all, he is also a battle-hardened elder, an Asgard deity with a priesthood, and these two are still young boys.


Even in the movie, the three warriors of Asgard are very inconspicuous characters, and most audiences can't name them.


However, in fact, Luo Wei has a deep impression on the three warriors.


Needless to say, Hogan, as the prince of the Warner Protoss, has a certain reputation in himself. When Rowe personally rescued him from the trolls, he naturally recognized him.


Fandral is Bart's son, and Bart is an old friend of Rowe.


Vorstag, the fat man among the three warriors, although he has nothing to do with Rowe, he has a high reputation in Asgard.


The reason Vorstage is famous is very simple. He married early and had many children. He and his wife were less than 300 years old together, but they had already given birth to five children. This was a miracle in Asgard, where the fertility rate was extremely low, so he became famous. .


Thor didn't have time to pay attention to Rowe, so he hurried into the teleportation hall with the three behind him.


Luo Wei turned around and observed them silently for a while.


As soon as he entered the teleportation hall, Thor looked around and quickly asked, "Heimdall, have they left?"


Heimdall: "What's the matter, Thor?"


Thor stepped forward and said, "Teleport us here too. That giant dragon is in Warnerheim, right? I will cut off its head with my own hands and hang it on the gate of the Golden Palace!"


Heimdall shook his head and refused without hesitation: "No, unless there is an order from Your Majesty, I won't do it."


"Why?" Thor frowned.


Heimdall said calmly: "This time is different. What's making trouble in Warnerheim is a high-level dragon, very powerful. It's too dangerous for you."


"There is no value in challenging without danger." Thor said, "Heimdall, believe me, I can definitely do it."


"His Royal Highness Thor, you are not only a warrior, but also the prince of Asgard, the future god-king." Heimdall was unmoved.


Thor was about to speak, but Loki, who was beside him, tugged at him: "Forget it, Thor."


Thor frowned: "Loki, I have to go. I have promised Sif that I will give her the most perfect dragon scales."


Loki: "When they kill the dragon, all you need is a dragon scale."


"No, this is deception." Thor shook his head repeatedly.


"You didn't say that you must defeat the giant dragon yourself. Besides, it is a high-level giant dragon, and almost no one can kill it alone. Even if you go there, you will definitely defeat the giant dragon with everyone." Loki advised road.


Thor was silent, but his brows did not stretch. After a while, he looked at Heimdall again: "Heimdall, we are friends, right?"


Heimdall smiled, then suddenly his expression changed, his eyes looked into the distance, and he didn't speak for a while.


Thor: "What's wrong?"


Heimdall looked back, and Yoyo said, "It's nothing, I just saw Sif go to Haldo."


Thor's face changed instantly, just like the expression he had when he saw Team America shake Mjolnir.


"Thor, let's go back," said Vorstage.


Thor's face changed for a while, he stopped for a moment, and finally turned and left without saying a word.




Leaving from Rainbow Bridge, Rowe went to Andel's house.


Andel already has a wife and children. After Laufey invaded the earth, there were few wars in Asgard, so his life was quite peaceful.


However, Ander's opinion does not seem to have changed. He still believes that medical skills can better protect himself and his family. When Luo Wei came, he happened to see him taking care of the medicine garden.


"Ander, your medicine garden is really getting richer and richer." Rowe helped him prune an herb.


"Actually, I'm thinking about becoming a healer and living a more peaceful life," Ander said.


Rowe looked at him and asked, "So, are you still interested in learning my medical spells?"


Ander was startled when he heard this.


Luo Wei continued: "If you still want to learn, I can teach you. Of course, this is conditional."


"Why did you suddenly change your mind You were not interested in teaching me before." Ander couldn't help asking.


Rowe: "I can infuse Holy Light faster now, and I have a helper. Maybe in 20 years or less, I can make you gain Holy Light affinity and learn Holy Light's medical magic."


"What are the conditions?" Ander thought for a while.


"Join my knight order, the Silver Hand." Rowe then briefly explained the situation and requirements of the knight order, just like he told Thor.


Finally, he paused and asked, " about it, Ander, do you want to be the first Holy Knight in the history of the Silver Hand?"


Ander has always wanted to learn Holy Light's medical spells. In order to achieve this wish, he was even willing to be Rowe's entourage for five hundred years.


Although there is no war at the moment, but Luo Wei's conditions are not harsh, so he made a decision after thinking for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, I will join."

