Chapter 353: 【Rage of Vengeance】

Luo Wei smiled: "Tomorrow I will take you to the new Corbin star."


"New Corbin?" Ander was startled when he heard the words.


Rowe: "Before you, the Silver Hand has recruited a Disciplinary Knight on the New Corbin Star, that is, the helper I said, and I will infuse you with the Holy Light with him."


Ander hesitated for a moment: "I want to stay in New Corbin for twenty years?"


"I'll take you back to Asgard on a regular basis, but you do spend most of your time on New Corbyn until the Light infusion is complete," Rowe explained. "It might be a bit of a hassle, but Bill also It is that chivalrous knight who is the guardian of the Corbyns, and according to his oath he cannot stay away from home for long."


"Okay." Ander nodded.


"Go directly to the teleportation hall at noon tomorrow, I will wait for you there." Rowe patted his shoulder and left.


At noon the next day, Luo Wei went to the Rainbow Bridge as scheduled, then waited in the teleportation hall, and occasionally chatted with Heimdall.


"You said crickets fart?" Rowe asked.


"Yes, I heard it with my own ears." Heimdall nodded firmly.


The all-seeing eye is just a metaphor, Heimdall's divine power also includes "all-hearing", so you can naturally hear all kinds of strange sounds.


Just as the two of them were talking, Heimdall's expression suddenly changed and he became nervous. At the same time, his pupils glowed, obviously seeing something important.


"What's the matter, what happened?" Luo Wei got up from the steps.


Heimdall clenched the sword of guardian, and said after a while: "The team chasing the high-level red dragon is fighting hard, and the situation is not good, Rowe, you'd better go and help them."


"Okay." Luo Wei took out the Demon Slayer Sword and the Ice Extreme Blade.


"It's a vicious beast that likes to eat Protoss, you have to be careful." Heimdall said, "It really doesn't work, I'll take you back to Asgard."


As soon as he finished speaking, he opened the Rainbow Bridge and sent Luo Wei over.


Seeing a flower in front of him, Luo Wei was in a vast forest, but at this time the forest was burning with flames, just like a forest fire.


The air was filled with the smell of smoky fire, and there was coke from trees everywhere.


"Roar-roar!!" An earth-shattering dragon roar came from the sky.


Luo Wei looked up and saw a fiery red dragon hovering in the sky, like a red sky, covering the sky and the sun.


The size of this high-level red dragon is almost twice that of an ordinary giant dragon, and the fiery dragon flame surging in its mouth is very terrifying.


Feeling the sense of oppression emanating from its huge body, Luo Wei suddenly froze.


As expected of a high-level dragon...


It's just that the red dragon's condition is not good at this time. It has been injured in many places, and there is a huge blood hole on the dragon's wings.


These injuries are obviously caused by the pursuit team, and the warriors of Asgard have also paid a huge price for this, with heavy casualties.


"Roar!" Just when Rowe arrived, the red dragon swung its giant tail and slammed towards Valkyrie and the Pegasus under her crotch.




At a critical moment, another Valkyrie rushed up on her horse, pushed Valkyrie away, and blocked the sweep of the dragon's tail by herself.


Immediately after hearing a neigh, the Valkyrie even flew out with her horse and her horse, and finally smashed into the rock like a meteor, making a loud noise: "Boom!"


Behind Luo Wei, the magic floating cloak stirred, and flames spurted from his feet, rushing to the sky.


The red dragon with fierce flames saw Luo Wei, and suddenly stopped other actions. A pair of dragon eyes suddenly became sharp and stared at him.


To be precise, he was staring at the dragon armor on Rowe.


However, because the red dragon's body is too large, the size of its eyeballs is similar to that of a human being, but Luo Wei couldn't tell which part of him it was staring at, but felt more and more intense hatred in its eyes.


The hatred in the red dragon's eyes instantly rose to its peak, and Luo Wei became the only existence in its attention.


At this moment, with a soft drink, the sad and angry Valkyrie rode his Pegasus over the back of the giant dragon, waving the long sword in his hand, and the dragon's blood splattered immediately.


"Roar—" The red dragon was scratched with a wound several meters long. Although it was not deep, it made it scream in pain.


Luo Wei seized the opportunity to unleash the wrath of revenge, and instantly spread two dazzling wings of holy light behind him.




As soon as Shengguang's wings fluttered, he passed a violent sonic boom in the air, and then appeared on the top of the red dragon's head.


This red dragon has been in chaos in Warnerheim for a long time, and it is especially good at eating people. Naturally, it is also sinful and cannot be tolerated by the Holy Light.


"Boom!" With a loud noise, the holy light burst out under the double blades, blowing the top of the red dragon's head into a **** mess.


It is also a high-level giant dragon with rough skin and thick flesh, otherwise it would have died long ago.


Even so, it was still badly injured, and at the same time a dizziness, if the hair on its head, this blow would be enough to make it bald.


"Roar—" The red dragon roared angrily, and a fiery dragon flame suddenly spewed out from his mouth, sweeping across the sky and covering the sky.


The so-called high-level giant dragon can be regarded as the supernatural power and supernatural power in the giant dragon. However, with the same abilities, the differences brought about by races can form a world of difference.


The fifth-level power user of human beings is like Apocalypse, and in Asgard, it is about the level of the second-level power user. As the most powerful race in the universe, any high-level giant dragon has no less powerful abilities than the second-level divine powers of the Protoss.


Therefore, under the sweep of the dragon flame, although Luo Wei was a flame god, he still felt the heat, and quickly fluttered the wings of the holy light to get out of the range covered by the dragon flame.


The red dragon followed and turned the direction The dragon flames surged wildly, vowing to burn him to ashes.


It's just that its huge body can't keep up with the super speed brought by the Wrath of Vengeance Holy Light's wings when it turns. No matter how it adjusts its force, it can hardly hurt Rowe.


Luo Wei flew up and down around the red dragon with a pair of ice blades and a demon sword, and a pair of sharp blades left wounds on its body in a blink of an eye. The killing of ice and holy light made these wounds even more tragic.


The remaining Asgardian warriors, including Valkyrie, kept attacking the red dragon in accordance with Rowe's rhythm.


After a while, the red dragon, who was tired of dealing with it, was covered in bruises, and there were not many complete dragon scales on its huge body.




Finally, it couldn't hold it any longer. With a huge dragon wing, it turned around and flew away, leaving only an unwilling roar.


Rowe hurried to catch up.


Needless to say about the speed of Shengguang's wings. Although the red dragon looks cumbersome when turning, it flies at full speed. The speed is not slow, and it is not inferior to Shengguang's wings.


In the blink of an eye, one person and one dragon flew a long distance and came to the vicinity of a volcano.


Seeing the volcano not far away, the red dragon did not hesitate and plunged into the crater where the lava was faintly surging.


At the same time, its huge body changed rapidly, shedding its dragon body and turning into a human shape.

